Less than 24 hours for the new episodes to be released. Also season 2 is confirmed

Less than 24 hours for the new episodes to be released. Also season 2 is confirmed.

What do you want to see on these new episodes?

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>What do you want to see on these new episodes?
____ _________ ____.

Cute, bouncy head-flowers.

Guess whose birthday it is today?


hardcore pornography

Is it mine? I don't think it is but can I have presents and cake anyway?

You get presents on your bday?

I want Hanazuki to wear shoes.

Do you not, user?

I mean I don't get much now I'm older and don't have friends but I still get something from each of my immediate relatives.


>Do you not, user?
No. I can't remember the last time I did.

There's cake sometimes though.

>I still get something from each of my immediate relatives.

That's great to hear user!

to shut up the user obsessed with her feet.


So that this doesn't happen again.



>Kia molesting Hana
I feel very conflicted. I don't think I've ever seen something so wrong but also so adorable.


Feels a little early for this thread, but eh, alright.

Keep in mind, the last 9 episodes of this season are all releasing one episode at a time for 9 weeks, each Friday. Episode 19 was accidentally leaked with the previous batch, so a lot of people have already seen it. I haven't myself, though.

Any cute doodle requests while we're here? Can always use something to lighten the mood in my little corner of the middle of nowhere.

Hanazuki and Kiazuki playing square cross. Kiazuki loses in a unexplainable way.

Kiazuki and Hanazuki posed like this, but with Kiazuki also coiling her head-flower around Hanazuki's. Blushing and lip-biting optional.

I'm sorry, square cross? Is that another name for Tic Tac Toe or something?

This game.

Season 2 when?


Will we ever get a Momma Moonflower?

Have a higher quality image mate :D
I uploaded the soundtrack to my YouTube for those streamers out there. So far no Content ID strikes.

Not much work on the zap code reverse engineering yet, like I said, been busy with life.

There is nothing purer than girl on girl love

Looks like Tic Tac Toe to me. Regional names for children's games!

If you're still hanging around can you draw pic related with the 3 Moonflower kids with Hanazuki in front, Kia second and Kyoshi in the back pretty please?

Excellent!!! Thanks bro!!!

Male moonflowers not becoming main characters and/or getting personalities and appearances that wouldn't make me want to facepalm.

I just want to see more of Hanazuki learning more about her role as a Moonflower, interacting with whatever is around her and bonding with other Moonfamily.

Is blue the luckiest of them all?

>feeling the warmth of Hana's buttcheeks
Yes,he is

Here ya are.

S'gettin' late and storms are moving in, so I gotta split. If this thread or a new one is around tomorrow I'll come back for another couple of requests.

Thank you very much and good night user.

nah orange is

>Less than 24 hours for the new episodes to be released
you mean the ep 19 leak? eps are released weekly now we got to wait till next week for a real new ep

how do you think the reunion with kiazuki will go?

... please tell me you are just fucking with me. They did 9 and 9 before....

nope, a staff member tweeted that they'd be switching to weekly for the remaining episodes

every friday
also the second batch was accidentally 10 but they removed the last one so if you havent seen it i guess you have something to look forward to. the new trailer also has some spoilers as well

Can we get an image of Kiazuki sneaking up behind Hanazuki holding a giant rock over her head?
im sure you get the implications

can you draw some momzuki?

another ref

Is there any art that ships Kiazuki with new moon flower boy? That could be cute, she needs some proper loving

There is. Google "padoga paheal"


Am I supposed to pair these two together?


What if they are bi?

Ohhh yeah so there is
Abit more explicit than I what I was looking and she was with the wrong moon boy but eh oh well
Thanks for sharing anyways

Elaborate, who are they, what is this, why do they have cute chemistry?

New ep is out

every cartoon fan is a pedophile



>I've already seen it
Might as well give it a rewatch


I was expecting Kyoshi to be more of an emo douche, but it's nice that he's just kind of sweet and accepting Hana's offer.

Also, teaser clip: youtube.com/watch?v=EEaO0LULpf8

Very bad. Only like one sex.

I was expecting a pantyshot.

Rev up those F5!!!

we have plenty of those already


They started in the second episode.

there was one in the first episode
i know because i go through every frame looking for panty shots

Never change, Sup Forums, never change.

i love how they dont go to absurd lengths to avoid upskirt shots like other studios. anyone else would've had her skirt stay firm and unnatural against an updraft while she's falling to hide her thighs.
titmouse are cool guys and doesnt afraid of anything


Forgot new episodes was supposed to be out today but the constant vibration of my phone while I was with friends reminded me. Time to binge watch.

>he doesnt know

Did we not get new episodes?

weekly single ep releases with the one today being an ep that already leaked

We need edits of these stat!

no no no no no no no no no no no no

Still no new episode? I haven't seen the leak.

Episode 19 was the leaked episode. If you haven't seen that, then-

Oh? Didn't know that was a leak. hought it was just the end of the season.

They uploaded it with the last batch but took it down because they didn't intend to put it up then for some reason

Nice to see you again /zuki/

So now Kiyoshi is officially introduced.

Still not happy about male moonflowers

An orgy's gotta have a few dicks

They can't all be pistils; you need stamens too.


I think they are a good addition, Kiyoshi is cute.

but not before more pussy

hm,say since brian ellis browses Sup Forums hanazuki threads,do ya think he might put momzuki in the actual show?

I'm sure everything has been planned well in advance.

Doubtful. They wouldn't use a fan OC from Sup Forums, a place really not for kids. And also, she'd probably uproot the established lore.

what if she is just a really really old moonflower?

Who drew this?

the guy who posted it

i forgot the name. a couple artists have had a go at her

by the way,brian said on twitter that it might be possible for hanazuki to air on tv come season 2

hopefully that boosts interest

I love this. I'm going to try drawing her.

do it up buddy
i'll try find some more pics for reference