ITT : Spinoff Ideas That Could Work


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Avatar - the legend of Cabbage merchant.

i unironically want this now

There are so many villains I want a show of. Slade always seemed more interesting than some mary sue group of edgy teens

Ms. Marvel - Spinoff from Avengers Assemble following Kamala Khan.

The Scotsman
Superman Beyond
Flash DCAU cartoon
The Hugh Neutron show
Galactic KND
Prince of the Hill (Bobby as the main character years later)
Brave and the Bold Superman cartoon

Years ago I said that the cabbage salesman's grandson should be wealthy yet angry at the Avatar for what he did to his grandfather. He would seek revenge against Korra and be a fearsome adversary. Oh well.

>Prince of the Hill
Terrible name. The first one worked because the family's name was Hill and king of the hill is a children's game so it's a play on words. Prince of the Hill is nothing.

Reminds me of pic related.

>older Bobby

Nah fuck you.

The Ashi show

>The Scotsman and his thicc glorious daughters will never have their own show
Why live

Stan and Ford at sea

but you already have it

>a waifu pandering spinoff

Sign me up

Every week Mabel is the contestant on a dating show. Who will she match with and how will their date go wrong?

Get out.

Animated Gotham Central

C'mon you know you want it.

When does she die?

The Tonight Show with Aku

Every date is someone just using her like the gnomes. Finally she gets her perfect guy that checks every box on the list.

He leaves her because she's a shitty person.

The Post-War Adventures of Lapis Lazuli

Sounds kool

Would watch actually if Mako voice

I could see this working really well with other Samurai Jack/Hanna-Barbera characters. Almost a Harvey Birdman type thing.

I smell crossover.

Hater Does It Better

like this one