Admit it, if this were released today, all of you would call it SJW crap

Admit it, if this were released today, all of you would call it SJW crap

haha look at that fat horse

Maybe. SJWs weren't a thing back then.

Admit it, you're a massive faggot.



>implied romance and strong suggestions that she's going to marry the main guy by the end of the film


t. someone whose knowledge of activism and the fringe drama it creates is limited to the modern internet era

Nope. Her two biggest moments are taking out the army and the villain. Both by taking advantage of the terrain and few resources at her

They also didn't shit on men. They made jokes at their expense but thru were all valid.

Are you a time traveller? SJWs are nowhere near fringe, if anything it's being anti-SJW that is.

Unless you live in certain parts of the US, I guess.

What Happened on the fringe didn't really carry any weight until it gained the ability to be broadcast and carried world wide.

Maybe, isn't Sup Forums having a field week because you can choose to be a girl on multiplayer mode?

Honestly I don't see it. SJWism is only prevelant if you care enough to see it that way. After my stint on Sup Forums I've come to not caring about politics or groups like SJWs anymore. I don't have to care about them, they're only as prevalent as some random user on Sup Forums or Sup Forums says.

I'd rather just chill and enjoy the things I can enjoy. Without anyone saying something is SJW or not SJW.

Even the Sup Forumsack knows the fucking obvious!

They are. I don't get the issue. If you can play as a female ingame model for multiplayer that's fine, it's just Multiplayer, it's not hordes of Beefy American ladies with stilettos and lipstick storming Normandy.

Literally step outside your basement once in a while. SJWs are nowhere near the all encompassing scourge neckbeards and fedoras online like to pretend it is.

t. tumblr

Plot twist: I'm Canadian. You have no idea how bad it is here.
Though from what I've been told most of the US is full of them too now.

It was always Gynocentric propaganda shit by Disney the most Gynocentric Corporation in the world.

I honestly would not.

Maybe not, but Mulan DID come out during the 90s, you know the Gurl Powah decade that unfortunately very much affects current media. That was the era where they invented female characters who are unrealistically competent, had Boys Versus Girl episode where the boys HAVE to lose, etc.


Shitty college kids who think Marxism is cool and white people suck have been a thing since the 70s, user. Before they were called SJWs, we called them hippies.

Former Sup Forumsock. After Trump went and attacked Syria because of some pictures of sad kids, the place turned into a shithole between the NatSocs and the The_Donalds that worship him.

Plus I did some stupid things in my fanaticism for Trump last year and I just wanted to get off the Trump train.

Wot game?

I think some people would. I watched the film back last week or so, and it can be construed as slightly preachy. I enjoyed it, but if you want to go down that path you can easily use confirmation bias on a few scenes.

The thing is Mulan is getting a remake so you get the chance to see if everyone calls it SJW crap. They probably will.

How is that tumblr? He's right. SJWs aren't the fucking boogeyman you basement dwellers think they are.

Unless you're some privileged autistic white fuck who screams SJW whenever someone implies non-white males should be treated like humans too.

>Plus I did some stupid things in my fanaticism for Trump last year

Redpill us on your autism user.

Honestly this. They only sound loud because of tumblr and the internet, which at this point is just a amplified megaphone. I go outside and I don't see hordes of fat chicks demanding social rights for road signs or something like that. I just see average people walking around enjoying and going about their day.

I'm glad you got out of that hell-hole. I guess.

>SJWs aren't the fucking boogeyman you basement dwellers think they are.
Look at the modern state of Marvel and try saying that again with a straight face. Fucking idiot.

>the most Gynocentric Corporation in the world.
>most of the employees are men

Call of Duty: WWII

Thay say that it would kill the "realism" of the multyplayer mode

I didn't do anything too crazy, worst thing I did was get into a shouting match with my dear mother, because I was worried I would be smacked down for being Pro-Trump at the time. The truth was no one in my house really cared, they didn't agree with my idea, but they didn't try to put me down for it at all. My letting Sup Forums get the better of me is what made me lash out.

