It's a definite 3 out of 5 or 6/10 average and you can't dispute this. It's pretty startling how this show lost its way

It's a definite 3 out of 5 or 6/10 average and you can't dispute this. It's pretty startling how this show lost its way.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm going to post this for the nth time.
>Something is going to change this time.
Good luck OP.


We're one episode away from the end. Don't you think it's fair to evaluate its flaws by now

I dispute this. It's more like a 7 or 8/10.

Yeah for the 305th time this week.

> It's pretty startling how this show lost its way.
How it all went so wrong? I know WHAT, but how? SBT was amazing. Did working for Sony really break Genndy so much?

Nice opinion fagtron I can take tonal shifts so I think it's 9/10


Wtf I fucking HATE samurai jack now

Oh look another Samurai Jack complaining thread

It's a definite 9 out of 10 or 9/10 average and you can't dispute this. It's pretty startling how this show kept its way.

>another Jack hate thread
Why not throw in cringy video rants while we're at it?

Samurai Jack isnt Guts
Stop trying to make him Guts
Yeah episode 3 was kino as fuck but the whole season cant be that. It wouldnt be Samurai Jack. The show actually went back to being Samurai Jack, but less episodic and with the objective to end the series.
Let Jack be happy or die trying.

How many times will you make this thread?

I just think they shouldn't have marketed it as grittier or more adult in theme, which is what we were led to believe via the trailers

Kek dat vocal minority.

>MisAnthro Pony


The beginning was to show how deep in depression Jack has gotten after losing his purpose and slowly rebuilding the drive he needs to face Aku again. Having him stuck in sudoku mode is fucking pointless.
That being said this season still feels like it would've done better pacing wise as a full 13 episodes, but there's really not much you can do about that

Holy shit this video


why not just wait until the last episode? you know someone's gonna do it anyway


Yeah. That's all we've been fucking doing. Don't you have anything better to do or do you just need to lurk moar? Have a look at the catalogue, there's usually AT LEAST 5 different samurai jack threads open.

I'm not so much on the GRR WHERE'S THE GRIT train so much as it just doesn't have that feel of the original series. And I know it's partially because we need to barrel to an ending here, but everything feels so rushed. Like Genndy didn't get the memo they'd be three episodes short until they finished the third one, so suddenly everything's lurching forward with none of those big ambient moments onward minus Jackie's Magical Boatride. I also feel like a lot of the action seems a bit stiff and 'loose' for lack of a better word compared the original as well.
I also absolutely fucking loathe Ashi but that's a rant that just ends up sounding like (you) bait so I'll keep it to myself.

He is right though

Regardless of your opinion of the Ashii heavy focus from the second half onwards, you gotta admit Episodes 1-3 are some of the best pieces of animation to air in the last few years.

Oh no the first three are unironically damn good.

Which just makes the ball drop onward even more painful and baffling.

Of course, it involved killing Ashis after all.

Everyone agrees the first three episodes or so were extremely well done, especially pacing wise. The chase scene that was painfully slow was the purpose, was to cause tension. Everything else afterwards was rushed and it shows, nothing was actually there to develop and if anything did develop, which was few, could have been done better if more time was dedicated to it instead of other things. For example the Ravers/dance scene went on for a little too long wasting precious time that they already don't have.

>3/5 or 6/10
So you're telling me that this show matches the quality of other slightly high average shows like Camp Lazlo, 6Teen, Modern Simpsons, and SAO? You, OP just ordered bullshit.
Seriously, Samurai Jack is beyond the 6/10 league. It's more of an 8-9/10, because it's pretty damn good.

Id give it a 8.5/10

Some people think Ashi is the problem but honestly I saw nothing majorly wrong with the plot, which was pretty great

All complaints or most of them would have been fixed with another 10 episodes
This season simply needed to be longer

>post yfw OPs pic is in the last ep

I would give it a way better score, like 4/5
I think the only real problem is dramatic tone vs Aku being the his usual silly self. Also There was no need of JackXAshi already, without a timeskip of sort


Everything after has been damn great as well, though.

