Forgotten Sup Forums flavors of the month

>that one waifu that Sup Forums humped and dumped but you still love

Whats her name, Sup Forums?

Too many to count. Sup Forums goes through waifus like neets go through tissues.

Yeah, those waifu chart threads are disgusting. You're only supposed to have one, you degenerates.

That said, I miss Princess Marigold Heavenly Nostrils, though I think she was more Sup Forums. There's only a couple good pictures of her.

Thee wasn't enough art of her made before she was abandoned.

>You're only supposed to have one, you degenerates.

As long as they exist in different realities that don't cross over they'll never know.

Her cartoon was bland, but damn do I still dig her.

I drew her naked too not too long ago.

Have you guys tried dating real girls? You can actually fuck them, it's pretty rad.

We can fuck girls?
I've just used my hands.

real girls are money and time sinks into a person that you have nothing in common with except the fear of dying alone and unloved

>Sup Forums goes through waifus like Sup Forums goes through tissues

I have actually, and it's not really. Way too much hassle, and sex really isn't that great.

A lot of my fetishes are physically impossible in real life

My girlfriend likes to roleplay my physically impossible fetishes with me. You could get a girl to do that for you as well, if you try.

>implying having fantasy sex with a real girl is better than real sex with a fantasy girl

Or you could find a girl you have shit in common with. I don't understand why 99% of Sup Forums fails to grasp this. The girl that draws Awkward Zombie is an awkward homely nerd herself and she found a big awkward boy nerd to marry her, I don't see why the "tfw no gf" people try to do that as well.

Different user, but it's really not the same. Pretending that her limbs are getting cut off isn't quite the same. Unless you're talking about rping via text, in which case you don't need a girlfriend to do that. I've got more than one partner I've been erping with for over ten years now, since back when Yiffchat had the foodex factory.

>Or you could find a girl you have shit in common with. I don't understand why 99% of Sup Forums fails to grasp this.

>shit in common with
>99% of Sup Forums

the thing all of Sup Forums has in common is that they like being alone

we also like complaining about things

That snek


>one partner I've been erping with for over ten years now

>ERPing with someone so long you're basically in a common law marriage.

I'm kind of impressed really.

I'd love to fuck real girls but I haven't found any girls that like 30 something losers that love animation and have weird fetishes

Maybe don't talk about the weird fetishes until later

unless theres a girl who could actually do my fetishes which is chewing on her ovaries while she ovulates

I honestly keep forgetting the creator of this comic is a girl. She draws herself like a guy

Bumping with another obscure FOTM

Or I could buy a tool for the sex instead, it's cheaper, cleaner, and takes up less space.



I don't have any interests other than dying though. I don't even think I'm attracted to real women anymore. I thought about just becoming gay but I can't even entertain that thought any more. I'm just not attracted to real people I guess.

not once you take the furpill

>over ten years now
Damn, that's actually kind of cool.

They don't seem to want any fucking.

Except from Chad.

They don't have fluffy tails and ears anyways tho.

Dude, anons are not cute nerdy guys.

Think more like... Blobby greasy trailer trash that somehow has a computer.

Or Eltingville club minus the one guy who had some hope left.


there's a whole bunch of Alopex art out there now though.

This hurst me so much. How long I have to wait.

>Or you could find a girl you have shit in common with.
Exactly, if you're looking for bombshells who could pass as supermodels then you're gonna get rejected a lot, and even if they accept you to date them, you'll never be able to build a steady relationship since you only hooked up on looks alone.

I'm not into awkward nerdy girls that much, but I still understand their appeal and I know they have better potential to be mothers. I myself prefer fun outdoorsy girls who can be your best friend as well as your girlfriend/wife or boyfriend/husband, someone who can chat with about literally everything and not strictly treat them like love-interests, that should be the goal of any relationship ever.

Like attracts like. And my life is a fucking mess. So I can either settle for my hand, or for a pile of garbage with a hole to match the pole in my own pile of garbage. There are also escorts but those are still a huge moneysink just to get my rocks off.

Or at least they tried to make us forget about her.

Way to ruin a thread, jack-ass. I was kind of interested in seeing how much of Sup Forums's historical FotMs have been categorized (I propose a timeline!) and then you come turning this thread into /r9k/.

>tfw after decades of wasting time in miserable, unfulfilling social relationships you realize that solitude is your ideal state of being and you haven't looked back since
misanthropy is bliss, no kidding

Nerdy girls tend to be psychotic mothers.
They cannot handle pessure and they tend to pile up pressure from the smallest thing.
They tend to be socially awkward/disasterous, just like nerdy guys, and babies are social as fuark.

The girl I'm dating (and all of her friends) are this weird brand of people that I didn't really believe existed. Self-proclaimed depressed and socially anxious bundles of nerves with at least two companion animals a piece, spouting millenial-nihilism and being literally unable to even.
Nerd girls are toxic, boys. Get a normal girl who tolerates your weird shit

Nigga, you see five-pronged thing in the end of your forearm attached to your wrist? That's all you need.

I know I'll just get stamped with MRA or whatever for it, but I literally never met a girl whose interests matched with mine that wasn't faking it or just riding a fad.

Sup Forums never humps my waifu so they can never dump her either, but I'll always love her.

I will never know the sweet cold hard embrace of General Kalani

Would Sup Forums FUGG a snek???