It's nothing crazy I know, but I feel great shame about it. We made up shortly after I walked off to cool down, and everything is fine between us (this was like last late summer), but still, it's not something I'm proud to admit.

>hating on natsocs
Get fucked normie

>men can't be feminist
wtf am i reading

But what kills this argument is that the internet and the real world were never more connected. See the effects that the net has on the media, on the streets, elections and politics. See the comment section of the video and try to count how much middle age normies are going full Sup Forums or /tumblr/ on it over a joke already made a thousand of times

>Sword instead of spears
This triggers my autism

Wait a sec, is this a still from the movie? I don't remember it. Or is it a promotional?

I'm saying they clearly have a limit to their opinion if they'd rather be surrounded by other men than by women

Gynocentric means woman "aways" on power user, in the sense that they would find female more fitting to lead the company, not because they want to push a agenda, but because it would be what they really belive

I'm glad too. Honestly your choices were NatSoc, or Trump gen, which at that point had become just the_donald. They didn't like the NatSocs because they were too extreme for what they wanted out of Trump, and the NatSocs of course hated the Trump Gen folk for basically not being NatSoc enough.

The Syria attack thing struck me hard because I wanted to be friendly with Syria and Russia, not just to work together to destroy ISIS once and for all, but to improve US-Russo relations away from Cold War feelings, to an overall better future. But now that's all more of less dead, and at that point I realized I had just elected George Bush Jr II into office. Plus after "Battle of Berkley", it just cemented that the two Wings in America had turned full retarded. The screaming now between Liberals and Antifa that are just against Trump to be against him, VS The_Donald and the Alt-Right defending their "God Emperor".

tl:dr I'll warn anyone reading this now, don't bother posting on Sup Forums, it's just a legit shithole, I've posted there for roughly a year, I should know.

Just like in other areas, women call the shots from behind the scenes. It's pretty much always been that way throughout human history, in fact.

i find it funny that they took a story about "if a girl can do it, you can too"
and turned it into a "girrl powaah" story

>Best piece of nationalism propaganda Disney has ever released
>SJW crap

Sup Forums really has fallen inward just like the lefties kek

But that's all media. Of course Media pays attention to that shit and ramps it up, it's how they get money, of course elections pay attention to it, it's how they get voted and constituents.

I'm talking about ACTUAL reality, just going outside of my house on a blue summer day and just looking around. I see none of that, I just see my city moving around as usual, folks going to eat or shop, etc. I've noticed it since I was a kid. While the media hits the trash can lid on the can itself to make noise about some scary disease of the month, I go outside to do something and I see no one really affected by said news, no one panicking or looking nervous, no evidence of it at all, Just the same normal outside world as always.

Is it wrong to say ALL of it sounds silly?

Nope, i think you hit the nail on the head.

Again, just come to Canada. Your opinion on SJWs will change in a hurry.

But it's a long established Chinese myth.

Be gentle on him; he didn't live through the 90's.

>Though from what I've been told most of the US is full of them too now.

Who the fuck did you hear that from, some whiny bitch online? Outside of the coastal cities and suburban high schools, the vast majority of America is full of gun-toting conservatives who believe in shit like prosperity theology and getting married to the first person you date. Even the coastal cities are primarily full of champagne dems, technocrat libertarians, and moderates.

Even tumblr hates it. Looks like they're casting races weird again, might make major changes to Mushu, and worst of all, aren't going to include Be A Man.
In short, 2D > 3D, and the songs if any will be shit.

They're loosing their shit over a netflix adaption of The Witcher cuz they thing black people will be in it Sup Forums is retarded

Some would but most people who actually watched it wouldn't. Still the small minority who bitch without seeing it would create hunfreds of threads

>not understanding that that strike was actually a specific action meant to tell multiple people and factions unique things each.
>i.e. To democrats and MSM to make them support him for fighting terrorists, to Putin and Syria to tell them that the US will side with them in matters of ISIS (they were warned a day in advance), and to the Middle East and ISIS that Trump won't take shit from terrorists like Obama did.
>a single move that gave just the right message to just the right people who needed to hear it, even when that message was vastly different for different parties. All while minimalizing loss of life.

