IS Avatar Press the bottom of the barrel comic book publisher?

IS Avatar Press the bottom of the barrel comic book publisher?

No, that'd be Marvel and sometimes DC.


Whatever became of him?

Got divorced

I.e. he's going to make misogynistic books from now on.

They have new Moore comics. So, no.

he got JUSTed

Than Avatar would be the best place for him!

>dem triples

Nah, they have Moore doing cthulhu shit and Cinema Purgatorio.


Are you stupid or do you just have syphilis. Some of Warren Ellis's best work has come out of Avatar press including No Hero, Black Summer, and SuperGod.

Zenscope might be hanging out down there two depending who you ask.

I literally just came here to post that.

Really? Did Marian get upset he kept drawing transexual porn stars?

I think the company that does "Grimm fairy tales" might be the worst.

Also black mask

Nothing personal has been aired, just the divorce and the fact they still get along.

>black mask
That's not what they tell me.

Zenescope gets a bad rap but the Jungle Book comic is my jam.

They have one good book right now, and marvel and Valiant have no good books right now, so no.

Well they've been living in separate houses for years and years. Maybe they are one of those weird couples that just don't like being married.

No, there's top notch stuff among the crap. Providence is incredible for example.

>no good books right now

Valiant, the comic book publisher, is currently not releasing one title even worthy of wiping the shit from my anus.

Sounds like bullshit.

Avatar isn't any house name but I feel they are slowly getting there.
They became sort of the only place Moore accepts to work with and thus, kinda got an exclusivity with him. Plus, it brings out a chance to publish a lot of his lesser known and second hand projects like Fashion Beast which is pretty good.
Warren Ellis and Garth Ennis are also big authors that makes an habit in publishing some of their stuff there, for better or worse.

With those authors, Avatar got some solid revenue and recognition with their HP Lovecraft books as well as their Crossed universe.

Could be, it's all opinions.
If you're enjoying em then more power to you.

Warren Ellis has written for them in a while. Why?

Zenescope is not that bad. Avatar is better but in a world where exists they aren't worth mentioning

Valiant has never published a good book

You're adorable.

You think Valiant is the Sunday comic strip, don't you?

No, they're better than boom, dynamite and other similar publishers.

It was so good I donated to kickstarter for the first time to get the box set. Money well spent.

Nah, Avatar at least till not too long ago had Moore.
Zenescope on the hand, i'm not sure if they ever had any remotely talented creator on their payroll or produced anything decent.

What are some publishers that's entire collection is so small that one could realistically read it all?

shills, plz neck yourselves