That's a lass?
Are you just fucking with me or has that actually been a woman this entire time?

yes, and she's the one who draws herself that way too

It doesn't always work out. Katie's not a great example because while yes she is an awkward homely nerd gal, she has her shit together and is an actual rocket scientist.

Most of the time, the quiet awkward nerdy gals take way too long to warm up enough to the idea of dating, or they talk a big game early on but end up being a total virgin that likes the IDEA of sex but doesn't like actually doing it.

Very rarely does someone manage to snag the hot chick with no self-esteem or the butter-face who just wants to live with you and fuck your brains out.

We were having a good thread until you opened that can of worms. Now I'm a little sad


Just for this image, I think it roughly goes:

Cassie - Early to mid-July 2011 (same thread)
Dana - July 2011 (when A Real Boy came out; possibly earlier)
Agent Chase - December 2011
Red - Early March 2014
Vicky Rabbit - Mid-March 2014 (roughly since most of her stuff was apparently scrubbed from the Booru and never replaced)
Fangora - Late March 2014
Stripes - May 2015

>December 2011
>March 2014
Who actually thought it was okay to skip that much time?

The problem is you guys have unrealistic expectations. Perfect people don't exist and you should know that you also aren't going to be perfect to whoever you end up dating. Learn to deal with peoples flaws and focus on positives or being happy with someone else will always be out of your reach.

Literally never heard of this fetish before. Impressive.

How many guys named Katie do you know?

>real girls? You can actually fuck them

But rape is illegal, user.

Only if you get caught.

There were a bunch of others in that timespan but they're not in that image; it was made from a list of FotM besides a handful that were already mentioned.

Leggy was during that; a few others as well.

I like living alone, dating would ruin that.

Such as being alone

>That anatomy


Also, sleeping with another person is a pain in the fucking ass. I don't mean sex, I mean actually trying to sleep with someone else in your bed. It's a fucking nightmare.

You adjust within a few days. No, seriously.

But user, you have to find somebody, who is attracted to you for that. And this is impossible for me or many of the Sup Forums residents.

any girl i would have anything in common with would be god-fucking-awful though

it's okay, so are you

this happens for a reason

listen user my girl is finally getting a proper dakimakura after this comes out i won't need a real girl


Bitches ain't shit and dating is a fools game theses days.

tried that once. she wasn't attracted to me at all. And haven't had any opportunity to talk to other girls since

every chick i have something in common with is a lesbian

does she count?

>mfw I found out it's a dude


girls are overrated

top kek


Wouldn't stop me

she was more of a flavour of the thread than flavour of the month. but i enjoyed what little fun we had with her.

>he thinks that an user who was once an obnoxious tripfag that everyone deemed as insane will find a girl with likeminded interests.

yes i fucking have tried dating real girls do you think i still wouldnt be a virgin if i didnt TRY. i TRY but always fail. i tried so hard but got so far

Yeah but cartoon girls can't dump me like real girls do

You sound like a Puerto Rican.



Was just about to post her too

I big spooned a weird 6/10 tumblrina grill for a week, it occasionally got too hot but was otherwise very nice to the point I was depressed for a month afterward and had trouble sleeping with the cold void of intimacy again


shes not though

>ywn offer lily a free glass of lemonade from your stand on a hot summer day
>ywn see her collapse onto the floor moments after drinking the spiked lemonade
>ywn take her back to your home and rest her on the bed
>ywn star longingly at her unconsious body as all sorts of vulgar thoughts rush through your mind
>ywn never start slowly removing her clothes, getting harder and harder with each moment that passes
>ywn admire her naked body and take a wiff out of her just to see how nice she smells down there
>ywn start eating her out, loving the way she tastes as rub your erect cock
>ywn notice her slowly waking up, apperently the drug didn't last as long as usual
>ywn clamp your hand on her mouth to stop her from screaming as she realises whats happening
>ywn threaten to beat the shit out of her if she fuckin screams
>ywn realise how far you've gone and theres no turning back now
>ywn slowly insert your erect member into her little cat? pussy
>ywn be amazed at how tight she is
>ywn start slowly pumping into her feeling her tight pink walls clasping around your dick
>ywn look at her face and see how red she's become, her face filled with fear
>ywn ignore her pitiful please for you to stop as tears run down her cheeks
>ywn realise how hot you find her crying and begging is for you to stop is
>ywn start pumping faster once she starts loosening up a bit
>ywn plant kisses on her neck and face desiring more action from her as you lick up her salty tears
>ywn tell her to open her mouth, threatening to hurt her if she doesnt
>ywn force your tongue into her mouth once she does and star aggresively tongue kissing her, her cries for help being muffled by your mouth
>ywn play with her underage kitty titties
>ywn reach climax and cum inside her, coating her pink walls with your cum after ravaging the little girl
>ywn look at her lying in the fetal position shaking, crying, cum leaking out of her little pussy after getting ravaged by your cock

>ywn threaten to kill her if she so mentions a fucking word of what happened

People fap to the character, not the person in the suit.

No, hon. That's /jp/

>People fap to the character, not the person in the suit.

That's just the thing. I thought both were guys.
But if the character is a girl, then all is well.


/tg/ unanimously agreed that they would fuck a dragon without hesitation if given the opportunity.

If Sup Forums isn't willing to fuck a snake then I don't know what to believe.

My nigger, that thread was some top-tier stuff.

I wonder if there's enough FotM to do a roll chart with.