It's good

It's good.

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It's shit.

they even spelled her name wrong on the posters OP

total shit

the fedora guard is fast on the scene as usual. nothing quite as triggering for them as seeing a woman do anything ever period since it reminds them of the thing that want the most that they have the least chance of getting.

fuck off retards.

her rogue gallery still sucks sadly.

Steven WeintraubVerified account @colliderfrosty

Best part of ‘Wonder Woman’ is the film has really funny parts and an optimistic and heroic protagonist. Great step forward for DC Films.

Haleigh FoutchVerified account @HaleighFoutch

#WonderWoman is the easily the best DCEU movie so far. It's got heart and a love of heroes. Pine and Gadot are charming beyond measure.

The embargo lifted by the way.

(((Eric Eisenberg)))Verified account @eeisenberg

#WonderWoman is the best DCEU film so far. The heart of Gal Gadot's Diana powers it, and the shift from mythic into WWI story really works.

eat a dick, joke not getting guy

>i w-was just playin..

tip harder, fedora shitter. lol.

if true , great.


..we've been down this rabbit hole before. Don't do this to yourselves

At least these are from actual critics and not fanboys.

>actual critics
>Collider, io9

It'd be nice if it was. I don't expect it to be, since none of them have been good, but I would like it.

>her rogue gallery still sucks sadly.
two villains...not a real gallery user. plus not her fault.

>#WonderWoman is the easily the best DCEU movie so far.
Really low bar on that one. It's like the least bloody shit you've taken after eating glass.


but let's wait and see the reviews when it's released to the public.

don't talk shit about Egg Fu!

>two villains...not a real gallery user.


>plus not her fault.

also yep. every time a new author comes along, they just HAVE to make THEIR villain the hottest shit of them all. ugh.

Johns proves again he knows what the american audience wants

Aka retards

They could just go the Azzarello route and make her antagonists the Greek pantheon. That'd be cool. Especially since Steve Trevor is ded and she's been gone 100 years. Make a movie about what she was up to on Themyscira for all those years.

Johnsfans are retards

I'm still not watching it

>it's a Marvel flick with no depth or seriousness! we love it!


I'm being a tad unfair since LOGAN had more than one poster, but what's the deal with all this orange

>It's good.

Did you watch it or are you just parroting shitty blogging SJW critics?

Orange and blue.

Any reactions yet from people that hated MoS and BvS?

>food analogy

Ares, Circe, Dr. Psycho, Dr. Poison, Cheetah, Medusa, Silver Swan. And those are just the big ones.

those reviews sound a little worrying....

Now post the bad twitter reactions

I did, And i think this movie is great, beyond that, a masterpiece of modern cinema.

>after eating glass
stop eating glass user, you are loved.

Ah yes, the legendary villains of Dr Poison and Silver Swan

Come on, there is only based Perez Ares, and cheetah...maybe circe, the others are white noise and filler between arcs.

Silver Swan was a much better villain pre-Crisis. It's weird.

When will they lift the actual review embargo?

Ejem...actually with Logan it represents the know, the end of the day. The byebye to the character.. IN ww is the opposite, the dawn, the beggining..blablah. I know you got it now.

May 31st, 2 days before premier

It doesn't matter what it represents. The color is overused as hell

>Johns is going to get all the praise again

it's not fair, Zack is the real hero

Fucking kill yourself you DShitter. Wonder Woman is the worst movie I have ever fucking seen.

The film has more depth than BvS. It's deep

But it also has a female lead meaning it can be intelligent and critics will have to like it

What if Wonder Woman is good, Justice League is awful, and WB is forced to make more Wonder Woman movies along with their usual slate of Batman movies?

If they don't lift the review embargo earlier than that, it will seem shady

>Wonder Woman anything

I'm not surprised about the flip flop in terms of Wonder Woman's characterization.

People praised her in BvS where she was le badass cynical cunt who abandoned mankind

Now Patty Jenkins didn't want to make her a cunt and "just badass" and everyone is raving about how Wonder Woman is heroic and kind.

Not surprised because no one gives a shit about Wonder Woman's characterization and will enjoy anything even if it's inconsistent.

But I'm happy that they are trying to sideline Snyder's retarded depiction of her in BvS.

So its all of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies?

Awwshit nigga, at least pretty sure it won't be another review massacre like BvS or Squad.

Just like MoS

If it actually ends up rotten, after all the expectations raised in the last couple of hours, I think DC friends might actually kill themselves

Chetaah is gross dudes, what are you on about

>A second fresh review!

Kaecilius became a reasonable villain. Maybe that women'hating dwarf could also do it. And Giganta.

comicbookmovie it's in Warner's pocket.

your friend Mickey

In two weeks

That's not really unique to Azz and is part of the problem.

Nice movie
Wait to see in 2 June

Oh, hey, the new Pirates movie DOES have Orlando Bloom in it.

2 critics actually said the 3rd act and the villains are messy

those 2 dudes from the box office forums also said so

It a movie to explain why she is cynical.

It doesn't explain

Nobody has a problem with the fact that the Amazons were made by Zeus, who is pretty much the rape God?

user, nobody cares about the Amazon origins. This is Snyder's universe, and it's feminism free.

Gotta be cautious. MoS has an almost perfect score in goddamn IGN. They first reviews are always to shill , but this one should do around Ironman 2 or Hulk scores in RT at least, 60-70%.