Best part of the new season for me. What particular part has stuck out for you?

Best part of the new season for me. What particular part has stuck out for you?

Other urls found in this thread:

The whole Scaramouch fight

the entire first 3 episodes

Greg's performance in Episode 9 was really great and enjoyable, it feels to me like he finally got comfortable with the role and is now a suitable successor to Mako (not that he was bad in Episode 2 and 5)

The High Priestess showing up to kill Jack herself was also a really hype moment

anytime The Omen spoke.

That voice is really cool.

First 3 episodes were pure hype/kino
The rest was enjoyable but didn't top that.

>Best part of the new season for me
Nah how about worst fucking part?
Like how jack fucking sits down, makes some fuckin tea in his mind, and somehow a physical sword appears in his hand. what a load of fucking garbage. Literally why does he not do that at the end of episode 9? when he drops his sword and Aku grabs it all he has to do is make some more god damn tea in his head and BOOM another fucking sword.

When user stopped praising trash

hey, a guy can dream

Don't you have enough threads to circlejerk in?


I thought ep 9 wad pretty kino


In a positive way? The first three episodes.
In a negative way? Ashi.

>makes some fuckin tea in his mind
tea was a litmus test to prove what he already knew. lots of Buddhism is about proving what you already know.
what he actually did was let go of the anger he had been clinging to like a security blanket
and its a magic sword. you literally saw the gods who did it, do it, right there on screen

and? what's stopping him from doing that process again? stupidity? if he can do it once he can obviously do it again

>not Shinto

made this for a friend who also enjoyed the scaramouche fight.

this meme again
I don't really see how e4 was different from e 1-3 in terms of anything

this is the complete version (for context)

All the western media boards should be merged with /trash/ desu

How the fuck can he be biting his "Lips" when he's a Robot?

I think it wasn't as hype inducing as the first 3

a respectable samurai was expected to be well learned of buddhism, shintoism, and confuscianism

Because that's when the "icky girl" became more of a character

Ergo Sup Forums losing its shit

Guy needs proper lips for scatting and playing his flute. Maybe he used to be a whorebot before getting a career change

>I know nothing about the history of Japan: the post.

t. triggered white male the post
get your fucking race mixing fantasy garbage out of here. Shintoism reigned supreme during that era until broken to bits by Portugal's christian missionaries

>what's stopping him from doing that process again?
you can't just pull a recovery from emotional trauma out of your ass when its convenient, you need 5-7 episodes of reflection and inner conflict spurred by trying to explain yourself over and over to someone who embodies all of your angst and insecurity
normally its some old dude with a fondness for wordplay but a brainwashed loyal advocate of the shogun it is your duty to defeat works too
the whole scene was pure kino and incredibly atmospheric
first Sad Jack suddenly going all distorted
and the 'camera' eerily focusing on him as if Jack's unable to move his head
then that goddamn music
then the wolf from the last episode coming back
then that terrific silhouette of bloodied Jack facing the wolf
everything here feels like a fever dream of sorts
it's a shame we didn't get more stuff like this

>Importation of Buddhist teachings via missionaries from China in the 6th Century.
What the fuck are you even talking about.

Because that's when the focus shifted to ashi.

episode 4 focused on her like for a minute

That painting of Aku holding Jack's sword while he was on his knees will forever stick with me. The music in the background was incredible.
Also, Ashi begging Jack to kill her and his reaction, once more accompanied by amazing music. Gives me chills every time.

Episode 1: Jack's hallucination in the river
Episode 2: the inner tomb search
Episode 3: Jack vs the daughters
Episode 4: Jack fighting/saving Ashi
Episode 5: IT IS TIME
Episode 6: Ashi talks with Da Samurai and the Omen scene
Episode 7: Jack regains his balance
Episode 9: Aku corrupts Ashi

My favorite scene from Episode 5 is when Jack and Ashi rode the dragon. The music was beautiful and I loved how the dolphin sounds were apart of the music.

EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY did my night and the rest of the following day.

The omen doesn't get enough credit. His appearance might have been brief and his role less important than it seemed at first, but he had some pretty good lines, a cool as hell voice and a tremendous presence. The "All those children dead because of you!" line actually gave me shivers.

E1: The Scaramouche fight, the river of screaming corpses.
E2: The burial hall and remix of Ecstasy of Gold. The wolf's fight.
E3: Literally the entire thing. The stylized blood in the cave especially, the brutality of the fight, the flashback to Jack's first experience with death and his father's lessons on it. Ashi trying to sound intimidating and just sounding kinda adorable.
E4: Jack's attempts at humor. Lots of cool backgrounds. Hotline Miami Jack. Dat ass. The back fur. Some neat critters.
E5: The Scotsman being his usual self and dying hilariously. Ashi's reaction to Jack's schizo pimp suit.
E6: Pretty much the entire episode being funny. Jack's goofy compliment. Ashi's new look and the rather awful flashback to her childhood.
E7: Aku being in proper form. The best time portal fake-out ever. Ashi showing that being cute does not mean she isn't a kill-crazy berserker.
E8: Everything. Everybody Loves Somebody.
E9: "Bye." Impromptu dance-off. "YOU FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!" Cool design on demonic Ashi. Cute Ashi/Jack interactions generally.