>wasting precious time that they already don't have.
That's like 90% of the problem, really
The original show wasted tons of time all the time but was episodic and never needed to actually get anywhere so it was okay
But now people actually want it to go somewhere because it's billed as the true ending

Fuck off, it's great

But if you contrarians have to settle for 6/10, that says something

i dont like how a love interest was introduced this fucking late.
it almost seems like its something gendy discovered he wanted in the show years after it got canceled.
and then by some miracle the show comes back for a final season, he goes through with it and it kinda ruins it.

Threadly reminder that people didn't start talking about how bad Season 5 was after Ashi became a main character, they started showing up after Episode 3 because Sup Forums liked it too much. If you have actually been swayed by this campaign then you are a worm. And there ARE those among you who have been swayed. You can lie to us, but you cannot lie to yourself.

>You can't dispute this because I said so

Fuck off

Lets see what people think

Tumblr shills pushing this new narrative and hard. Go back to your cartoons about internet memes and talking to transexual unicorns.

I'm sitting at an 8.5 or 9

>they showed up a single episode before the actual point it became shit
that makes a world of difference


Episodes 1-3 are overrated and 2/3 are just stretched out versions of Jack vs. the Ultrabots, and the pacing has been fine aside from maybe 5 and 7. People praise episode 2 for being slow as fuck and credit that as good pacing, then bitch about how later episodes are either rushed or too slow, whichever is convenient for them.

>before the actual point it became shit
That never happened though.

Really pacing problems didn't show up until ep 7. Even then. 7-9 more dipped into the B- range at the lowest. 1-6 are fantastic. 1-3 insanely good.

8 and 9 are the best episodes since 2, though.

8 and 9 are paced fine within themselves, it's just that at that point people wanted to be resolving things. That's especially true for 8 since it was basically filler aside from developing Jack and Ashi's relationship.

Samurai Jack season 5 is a 3.5/10 on average at this point in time.
In case anyone thinks this is shitposting, I'm just copying my ratings from E1 7/10
E2 6/10
E3 5/10
E4 2/10
E5 4/10
E6 1/10
E7 3/10
E8 0/10
E9 ?/10
(I can't rate the first half of a two-parter by itself.)

>my opinion is fact
Fuck off underage.

>that like/dislike ratio


>E8 0/10
>Sup Forumsmblr is still that mad

What is the name of female Japanese nationalist and dictator?

Jashi is actually the one thing I didn't mind in and of itself. It wasn't enough to get the ep even 1 point.

E8 is probably one of the episodes most like the original series, and most people have very selective memories of the series. 95% of the hate for it comes from shipping.

What kind of sword attack does Jacks waifu prefer to use?

>heaven forbid people not want pointless shipping
gettin' real sick of the ADF

No, I agree. Honestly I didn't have too many problems with 7-9 Either. 8 threw me for a loop but I appreciate how they played it off in 9. I'm excited for the finale. honestly 7 out of all of them is the one that could have done with an extra episode dedicated to it. Maybe 9 too, just to have some more relationship moments. Looking back, 8 works well as it's own isolated piece between episodes.

Even tumblr's gotten over it.

Sup Forums is the only place still assblasted about it.

I thought the pacing in E1 was shit, but it had some of the best visuals this season, particularly the river of screaming corpses. Holy shit.

I'm in the minority, but I prefer e3 to 2.

I know you're probably trolling but what honestly meets your standards? What could possibly be at least an 8/10 for you? I can't imagine the original Jack would go beyond a 6 or 7/10 according to your scale. What the hell is your 10/10?

>An episode with Zoidberg got 0/10

Imagine if we lived in a world where media is held by such autistic standards

>God forbid people choose to not let something "pointless" ruin a show for them

Evil Ashii was the end game. The show moved steadily toward that and hinted it. The romance was necessary. The show didn't meander around at all. Building a relationship takes time, don't you guys know that?

>make it into The Ashi Show
>'this is unnecessary'
>wow why is 85% of the content enough to ruin it for you

>Ten episodes stay at the pacing/quality of eps 1-3 and end with Jack getting the sword back
>Quality/hype stay up and Genndy gets the final battle greenlit as a movie like he wanted

Find a flaw.

