Why does this character in particular attract such terrible tumblr autists?

Why does this character in particular attract such terrible tumblr autists?

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the whole shit show does

Because Sugar let a terrible tumblr autist get her greasy mitts all over Peri and ruin her

Lapis, too

She's a walking meme that autists like Zuke relate to

Because it's a light Invader Zim with extra lesbian sprinkled in.

This is literally the perfect formula to get tumblr's nipples hard

bc she's a carbon copy of invader zim and you know the autists that attracted


It's a brightly colored show that plays on the "Innocent on the surface BUT EDGY UNDERNEATH!" appeal that attracts the same people who fall head over heels for Undertale and Homestuck because it's "cute but edgy".

It also has characters having breakdowns every episode which fangirls and fanfic writers love, a species that allows people to make their own OC with a basic template (Gem, Weapon, Color), much like ponies, hedgehogs, and trolls.

Then there's the aspect of fusion which is just a mechanic to encourage shipping bait.

All of this wrapped in a big blanket of all the characters who love each other so much that even Full House seems mean spirited in comparison.

This show is basically one 9/11 scene from having the same kind of writing as a Bleedman comic.

initially it was because she was a girl version of invader zim and attracted the ''lol im so awkward xD'' crowd.

Sadly Sugar actually let one of those people take over her writing and basically murdered her personality, now she's the perfect shell for them to project onto.

It's actually pretty sad because there was a lot of potential for what the writers could have done with Peridot, instead an entitled tumblr bitch obsessively tried shoehorning her into a relationship with Lapis before quitting in a tantrum. Idunno how they're going to salvage the damage done but I hope they do

you excited for the wanted event my dude?

>Was a villain, going through a long redemption arc discovering every little piece that makes earth and the CGs unique
>eventually drawing an accurate and realistic conclusion that homeworld are wrong about earth which leads to her rebel
>Gaining a great bond with the characters in the process, especially Steven that is shown well in gem drill
>Continuing to develop and learn even after her redemption arc
>she's cute

tumblr this, tumblr that

This word has no meaning beyond "I don't like this, am I cool now, Sup Forums?

but I do agree that this gremlin's popularity is fucking perplexing

>>Continuing to develop and learn even after her redemption arc

not really

and if im to be honest it's not even like she became a good person, she's just no longer genocidal

>Blue Diamond giving Steven blowjob on-screen
I sure am.

this coupled with the fact that Peridot is ironicaly the most human character in the show is the reason for the autism.

Like every SU fan you're exaggerating and grasping at any straws you can to make up for shitty writing.

She was barely ever a villain, she was an antagonist for like two or three episodes, then Jasper came into the picture and became the main baddie, then she became essentially the gem's pet for awhile until Jasper became a jobber, too.

Strong redemption stories usually take place across multiple episodes if not whole seasons, Peridot went from being a jobber hiding behind a monitor to a whiny pest stripped of her boss and weapons, forced to be part of the good guys. That's not a redemption story its just shitty storytelling. But your dick will tell you otherwise because you want to fuck her little green dorito butthole.

>Strong redemption stories usually take place across multiple episodes if not whole seasons

you mean like peridots did

>projecting THIS hard

Why can't her personality across the entire series be like this?

because Lauren Zuke wanted her to become shipping material for Lapis

I think Zuke genuinely made Peridot relatable to autists by complete accident

Nobody will believe this after she got Zuked but she was at one point the best character in a show which had a shit fanbase anyway

>One episode
>Four filler where she doesn't appear
>One episode
>Four filler
>One episode
>Redemption part 1
>Redemption part 2

Does not "a whole season" make.

>Catch and release
>when it rains
>back to the barn
>too far
>that will be all
>message recieved
>log date 7 15 2

I count 7 episodes, not bad to have focused onna single character.

what? she was in, like, two episodes before becoming a good guy, if you count the ones she actually appeared in. she was Jasper's lackey, not even a main villain.
how am I projecting? literally what the fuck is your argument here? all I did was explain exactly what happened in the show.

dude, a redemption arc isn't doing a sing along and being forced to have to help the good guys. Peridiot never actually believed in being a bad guy, she was just following orders, then the person she was following orders from was defeated, which forced her to take refuge.

if this is a redemption arc it was forced as hell.



7 out of 26. Technically would be 52 if they didn't split the seasons, but as it's listed now, 26.

how about this, retard....... both Sup Forums, reddit, AND Tumblr are all full of tribalistic numbskulls who still think the "culture war" is anything beyond petty and pointless arguments over who's better at claiming they have some moral high ground despite all being basement dwellers wasting half of their time in front of a computer screen instead of actually befitting society? how about that?

or that too nuance for your tiny brain?

No she definitely did 'believe' bad things, she spent a few episodes just relentlessly upsetting the othe characters with the gem version of racism.

She was so enamoured with being a part of Yellow Diamond's plan for earth she stole a communicator from the moon to try and contact her, at that point she actually had the opportunity to return to homeworld as if nothing had ever happened but decided she didn't want to destroy the earth after all.

I agree it wasn't like she was completely evil before hand though

A whole season focusing on one character is fucking stupid, 7 was perfectly fine, more focus than the other characters that's for sure.

Let me tell you about my GPA, 4.0 straight A's and my

>A whole season focusing on one character is fucking stupid
>Strong redemption stories usually take place across multiple episodes if not whole seasons
>you mean like peridots did

Guess we know why the autistic meme machine is your favorite character now

I think its safe to assume that people dont like Peridot because she's obviously so sexually appealing

We are genuine weeaboos, the ELITE of the internet.

I rewatched scenes from old episodes and man, she used to be so good.

Even using the term "evil" to describe the storytelling intents withing a show that's supposed to be thematically neutral towards political agenda, religion and such and based in current scientific consensuses is silly. "Evil" and "good" are just abstract figures that have zero meaning outsie of subjective or authoritative perception.

Inb4 someone's all like
> lel he's saying an SJW show is politically neutral lololo gb2/tumblr/

Yes it is you fucking inbred retard, you're just another side of the spectrum of being a fucking sheep and your perception is warped towards thinking everything that sways from your uneducated point of view that someone lobbied you into is automatically "SJW".

Peridot just wanted to be with the bad guys, and so, she did...

"This show" you mean

so many buzzwords. Please try to think for yourself.

there is no argument. I'm trying to point out how stupid your post is

Really wish they treat her more as a Crystal Gem. It's sad how Connie is more of a Crystal Gem than Peridot.

She's a nerd who's socially awkward and she acts silly so can dumb cows can point and say "OMG THAT'S SO CUTE"

Don't really care about the show. My girl friend is the bigger fan. The songs are cute, the story is alright enough and Peridot is mildly funny while being my birthstone and I found Jasper interesting on top of her representing my astrology sign which was amusing. Lapis is just cute


I still have hope though, now that HW finally stopped flailing around. There's no time to make meepmorps and other bullshit anymore. I believe...