!4 years have passed. Yet... he does not age.

Fuck, accidentally typed ! instead of 1


>I'll try crying, that's a good trick!

>That episode where Steven kills a bunch of bounty hunters

He didn't kill them, Sugar said he knocked them out and that off-screen he befriended them.

>that episode where Steven defeated the Hot Dog master with a porkchop

That episode was weird

I kind of want this to get an adult swim revival, though given the staff it would probably just get turned into a low-brow lesbian sex comedy, rather than actually being used to better explore some of the show's more mature themes

So in any case, I would like it if SU concluded with a big movie, like how they used to do it

And as I saw it, the world fell

What did he mean by this?

Yet, the suffering continues. The Diamonds grasp chokes the past, present... and future. Hope is lost.

I want it to die and be forgotten faster than korra

>garnet fuses with peridot

I'd rather it end on a good note that might just make up for all the suckiness it caused

>Samurai Jack Season 5: Jack is forced to be around with Ashi

>Steven Universe Season 5: Steven is forced to be around with Lars.

He does age, but he doesn't grow up.

>that episode where Steven almost shattered eyeball.
I know it was a ripoff of evangelion , but damn, those 10 seconds of doubt were fucking intense, specially since all the dick moves she done all the season specially killing Lars after he stopped being a bitch

The low point of this season was probably the episode where Pearl was sleeping around with every chick in Delmarva. I mean, I get that they wanted to play around with their freedom on adult swim, and they tried to tie it in with Pearl finally moving on from Rose and trying out human experiences, but come on.

At least we have all these kickass battle scenes to make up for it. And I'm really enjoying all this Lapiven - I spammed the shit out of it in the old /sug/ threads, and I'm really happy to see it become canon in a way that feels completely natural.

>Oh, there it is, babe. The world-famous crying.
>Well comeon, Stevey, baby. Whip it out.
>you know what i`m talking about--
>that crazy Rose Quartz.
>Let`s get slicin' and dicin', swingin' and bashin', hackin' and slashin', babe.
>Wait, back off "fatty".
>Where is Rose Quartz?

> Implying we'd get a character as good as Scaramouche
> Implying we wouldn't get a butch dyke who cries and is redeemed

>Show don't tell
>A classic rule of storytelling
>Sugar rapes it and just tells us what happened outside the episode.

Fuckin' A.

I think that was supposed to be a joke about that episode of Samurai Jack where he bombs a bunch of bounty hunters but he evidently didn't kill them, according to Genndy

Would that make Greg the Scotsman? Comes back old and with hundreds gem hybrid children. Even the corrupted weren't safe from his gaze.

So Rose Quartz would be the Scotsman's wife?

anyone else felt that they made the diamonds too ruthless? like what the fuck rebecca you can't just kill greg like that

Eh, if Rebecca got to run the show with Genndy and Ian as was originally planned, and CN gave them money to afford a better crew it could work.

Of course, Time Warner would rather pump out more failed DC movies than spend good money on animation.

Its not like Gregs death made an actual impact. He immediately cameback to life as a ghost becuase of some gem technolgy placed in his guitar.

Why was the general banned again? By no means am I defending /sug/, but it doesn't make sense to put it back in /trash/ when there's new episode in less than two weeks.

Because SU fans keep breaking the rules

The animated DC movies had always been good to me tho

Apparently it's an unwritten rule that any show that isn't airing in [current week] isn't being broadcast and so cannot be discussed on Sup Forums.

That doesn't seem like a thing. Especially sense my War of the Worlds threads always stay up for a good long time.

Steven turns serious

If Sugar had a bigger, better crew and some producers/more experienced directors on board to give her a kick in the ass whenever she went a little too far, SU would easily be a 10/10 cartoon.

As is it constantly swings between awesome and mediocre.


i fucking love this image

I disagree. Sugar is the kind of person who shouldn't be in charge of anything. She has good ideas, but can't execute them worth shit. She needs to be a head writer working under a more talented showrunner to bring out her full potential.