Sorry OP, but I really disagree.

You have a show that starts out by shaping the depths of depression and disillusionment Jack faces after 50 ageless years of failing his purpose. He's gone native; dishevelled and disregarding many aspects of his teachings in favour of pure survival in the world he's now stuck in.

He's given a glimpse of hope, a few moments of love-struck happiness in a lifetime of constant toil and effort. He makes peace with his inner turmoil and finds his way back to the honourable, principled individual who was sent to the future in the first place.

Only to discover that the subject of his desires is yet another aspect of Aku. One that he has to kill.

This is a pretty compelling story arch.

I agree with the arc being compelling. But I think the actual execution has been lacking after episode 6.

I felt episodes 1-6 were pretty much golden (with a few moments here and there I didn't care for. Like the "Samurai Drop" song). Episodes 7+ have felt very odd in their execution to me. Not inherently bad, but have felt off.

I also wasn't a fan of how the Guardian was handled. If he doesn't show up in the last episode, I'll be sorely disappointed with how that plot element wasn't really resolved.

The Guardian plot element has already been resolved: Aku destroyed his time portal and that's that, the broken glasses already tell us he lost the fight and it doesn't matter if he's still alive or not since his purpose is over.

Close, I'd say it's a 7/10. A few aspects make it worthwhile, but it's very hit and miss with a weak middle.

I didn't fall for the first three episodes' hype. It was 8/10 at best, just tacticool explosions and action fanservice to draw new viewers unfamiliar with the series in. However, I will say it didn't drop ball that hard, just switched back to the previous seasons in tone.

Jack with his sword in OP's pic is incredibly misleading, so Genndy can suck a fat one for that.

>so Genndy can suck a fat one for that.

I wouldn't say that yet. Who knows how long Jack will be in captivity with Aku until he gets free?

Maybe Ashi will ask him to keep it.

It's great with occasional tonal / pacing hiccups that were already an issue in the original show.

Did you seriously needed an entire post for your butthurt?
it's 5/5
let me guess
>muh time guardian
>muh king jack
>muh pacing
>ashi is shit
>muh headcannon didn't came true

>TFW people would have a higher opinion of S5 if the first 3 episodes were bad

They were too kino for their own good. Nothing could have lived up to them.

8 out of 10 is more accurate.

Literally the only problem is that it could have done with one or two more episodes to space things out a bit. It's still an excellent series in terms of animation, composition, sound design, use of colour, humour, etc.

>Jack is not on screen
>"Where's Jack?"
>Ashi Show


And it's not pointless if it makes up 85% of the show, is t? :^)

>using the poochie argument for the titular character
>against fucking ashi of all things
oh i'm laffin

come to think about it, I don't think anyone in the entire show has asked "where's Ashi?"

You people are affected by nostalgia. The current season isn't worse or better than the previous four.

That is the definition of insanity: doing same thing over and over again, expecting different results

Isn't Ashi the titular character of "The Ashi Show?"

Ah, right, I shouldn't be expected to hold autists accountable for things they say 30 seconds ago

That'd be a bit difficult considering...

Shit has she even mentioned her name to Jack, all I remember is her hot mom screaming it.

>taking things this literally
>it's the other guy that's the autist

I'm not sure if I've ever given a 10/10 to an episode of ANY show, but the following original Samurai Jack eps are definite 9s at the very least:
Jack and the Zombies
Jack and the Scarab
Jack and the Traveling Creatures
Jack and the Haunted House
(It's funny how they're all from season 3, yet I've always thought of season 4 as the strongest season. Gonna have to re-evaluate that...)

It's not startling at all, it's just disappointing. The first three episodes were had all the same Jack charm, but none of the mediocre stuff from the original series. We had a Sammy Davis robot in the first episode, and we all loved that classic Jack energy he reminded us of. We also got the strong art direction we always loved, and lastly the promise of a tighter narrative.