Ep 1: Scaramouche fight, the river of corpses
Ep 2: The entire chase, particularly the catacombs scene
Ep 3: Jack's flashback with his father, when he first encounters the wolf, when he decides to face his destiny, the entire final fight
Ep 4: B A C K F U R. And the colours of the creature in the cave, I guess
Ep 5: Jack and Ashi riding the dragon, the tale of the stars
Ep 6: Ashi encountering the archers
Ep 7: Jack's travel through the astral plane, Jack vs sudoku Jack
Ep 8: Tiger assassins and EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY
Ep 9: Everything from the moment Aku shows up, specially that final shot

Right now he's not exactly in balance. I wouldn't be surprised if Aku chucks the sword into space and Jack pulls it out of his chest. The comics did something similar.

Da Samurai and depressed Aku

oh and talking penis because I'm a child inside

Kek, user, good one.

>"Hope is just a fleeting sentiment. Your failure is real. You must face the consequences, or continue to bear the guilt of your dishonor, for all eternity."
That is my favorite line of his. The way it's written, read and acted is just perfect.

1: "SAMURAAAI JACK" and the Jack screaming in abject terror at the silhouette of the Omen.
2: Jack's battle with the last sister before slashing her throat; that moment really got me and it's gotten every single person I've shown it to
3: Jack popping up from the snow and killing two sisters in 5 seconds. It really caught me off guard. Also, the scenes with the Emperor and Jack dissuading the sisters from fighting.
4: The background art for the episode. Jack's comments were also pretty fun.
5: Ashi's reaction to Dominator's gloating. IT'S TIME. Ashi demanding answers from Jack.
6: Da Samurai; the moment I saw that guy I knew he'd be coming although I didn't expect him. The entire fight with the Omen. Jack almost committing sudoku before Ashi came; pic related is my screensaver.
7: Jack's spiritual journey to the monk; the music was particularly good. Jack holding his sword in the air, observing it and sheathing it back in its scabbard. AKU.
8: The sexual tension had me giggling like a schoolgirl. Naked Ashi and flustered Jack. EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY.
9: "Bye". Jack remembering his home. Another girl. The Guardian's broken glasses. "SAMURAI JACK!" Ashi's corruption. Fight against blacked Ashi. Ashi begging Jack to kill her. That painting. The entire orchestra.

His first interaction is what sends shivers for me
>You may witness, but you cannot interfere
>Witness... what?
>The end

Say whatever you want about him, but he had a really commanding presence.

>I found
stop trying to promote your amvs
it was ok i guess but shit song

I was surprised to see that the guy who voiced him had almost no other voice acting roles. In fact most of his roles boiled down to minor appearances in stuff like modern family and fucking movie 43.

That's weird. I hope his performance in this helps him launch his career; he definitely has talent.

It was a good ride all the way, don't let anyone ruin it for you

Finally a thread with positivity

I just thought the way they made the blood bright red looked metal as fuck. You can disregard realistic expectations to make something look really cool.

Most thread have just been Jashi praising though

>10 episode season

Don't be embarrassed, that joke was perfectly timed and I've seen multiple people say or type 'that guy looks like a penis' right before the punchline.

I have my own set of complaints with this season but I don't let it deter me from enjoying it overall.
I'm glad that Genndy got this chance to finish one of his greatest works that he's ever done and I seriously can't wait to see the final episode

From each episode, I guess.
1: The Scaramouche fight
2: The Ecstasy of Gold scene in the catacombs
3: The entire thing, seriously
4: The murder of crows, Jack capturing Ashi
5: Sea Dragon ride, the Omen finally speaking
6: Ashi preventing Jack's sudoku
7: Ashi vs mom
8: Spaghetti-filled train fight, EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY SOMETIME
9: Everything after Aku showed up, that final shot gave me shivers, perfect for a penultimate episode

I almost don't want the ride to be over, but I'm also unbelievably hype for the finale. It's been so much fun watching this as it happens.

>a terrible reveal and an asinine subplot conclusion
>best part
Sometimes I wish I shared your low standards, OP.



This bit made me laugh my ass off. It reminded me of Spongebob's walk cycles or John Lennon absolute madman walk.


Gotta get back



Jack getting his groove back in episode 3 and whipping the Daughters of Aku. It was really satisfying to see him stop running and show why he's the best once again. That punch was so hype.

desu the scene that stuck with me most so far was the flashback with Jack's dad literally fucking slicing a dude in half. I'm a sucker for quick gore glances like that

Episode 3 had this. So badass, a wallpaper is worthy.