You never really stood with Trump at all, did you.

>Looks like they're casting races weird again
To be fair the casting for Mulan wasn't exactly authentic
>aren't going to include Be A Man.
That's when I lost interest

They definitely did, except they were conservative christians and moms sperging out and moralfagging about bad words in music and video game gore instead of fat rainbow colored dykes and trannies crying that there aren't enough black people and pangendered disabled dragonkin cuntboys in comics/movies/TV/vidya.

Fuck it, that's probably why every guy with dual citizenship seems to be packing up and leaving.

Sadly, I'm not one of those privileged few.

All I know is make a man out of you is the best disney song ever made and I listened to it on repeat today while playing injustice.

>comic company trying to get a new audience because their old one is getting older and dying off and is failing miserably
That is plain bad business decisions, not because some dumb bitch made a shit video on youtube.

>Who the fuck did you hear that from, some whiny bitch online? Outside of the coastal cities and suburban high schools, the vast majority of America is full of gun-toting conservatives who believe in shit like prosperity theology and getting married to the first person you date. Even the coastal cities are primarily full of champagne dems, technocrat libertarians, and moderates.
Pretty much this, if you want a real den of "Fringe" liberals, I'd say look deep into California or the Democrat party HQ (I think).

There's more to Canada than Toronto you massive faggot. Hell, there's more to Toronto than Toronto.

Not him, but Marvel comics is a patethic company that almost sell nothing (both Big 2 are to be honest). Nobody fucking cares about comics, and Marvel ALWAYS tried to pander to what they thought was hippie with the kids. Always.

In the big scheme of things, big 2 comics are NOTHING, even their cartoons reach more people and have more impact.

Hey man, at least you weren't doing stuff like chanting memes and wearing pepe shit at demonstrations. Could've been a lot worse, and at least you've realized what you've done wrong and can grow from it. Just try to avoid totalitarian, radical, and populist movements in the future; they're toxic and restrict independent thought regardless of whether they're on the right or left.

I'm not Sup Forums but other than that you're not wrong.

You could always teach English abroad or (if you can afford it) get a master's abroad and settle down there after you finish your degree. There are some pretty accessible ways to leave the US.

>not including one of the best songs from any Disney movie, not just from Mulan

If they aren't putting in A Girl Worth Fighting For then there's 0% chance of it being decent. Those two songs really tie together the entire movie.

There aren't any jobs outside Toronto and Vancouver, and it and the GTA are even worse.
I've been to small towns across the country, they're all super-depressed shitholes with no young people

>If they aren't putting in A Girl Worth Fighting For then there's 0% chance of it being decent. Those two songs really tie together the entire movie.

Yuck. There is no such thing as a women worth DYING for. Ask the corpses of the idiotic white knights who got their asses murdered during the Dark Knight Rises theatrical opening defending the lives of twats. Now said twats are free to suck some other guy's cock while they either feed worms or got cremated after dying.

Fighting and dying for pussy is only for the foolish.


I have a Master's already, but the field isn't in high enough demand to hire a foreigner anywhere.
And the teaching English thing is impossible in most places (BTW I'm in Canada not the US).

>the republicans are in control every branch of the US government

Now, there are two options here:

1. You are a shut-in neckbeard who gets his view of the world from the internet.

2. SJWs are secretly right-wing.

What is more likely?

Sup Forums is chanology 2.0.

>literally have a point where the men have to become the stronger more intelligent 'women' to scale the building to fight the huns in the last act
yep, its SJW shit

Pretty sure I heard it isn't a musical at all, not sure though

Given that the real left has been dead since the Cold War ended, I'm gonna go with option 2.

>Plus after "Battle of Berkley", it just cemented that the two Wings in America had turned full retarded

Antifa clearly started that shit m8. They're the ones showing up at protests with smoke bombs and improvised bludgeons. And not everyone standing against them was alt-right, many were just pro-free speech moderates.