Episode four, which I still generally liked, told me they had expended most of their energy already. What should have been a ton of memorable set pieces inside the monster ended up being rather dull in comparison to the one outside the monster at the start of the episode. You see sparks of creativity here and there, but 5-8 mostly just reminded me of the mediocre episodes of Jack, only difference is that they were all part of one ongoing story now.

>losing your beard just to grow it back again

>backpeddling this hard
>I-I was only joking


i'd say a solid 8/10. loses one point from the writing and one point from the animation
other than that it's pretty great

This sure is going to be an interesting place to be come Saturday night/Sunday morning.

How long do you think it will take for the disappointment to truly sink in? For the first couple of days after Gravity Falls finale, you had people in serious levels of denial, some were posting MUH FEELS over it being finished or the pretentious picture book credits sequence. After a few days when the Hirsch drones fled back to tumblr and reddit, realization started to sink in that the whole thing was grossly underwhelming, now its almost universally regarded here as one of the worst finales to a great series ever concocted.

Didn't say it wasn't resolved; said it wasn't "really" resolved.

The original episode showed the Guardian stating that Jack couldn't use the portal yet, depicting a bearded Jack inside the portal.

Cut to the present, the portal is destroyed.

Now everyone who is okay with this parrots "The future isn't set in stone", which is a rationalization for bad writing. An author who deliberately and consciously establishes a plot element as being relevant to the ultimate conclusion of the story and then handwaves it away at the last second because "the future isn't set in stone" is not committing to the story they originally wrote.

Looking back, I find it funny that people complained about how the series needed to start wrapping up at episode 7 or so and that episode 8 wasted time, but consider episode 2 part of the sacred cow trilogy. I say that because what exactly did episode 2 add? You could sum it up as "Assassins attack Jack, he kills one but is wounded."

I really think the pacing complaint has largely just become a way to say they don't like it. If the later episodes speed up, the pacing is too fast, but if they slow down, they're going too slow and need to speed up. But it's ok for the first three episodes to have slow pacing.

>When fans of a series go somewhere else, you see more hate towards it

My almonds are activated


There was no original story and they never planned to reach any conclusion, the SJ series is full of these open ends that weren't supposed to be expanded upon and they only made the glasses scene because they knew people would throw a shitfit if they completely ignored the guardian.
It's just a nod saying "yeah we didn't forget about the guardian but his plot element doesn't fit what we have in mind for S5 so we just killed him off".

Let me take this slowly so it sinks in.
Focusing on the titular character: Good!
Focusing on a new character that adds little but we deeply, deeply pretend she does: Bad!
The fact she does this BY focusing on the main herself doesn't make it less awful or make it any less focused on her.

>Episode four, which I still generally liked, told me they had expended most of their energy already. What should have been a ton of memorable set pieces inside the monster ended up being rather dull in comparison to the one outside the monster at the start of the episode.
I don't really see how it was any more dull than E1-3

Only if we pretend Ashi is not a titular character of season 5, which is pretty much what Sup Forumsmblr is doing,
>II'll pretend ashi is not a main character and then claim the series is focusing too much on an irrelevant character because I say so.

Nothing you said actually counters the point I made.

>There was no original story and they never planned to reach any conclusion,

If the authors never planned to reach a conclusion, they should not have so clearly and unequivocally established a plot element that would be relevant to the conclusion of the story. "They didn't plan on the show ever ending" is just another rationalization of bad writing. If an author doesn't have a conclusion, they should not make one up and then ignore it later when it turns out "Oops, we *do* get to make a conclusion!"

Ultimately, this means they were either bad writers then, writing a conclusion they never meant to fulfill, or they're bad writers now, ignoring clear and present plot elements because they don't want to deal with it.

Either way, it's bad writing.

>Dark gritty opening episodes bring in newfag audience who think Samurai Jack is supposed to be Berserk
>Further episodes lift Jack out of his funk and the style returns to the way the show has always been
>Newfags are butt-blasted that Samurai Jack is in fact a Genndy cartoon
>Newfags baw on Sup Forums every single day hoping if they wail loud enough they'll somehow make the show bad