>Playin' the Bee Gees in the background... Irony being that he's head wile the song is called "Stayin' Alive."

*DEAD, while the song is "Stayin' Alive."

the ashi plotline was shit

>nobody here mentions the most atmospheric part of the entire season
The music, tone, and the fear that jack felt, too bad nothing after this really matched this tone.


no it just went on too long
they could have done it in a episode and move on to the next thing

He tried to weasel out of it.

I thought episode 4 was pretty atmospheric throughout.

It had more comedy with a character that isn't funny
Jack went from "Old Man Jack" to Samurai Jack out of nowhere again
Blue Jack saying killing the daughters was good and therefore it's bad it's really stupid.
Also the action wasn't as good

Episode 1 to 3 were amazing

Everything else failed to live up to the expectations it set up and it was a disappointment either way.

2: Fleeing through the maze
3: Jack tossing the sisters of the cliff one by one
4: Jack and Ashi travelling around bickering
5: Scotsman's roasting
6: nothing really
7: making tea juxtaposed with ultra violence
8: nothing really
9: Jack getting AKU'D a third time

It's alright

That's not what Jack said. He said that Ashi was brainwashed and didn't really see it as as choice. That's why Jack felt guilty in that episode.

Is the final episode going to be an hour long? How the fuck are they gonna close everything out in 20 minutes?

The whole point of the flashback is Jack acknowledging the fact that people should accept the consequences of their actions as long as they are free to do them
Yes, the daughters were brainwashed, but as soon as they stepped out of the cult they were free to retreat, specially against an opponent like Jack, they attacked because they are stubborn and they were ignorant to the enemy ahead of them, unsurprisingly, they met their fate.

The whole point was to explain that Jack didn't kill the daughters, it was their own choices the ones that lead them to death, Jack being guilty about killing them after such an amazing reflexion is the stupidest and laziest conflict you could've had.

Then why was farther talking about choices? It's a different thing when you're raised to be a machine.

ep4 was a change of pace but still good imo. The random monster belly bit came out of nowhere but served a purpose. I think it served well as a cooldown period for all the crazy shit of ep1-3. For me it's ep5 where things decline. They fall into the pattern of one episode conflicts/resolutions, and the subplots grow increasingly erratic. The biggest letdown was the complete lack of elaboration on Honda the samurai ghost. Ashi's conversion to the light side seemed rushed and the romance subplot utterly cringe worthy. Scaramouche's appearances were so infrequent you forgot about him easily, and the utter absence of scotsman guarantees whatever he does ep10 will be too little too late.

Ooooh, you almost had it!

You gotta be edgier than that!

Jack was merciful, muh machine doesn't apply.
"Your choices have led you here"
>whatever path they had that lead them to kill and challenge Jack/Emperor
"As have mine"
>My choices lead me to be challenged by you, be it by status, power, etc.
"I offer you a new choice"
>Being merciful, you may now change your life before it's too late, think, then act
"Leave here now and live"
>If you attack you will face death, step forth and there's no turning back, step back and we may part ways
"Or stay and face your destiny"
>Once the first move it's made, there will be no holding back

The daughters made their choice, they got Jack'd, it was their fault. Blue Jack being all "yeah that was good!" and implying "Your dad was basically a MURDERER" next episode it's stupid and not good writing.

This song they used for the final preview is so amazing. In fact a lot of the preview songs they've used have been very interesting too. I just wish I knew what all of them were

The Ecstacy of Gold scene from episode 2 was the most kino part of this very kino season, but that ones a given

The scene where Jack remembers the past in episode 9 was really good, It invoked a real sense of nostalgia for Jack which strikes more of a cord here since this is basically what the audience is feeling watching this whole new season, especially those who grew up watching it as it originally aired

Plus I think this is the moment that Jack finally accepted that he isnt ever going back to the past, and now he's going to start fighting for a brighter future

pls respond

It's going to be 20 minutes, we told you retards the bad pacing was going to catch up eventually and we were all going to notice it the hard way.

I'm pretty sure at least two of them are carpenter brut tracks. I would link you some amvs with them but they were taken down because we live in a copyright law induced dystopia

>series has a back to the past slogan for the entire run
>drop the entire premise for some stupid B romance subplot
fuck off

>Jack wants to go back to save the thousands of years of people dying and suffering (partially fault of jack and the emperor in the first place, by the way)
>he's going to throw it all away for a pussy

why genndy fucking why

I don't even like the romance subplot but I agree the series has been steering towards Jack staying in the future even since the earlier seasons. He gave up time portals at least three times to save people that wouldn't even exist if he had gone back. He's just too lawful good to not help people in need

There were two in the first trailer that were Carptener Brut, but I've only managed to find a couple of the other previews
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 6
and that's about it. I have no idea what the other songs are although I've heard the second episode preview is a remix of the original samurai jack theme song

Then why would he leave the suffering of millions in the past be