What went so terribly right?

What went so terribly right?

Talented people that loved the source material.

Minimum interference from Marvel and Sony.

Using stylistic art to produce better animation that does the character and his feats justice.

The show never got renewed so people can't bitch about how the show is now ruined.

They can bitch about how it was cancelled though.

Better to end on a good note then go stale.

Well, "good" as in quality, because Spectacular ended with WAY too many loose-ends untied. Not it's fault though.

>Harry Osborn knowing about Gwen and Peter's love for one another
>Norman Osborn being alive.

Shit, I forgot a lot of other stuff.

>Black Cat hates Spidey.
>Eddie may have been taken to the asylum.
>The Symbiote got away.
>The Chameleon (once again) got away.

That's off the top of my head. There may be more.

Leaving loose ends is a very comic book-y thing to do so none of this really bothers me.

Considering there was a specific plan for five seasons, I doubt it would've been a problem.

Damn, I forgot how Peter left Felicia's dad in the prison for killing Ben. We could've had another Venom arc with Eddie or maybe even Felicia.

I would've been fine with it if there was just three seasons considering how good the series was.

They establish that Cletus exists, so we may have gotten Carnage too.

I think I recall them saying they had plans for Hobgoblin and Scorpion to appear in a third season.

Not to mention Hydro-Man as well, and they even vaguely hint at Belladonna due to Kingsley owning a perfume company.

I'm still disappointed we'll never see the Spider-Mobile arc animated.

Hobgoblin, Hydro-Man, Carnage, and Scorpion were all alluded to before Season 2 concluded.

Isn't a Calypso a Spider-Man villain as well?

Honestly, the only thing that disappointed me about the show is that Kraven turned into a furry rather than staying a badass human that used traps.


>that one episode where Fancy Dan was singing that in the elevator

>Kraven turned into a furry rather than staying a badass human that used traps.

Didn't that happen in the Ultimate universe or something?

Not that I'm trying to defend it.

I thought it was Ox.

Was it? I can't remember.

I think so, but eh.

>Honestly, the only thing that disappointed me about the show is that Kraven turned into a furry rather than staying a badass human that used traps.
Same. Not sure it's worse than nipple lasers though.

Nipple lasers?


Ah, comics.

Turning Montana into the Shocker was honestly a stroke of genius.


I loved Montana Shocker

He had the best banter with Spidey.

He took just three words to amazing lengths.

They delivered the "redeemed Sandman" story perfectly. I was excited to see the topic tackled in the movie but of course I was disappointed.