ITT: Only the best waifus

ITT: Only the best waifus

Pearlfags need not apply.


Toonami counts as Sup Forums

Some people say Mars is better. Let me tell you, those people are dead wrong.


used goods



Only the best
Marshafags can't even compete


Best anti-heroine.

But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?


what actually is her hair like though

Sci-fi magic blonde

dont mind me just posting this here

Ah, but which waifu is better?

no waifu is better than the other. If they're perfect for you, that's all that matters.

Spoken like a true master. Thank you.

she was lesbian

WRONG. In the Season 2 finale, Alternate Future Jamie shows Coop a picture of Kiva kissing him. The long-term plan for the series was thus foreshadowed to be that Kiva and Jamie became a couple. There's zero evidence to suggest that she's a lesbian.


meine negers

who's this qt?

Hazel from seconds

Best waifu right here.
Untill next month anyway.

The best "talents."

Best taste.

Still The Best.

Nothing wrong with that


Why is she so unattractive?

>all of these fictional characters
Y'all need a real woman.

I know Sup Forums tends to prefer Pam, but I love Cheryl Tunt. I don't know why. It's not just her being hot (though she is). I know she's fucking crazy and kind of evil, but I don't just want to fuck her. I want to sit on the couch with her and watch Netflix with my arm around her, and a rolled up newspaper nearby to swat her if she starts chewing on me or something.

She makes my heart melt. I'm not hardcore into "waifuism" (I don't tape pictures of her to chairs and pretend I'm on a date with her, or rant about her in non-waifu threads) but she's the closest I've ever gotten.

Best of them all


>Lt. Hawkeye


Also surprised She-Hulk hasn't been posted yet.

You too.