Theoretically...could a symbiote disguise its bits as money...

Theoretically...could a symbiote disguise its bits as money, only to wither away long after it's been put into a cash register and forgotten? I see no reason why it couldn't, it would be the tits to have a symbiote

Instead of potentially losing a portion and creating another symbiote wearer why not just pull a dollar on a string trick?
When it's in the register just slowly unravel the fake and absorb it back.

Symbiote users, especially in the case of Venom, always shoot their webbing or goo all over the place, I doubt it's an issue.

Good point.

This pic is very lewd

>"Yay! An Iron Man of my own! I will hug him and love him and call him George!"

>Instead of potentially losing a portion and creating another symbiote wearer

Why the fuck would that happen? Was never a problem when Venom shot its "webbing", which was made from its own matter.

Carnage could do that, I think (although he probably wouldn't). Venom's tendrils, IIRC, would dissolve or revert to not-looking-like-money too quickly after being separated for that trick to work.

>always shoot their goo all over the place

So do I

Venom and Carnage have, literally, the exact same power set. Everything Carnage can do, Venom can, too.

I don't know why people think otherwise.

I don't think they would dissolve THAT quickly, the amount of time it is to web swing or leave someone tied up can't be longer than the time it is to hand someone money and leave a store
Carnage can use solid projectiles from his goop, while Venom can't
It's why Carnage is always hurling symbiote knives and spears and shit, Venom can extend his symbiote but can't make solid weapons out of it

>Carnage can use solid projectiles from his goop
And so can Venom.

>while Venom can't
Except all the times he's done exactly that. Where did you even get that idea?

>It's why Carnage is always hurling symbiote knives and spears and shit
Again, Venom can do the exact same thing. Its just using the symbiote's innate shapeshifting ability to form different shapes.

>Venom can extend his symbiote but can't make solid weapons out of it
What the fuck are you even talking about? He makes sharp weapons all the time. Hell, he even created tools to give Eddie brock heart surgery while they were bonded: Read a fuckin' comic user. Its painfully obvious you're casual as hell.

This. The ONLY difference between the Venom and Carnage symbiotes is that Carnage has a higher resistance to sonics and fire because it was born on Earth and its slightly stronger (physically). Each new generation of symbiotes weeds out the weakness of the previous.

This is all covered in the 3-part arc that Carnage first showed up in and the various 90s Venom mini series.

you're not talking about the real issue here lads

would you rather have the Venom symbiote or the Carnage one? which one is better?

I like Venom more but I think Carnage is objectively better

Neither. One will drive you crazy, the other will probably give you a disease because it's partially composed of blood from a swathe of random murder victims. Both will give you cancer.

>it's partially composed of blood from a swathe of random murder victims
That symbiote is dead. Venom ate it. The current Carnage symbiote isn't part of Kasady's blood and came from the Negative Zone.

>Both will give you cancer.
No they don't. If anything, they'll cure you of your cancer (like what happened to Kasady), unless you're like Eddie and the cancer causes your adrenal glands to overproduce, in which case the symbiote will just gobble up all the extra adrenaline.

>Except all the times he's done exactly that. Where did you even get that idea?
Gee, I dunno!

>Spider-Man never sees Venom do it
>It means it NEVER happened
>Despite including an example of it

How fucking stupid are you?

Venom has never been shown to solidify his symbiote and be able to throw it as solid weapons, he can extend it and use it as tentacles or as a physical weapon as part of his own mass, but only Carnage has ever been shown to be able to literally create weapons out of his symbiote and throw them around willy nilly

It doesn't make sense, but it is what it is, and yes I realize that page is not an excellent example but everything about the symbiotes is convoluted and messed up continuity wise and has been for a long time

If Venom could make shit out of his symbiote and use it as projectiles, he would, but as far as we've seen he can only use it as an extension of himself, Carnage can just create shit out of it

>but only Carnage has ever been shown to be able to literally create weapons out of his symbiote and throw them around willy nilly

Thats for stylistic purposes. They have completely different combat styles. Not for lack of capability. Stop being dense. Both symbiote have the exact same power set, minus Carnage's higher strength and reduced sensitivity to sonics and thermals.

Every time Carnage "learns a new ability" (travelling through phone lines, for example), the Venom symbiote shows it can do the exact same thing. Its all about the host's creativity and how they choose to fight. Brock is more of a brute, so he -chooses- to rely on hand to hand combat. Same is true for Gargan (who started biting more, too, due to the cannibalistic urges he had). Flash preferred using guns because of his military training.

It still is what it is, I think even though the picture I posted is a poor example because Venom does crap like what Carnage did there, I don't think he can make shit out of his costume to the capacity Carnage can, in fact I think their might be other examples saying this but I'm not invested enough in this little spat to look it up further

Venom symbiote is a pretty cool guy, he just wants to chill and be with you 'til you're nothing but bones.
Carnage symbiote wants you to fuck shit up and then continue to do so forever.
I dont think i've ever seen the symbiote itself talk. And i like how Venom ate it and then Cletus got another one that looked exactly the same and continued to call Venom "father".
My headcanon is that he found a symbiote that was basically a bitch that got absorbed into Cletus' bloodstream (like the original Carnage symbiote) and got mixed with what remained of the previous symbiote. But thats just me though.

>I cannot find a single example to support my claim
>But I'll still argue its correct!

Keep it up, user. You're doing a great job of looking like a retard.

>I dont think i've ever seen the symbiote itself talk.