Not saying the right is filled with nothing but Mother Theresas, but don't be falling into this "both sides are equally bad" trap when 80% of the violence is clearly instigated by one side.

Dont for get

Oh here we go everyone. "3D Chess". The big excuse Trump Gen throws out when ever Trump does ANYTHING slightly questionable that goes against the interest of some of his supporters.

I stood with Trump because Hillary was clearly a horrible choice for America, and because I wanted the job industry to grow so I can have my first fucking job that no one seems to have for me for some reason. It's not my fault that Trump Gen and The_Donald turned into a cult of personality.

I'll humour you with a response for those who don't remember the film as well.

They use the technique Mulan used to retrieve the arrow to climb up the columns, this time using scarves but the same technique. The reason they're dressed as women is to fool the guards, as part of a plan, and it literally works. They dress up as women, distract the guards and save the day

*4D Chess
Get it right at least.

Can't it be everything?

This. It's something Sup Forums will also never understand. The demographic changed on them. Game companies are focusing on the young folks of the 2010s, not the 2000s, and certainly not the 90s. It's just buisness baby.

If it we released today Make a Man out of You and Mulan's motivation saving her father would trigger the landwhales into a sugar coma.

It was SJW crap back then, too. Only good thing to come out of it was that SZECHUAN DIPPING SAUCE, SON.

I'm 25. I assume most people on this board are around 20~. I can say that very few on here were teens/adults when it was released but given that the 1990s had its own proto-SJW movement I assume there were people on old internet forums bitching about liberal girl power bullshit.

>videogames are no longer teenage boys, they're autistic girls in college who want """"games"""" like gone home

I know you wanted to be profound but you just sound fucking retarded

I suppose I got swept up in the same feelings as during my "Commie" phase back in High School. That whole "wanting to be bigger than an individual" sort of feeling ya know?

Nah. I like stuff like Rogue One

If there was an out of nowhere lesbian love interest at the end, then i would consider it SJW crap.

All SJWs are dems, not liberals.

All dems are just right leaning centrists.

Real liberals are all socialists and capitalists, which until last year, were bad words in decent society. Bernie turned some heads, but now he won't run again so we have to wait another generation for another chance for an actual left wing party.

>board full of neonazis and monarchists and libertarians
>surprised when 2/3 of those groups take to their dear leader and are fully aware of it yet embrace it because they want an authoritarian state

You're a retard

Cross dressing just emasculation bullshit. Even Hulk Hogan (during his acting days) was forced to do this shit for a movie.

I lose respect for any man and hate any twat that forces this shit on male characters. Anyone remember how in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Link impresses the Gerudo (the all women thieves) with his combat prowess? They give him membership because of his talents for besting the Gerudo Women in combat. Bravo.

Now fast forward to Zelda Breath of the Wild? Link needs to cross dress like a faggot to interact with the Gerudo and even AFTER you save their shit hole country from getting destroyed by the giant robotic monster dungeon? They still won't let you in their shitty third world village unless you re-cross dress. Fuck Nintendo. And fuck this shit.

Well, to be fair girls now get all the jobs and thus all the money, while guys are increasingly homeless. It really is just business in that case.

One is pretty much all of Sup Forums far as I can tell.
>SJWs are Secretly Right-Wing
Wouldn't that be a twist.

>whining about syria

So basically you're a sandnigger from /sg/ angry at Putin and Trump for not sucking Assad's dick.

>he thinks a left wing politician will ever win in the US
how cute

>picking the wrong meme

It's a cartoon and was played for laughs, like the various other occurrences in different media

I didn't mean to imply that, Antifa is far worse, but my point was seeing Sup Forums acting triumphant for what was just an autistic shit slinging fest was the straw that broke my back.


I think in reality you're probably just a double digit IQ fellow who doesn't really understand politics or Sup Forums

People literally didn't care about childrens things back then.

Now we have an entire generation of man children who masturbate over nostalgia.