Batwoman #3 Storytime

"The Many Arms of Death" part three!
















intentional l-lewd.






I don't think that's really true, Kate

>“The Many Arms Of Death” finale! Batwoman's been following the trail of the deadly weapon Monster Venom, while simultaneously trying to discover what became of her lost lover, Safiyah…but what happens when those two roads meet? And how does it all connect to the death of Batwoman's mother? A terrifying new threat is unleashed on the world when the true nature of the Many Arms Of Death is revealed!



The end

What is this fuckable fruit and where can I get some?

Thank you.

Would a Del Toro Batwoman movie be good?

>that bingo

Papaya? Just go to the grocery store man

I'm actually liking this, thanks OP
Maybe the lightning will strike twice like with Humphries on Green Lantern

Also why is Kate so pale

Is anyone finding this series boring? I don't think Batwoman can't carry a book herself. There's really nothing interesting in Kate other that she's gay. I've been reading Dixon's Birds of Prey, its ridiculous how much chemistry is there between Babs and Dinah.

Is Julie /ourgirl/?


Have they ever given a reason why she's so fucking pale?

Nice cover

A bat-shaped monitor just seems less useful than a rectangular one.