They have shown the Venom symbiote talk a bunch throughout its history. My favorite example is all the dialogue/thought bubbles it has during Venom: Separation Anxiety.

For the Carnage symbiote, there are definitely less examples, but are still a few. Read the Web of Carnage story from the 90s Clone Saga (its actually quite good). There is lots of dialogue between Ben Reilly and the Carnage symbiote after it bonds with him to become Spider-Carnage.

Yeah, i meant the Carnage symbiote talk, the Venom symbiote used to talk a lot.

Bruh, whatever
You say Venom can do whatever Carnage can do, I say he can't
You're not capable of providing images proving he can , so have fun with your headcanon, boy

Well, I wouldn't say a -lot-, but enough to have a semblance of a personality.

But yeah, less so with Carnage. There are definitely examples, though. Such as pic related.

user, what do you think Venom's webbing is?

So we have established it can form bladed weapons (both Brock and Flash have done it numerous times). We've also established it can expel its own matter (webbing).... why the fuck wouldn't it be able to do both at once? Your logic doesn't even make sense.

You've openly admitted the single example you gave is shit and cannot even attempt to find another one. So cut the shit. You're not fooling anyone, casual.



>why the fuck wouldn't it be able to do both at once? Your logic doesn't even make sense.

Comic books don't make sense you stupid little brat. It IS WHAT IT IS. Venom can't do what Carnage can, why? It's just how it fucking goes.

He can use webbing, he can't turn that webbing into an axe and throw it. Until it happens in a comic, you have no point. I call you the casual.

>can't even support argument

You sure about that?

>I call you the casual.
Funny, considering you didn't even know Venom could make bladed weapons before. Try reading some actual comics and not relying on reddit, wikia or the animated incarnations for all your information.

Only venom produces webs. Carnage can sling from his suit vines if he wanted to.

Certain traits don't get passed down to children over time.

>I don't understand how shapeshifting works

"Webbing" and "suit vines" are the same thing, user.

And for the record, no one calls them "suit vines". Widen your vocabulary, kid. They're called "tendrils". And Venom does the exact same fucking thing. The only difference is that -sometimes- the Venom symbiote changes the appearance of a tendril to look like webbing. And that isn't even all the time (as will be shown in the next image).

>Certain traits don't get passed down to children over time.
Shapeshifting is an innate ability of ALL symbiotes. The ability to form webbing is done through shapeshifting part of its matter. Its not actual webbing. This is explained in ASM #300.

>Funny, considering you didn't even know Venom could make bladed weapons before.
I knew that you miserable little puke. Holy shit are you fucking stupid.

Venom can make weapons as an EXTENSION OF HIMSELF, need I repeat myself once more you utter moron? He can't create individual weapons like Carnage does to be thrown and used as separate meleee objects

Cry harder, please. Does it hurt that much to have your ego shattered?

Why don't you try to explain again, while, once more supplying zero support for your argument?

>Why don't you try to explain again, while, once more supplying zero support for your argument?
Why don't you, faggot?
There is never, not one page or panel that shows Venom using his symbiote in the same way Carnage does, you LITERALLY can't prove your point

Ironically enough, in Venom's first ever appearance, Spidery defeated him by making him run out of web. It seems that later this aspect was retconned so that symbiote web can 'regenerate'.

>Why don't you
Scroll up, I've supplied a lot more specific pages than your one. Lets also not ignore the fact that you, yourself, even stated the single source you supplied was a bad one.

Keep crying, bitch. I'll drink up those tears.

>It seems that later this aspect was retconned so that symbiote web can 'regenerate'

It has -always- been able to regenerate. That was the whole point on how Peter beat Venom in ASM #300. He put the symbiote in a position where it couldn't regenerate enough of its mass fast enough.

It's only bad because Marvel is incompetent, my point is still stronger than yours and I'm really not going to bother looking through tons of Venom comics to find another time it's explicitely stated that Carnage can make weapons and Venom can't

Venom can web swing and shit and focus his symbiote into a blade if need be, but only if it's part of him

Carnage has no such problem, he can just separate himself from parts of the symbiote almost endlessly and use it as weaponry

>my point is still stronger than yours

Now please fuck off. You have no point to make.

> I'm really not going to bother looking through tons of Venom comics to find another time it's explicitely stated that Carnage can make weapons and Venom can't

I know, because you cannot find a single instance where dialogue on the page specifically says what you claim.

But keep reciting the same thing. maybe some shill on reddit will buy your bullshit. They don't actually read comics either. You'll be right among your kin.

Stop playing the "you dont read comics" game
You likely read your first piece of Venom media in the current story times, fuck off faggot, I bet you're like 21 years too or something

>I know, because you cannot find a single instance where dialogue on the page specifically says what you claim.
I literally posted one, even if it's flawed,

If you have a point to make, post a page where Venom is able to create weapons out of his symbiote and use them as if they were real weapons, he can't do that

Carnage can do that, his symbiote has different properties, he can make shit out of it and throw it like a solid object, Venom can only morph whats attached to his body and even if you were to say "WELL, WEBBING", somehow i don't think webs or imitation webs are "solid" in the same realm as a knife or an axe

It also talked in things like The Carnage Cosmic, Venom vs. Carnage, and Superior Carnage Annual.

Someone should post the Venom 150 lettered preview.

>If you have a point to make, post a page where Venom is able to create weapons out of his symbiote and use them as if they were real weapons, he can't do that

Flash did this all the time.