Why does Garnet have 3 arms?

'Sugars a great artist, she just hired some medicore people from tumblr

So Sugar is a George Lucas?

YES! That's it!

I disagree with that. If anything she is too lenient and not involved enough with the show and let the boarders do whatever they want. Pretty much every episode Sugar has boarded is great.

BACK TO THE /trash/

She's also the one who pushed for the 11 minute format so that she could have more townie episodes.

Like, I'm not even joking. That's the reasoning behind it.

Does Cartoon Network even have non 11 minute programming?

Also I'm pretty sure it was because it's easier to make a storyboard driven show that's 11 minutes and not 22 minutes.

Isn't Gumball 22 minutes?

No, it's 2 11 minute segments, though I think there are some 22 minute special episodes, same as SU

the fuck is a korra?

There was some early interview where they asked if she'd have preferred a 22 minute format if CN had allowed it, and she says that Cartoon Network actually WANTED the show to be 22 minutes but she pushed for the 11 minute format. The higher episode count meant there would be more room to tell smaller stories.

Aquamarine OP, please nerf

It's the same reason why Star vs, Adventure Time, and basically ever mainstream general except Homestuck is banned on Sup Forums and reposted to /trash/ by mods.

Long ago in a distant land, I, Yellow Diamond, the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish quartz warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung her into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Yellow Diamond!

Like said if Genndy and Ian would have stayed on the show maybe they could have played the bad guy and strove for more quality, mostly Genndy though. Sugar is too nice and struggles with the leadership role or lack of experience. But I don't know.


they're all pushed to the side and get no actual development or resolutions to their stories user

next season it's going to be awesome, trust me, I work inside a sugar factory.

Foolish Quartz! You will never return to the beach. You shall remain on this "miserable gem infested planet"... FOREVER!!!

A foolish Steven
Welding a Bismuth Sword.

>I'm not my dad
>I'm my mom
>I'm Rose Quarts




Guys! That's it!
That's the solution to healing corrupted gems!
Just have Greg rape them and make half-human hybrids!!!
Sure, they would lose all the memory, but they would be sane atleast.

oh if only...

Fusion is SICK!

I want King Steven back
They killed the Temple Guardian FFS there was a profecy!
This show has turned into the Connie show, why is the whole season focusing on her!?

> why is the whole season focusing on her!?
It's so that moment in the previous episode, where she turned into a Brown Diamond would be more impactful.
> WE sense US inside her

Wait.. Have there been leaks? omg gib plz

>Oh oh, this is just too good to be true. Wait until I tell Yellow Diamond about this, babe.

4 arms

she said nothing about the townie eps with regards to the 11 minute format.

A good reasoning for the 11 minute format is so that you don't have to write about a shitty B-plot when your A-plot is too shallow.

What pisses people off is that some of the writing comes off as complete filler anyway, which is kind of frustrating. If it's for a joke, ok, but if it's just casual conversational dialogue for the sole purpose of moving from one scene to the next, good god Sugar please revise it.


dat cosplay

Do you mind? You ruining my moment.

I'd might watch SU if it looked like that...

If it adopted a tone like this, played it's subject matter straight, was made by talented individuals, and had no songs I might even enjoy it...

Aquamarine is alright.

That shit looks disgusting.

>had no songs
This is the only thing you said I kind of agree with. Most of the song are extremely out of place and make no sense. The justified ones are fine at least, but in general they would work better if they were background music or something.


> That shit looks disgusting

Yeah, It looks strange and mildly off-putting when taken in by itself. However relative to SU's aesthetic it is quite good, or at the very least substantially more palatable...

Oh no Steven turned into a cholo

Additionally, what the hell is going with Garnet's face. The more I look at it the more uncomfortable I get...

What emotion was the artist trying to convey here?


That she's crazy. Garnet is insane in this AU.