Why didn't Cartoon Network continue the best iteration of Scooby-Doo?

Why didn't Cartoon Network continue the best iteration of Scooby-Doo?

because it wasn't

>Cartoon Network
>in charge of good ideas

I liked the live action Cat in the Hat movie.

Then what was, smarty pants?

We could have had a roadtrip adventure with the gang meeting modern versions of HB characters. Instead we got cancelation.

second post best post

cartoon network have a nintendo-tier hatred for money

Everything was good in Mystery Inc except the main characters. The only good one was trap-obsessed Fred.

Fred had the best lines in that series. Excepting the one time that Daphne referenced a mid-nineties Chris Farley SNL skit.

I thought Velma was good.

I thought only kind of stinker was cock-thirsty Velma who went through character development and became a carpet muncher.

Scoob and Shaggy were pretty much on point.

Velma was whatever, not good, not bad.

Fred was fucking glorious, previous iterations don't exist for me, he finally has character.

The story ended, be glad we actually got an ending
What we needed was for this to kick off a shared universe with other HB cartoons, starting with Johnny Quest

I miss my sassy Velma

Remember how that series ended with the gang refugees from another timeline, leaving them isolated in a world not meant for them alongside the unspoken implication that they are forever tainted and unable to function in an idealized world?

Because CN hates WB and not getting direct money, having to share with non-CN originals

Because we were all bad so now we get TTG only.

explain TTGO


Too lewd, probably. Triggered American moms.

I wouldn't be as mad if the new one didn't look and play out like a Family Guy ripoff.

Didn't it end? Like it didn't get cancelled the story just concluded or something?

No we couldn't have. It was always intended for a 52 episode run.

Which fans understood at the time, except the moment other shows came around they wished the show they loved for having a real ending didn't keep going forever.

Probably because cartoon nerds are illiterate, fickle faggots.

One of the reasons it was the best is because it had a series long mystery with a beginning, middle, and end. The ending is what was required for the whole thing to work.

Couldn't they have come up with a new story?


I like it
Reminds me of the old Batman, Globetrotters, and Korn episodes

Oh why the fuck not. Bonus points for them misunderstanding Fred's trap obsession.

And his traps working to ensnare some high level shit to their surprise.

Because shipping is cancer and DEEPEST LORE gets old fast.

Eh, makes more sense than the WWE shit.

>Couldn't they have come up with a new story?

The way the story ended to imply that the new universe they created was actually another more episodic (likely the original) Scooby Doo series.

So technically, you could just go watch another series and watch the sequel.

But usually, after you've pulled a "destroy and rebuild reality, Gainax style" ending, you don't continue any more. The world and characters have changed so much at that point that any of the subject matter that appealed from the original universe would be lost.

Another overarching plot kind of show would have been nice, still.


The end of Mystery Inc basically gives purpose to the orig8nal series premise of 4 high school.kids and a dog getting in a hippie van and going on a cross country mystery solving trip for the rest of their lives

They've only got each other and Harlan Ellison

>Harlan Ellison
still shocked that old bastard was game to do it