Archer Dreamland: Gramercy, Halberd!

Roughly twenty minutes until the new episode! Who's been keeping up, and what do you all think? Discussion is welcome, so I'll open with a question : would you watch a second season of Dreamland? I'd personally love to see a Red Scare plot with Jakov and Katya.

Follow-up: If there was a Red Scare plot, the CIA agents could easily become genuine FBI agents. Would Slater be wearing a suit? Would he trade in his mononym for "Agent"? I've really enjoyed the retro season, and I'm in the mood for a wild ride.


"Dutch" time!

So what are we doing, are we just jumping right into this or...?

Trexler is pretty fun. I forgot how much I missed the character.

Man, you don't waste any time, do you?

Yes it is, Other Dutch!

Can't watch it now because no Fxx but I'm excited to find out what happens next.

But a question for now When they realize Dutch is a cyborg will they assume he is all metal or will someone just shoot him in the face

Not Fat Mike!

As seen in the promo, he's pretty good at blocking with his wrists.


I missed the first half of the episode because I muted the TV.

Other Dutch can block bullets but Cecil cannot.

Also, halberds are fun.

Oh shit he's dead now?

Nope, just caught a case of the old Brett bullet magnetism

I love that the over references are setting-appropriate.

That is a pretty nice halberd

I fucking knew it!

>I mean, fucking halberds!
Someone at Teletoon forgot to censor that. Didn't get through the closed captioning though.

Do archer episodes warrant mega links, or just the usual approach.

I always like slip ups like that. Who likes noir with censored swears, anyway?

Sometimes they get megas. Last week's did, I think.

He died doing what he loved

Getting shot?

Beat me to it

Thank God no. He's much more entertaining as a creepy sisterbanger than as a boring philanthropist

someone post mega please and thank you

Was it really that surprising? Honestly, I'll be more surprised if other Dutch is dead.

I know it was telegraphed in Berenice but I'll take it as a win regardless

I think the last one might have crushed his head. That's the impression I got, anyway. Tying into the OP, if they did a second season we could see full cyborg Dutch.

No luck friend. I'm having a hell of a time finding it.

Shame about that murder tableau, though.

>Someone at Teletoon forgot to censor that.

Do they need to after 10PM?

I mean, hell, the CBC dropped a few 'fucks' in Bellevue, and that was on at 9 (and on the CB goddamn C)

Is it just me or are these episodes getting shorter and shorter? I don't think this one broke twenty minutes.

The last three have clocked in at 19 minutes and change. Part of it is that there's been a lot happening every episode, I think.

I kind of liked the idea that he confronts Mother, gets knocked out at the end, and the next season is a World War II flashback with another retooling of the characters. He could spend 6 or so episodes providing context for his hallucinations and the last two confronting Mother, and then wake up from the coma at the end and deal with aftermath in season 10.

I'd watch it. French nun Charlotte did things for me in the second episode.