Can control the molecules of his body

>Can control the molecules of his body
>Can grow to be giant, or shrink to be tiny
>Can form weapons, ranging from axes to spikes to guns and lasers out of his limbs
>Can empower other beings with incredible augmentations
>Regenerative healing factor
>Genius biologist, chemist, engineer, and overall scientist
>Augmented with Celestial technology

Name a bigger jobber.

Other urls found in this thread:


Galactus has had sex though.

Apocalypse hasnt. Guaranteed.


Doom has had sex though.

Apocalypse hasnt. Guaranteed.

>Welcome to X-Mansion Wolverine.
>It is known to me that you raided Egypt before arriving here.

he has a son, Holocaust

With what?

>Apocalypse hasnt. Guaranteed.
He has a son, user. He's had sex.

Apocalypse has a son.

And judging by the face he is making in OP's pic he is planning in having it again. Soon.

In the Age of Apocalypse timeline, which was erased (and then reinstated because of the multiverses mechanics).

Not in 616.

PURPORTED son. He's not actually confirmed.

Could be adopted.

Holocausts mother has had sex.

Apocalypse hasnt. Guaranteed.

No, Holocaust existed in 616 too. He showed up in Remender's run on X-Force. Apocalypse's son with his first Famine Horseman.

No he moved to 616, he wasnt a native.

Pretty sure they were different, since AoA Holocaust was dead and 616 was said to have been hiding with clan Ak'aba or whoever the fuck they are.

apocalypse has a bunch of descendants, he's gotten laid a number of times throughout history. Blink and Chamber were both descended from him.

Here's the guy.


Artificial insemination.

Apocalypse is too beta to ever get laida.

>What is Clan Akkaba
Sure, a lot of them got slaughtered by vampires and the Apocalypse Twins, but they're still his descendants.

>Not in 616.
He had him in 616, too. Holocaust is AoA. Genocide is 616. They're different people, but both the son of their respective universe's Apocalypse.

Galactus is taller though

Considering Genocide's mother hid him from Apocalypse, him being artificially inseminated doesn't make a lick of sense.


That explains the Bogandorfs...

You only perceive him to be

whatever he wants to.

I had blocked this out of my mind...why did you remind me....why....

Martian Manhunter

I thought Martian Manhunters name was J'obb Jones

Darkside vs Apocalypse vs Mongol vs Thanos. Who wins?

Thanos. Not that he'd win the fight, but he eventually would be killed by Darkseid and that's what he wants.

b..but the holocaust isn't real...

For once, Apocalypse is the underdog. Mongul is a complete non-entity in that battle.

I don't know about that. Thanos killing gods and cosmic entities - that's kind of his thing. And Darkseid is not much of a hands-on guy. Think: his long-term strategies are usually as inexorable as glaciers, but in hand-to-hand combat he almost always jobs to Superman. Or Orion.

And Thanos is no slouch. Remember that one time he bitchslapped the Hulk AND Drax?

>Thanos manages to trick and kill Darkseid and harness the Omega Effect for himself
>The Death that is Life
>For the first time in centuries, his face relaxes into a faint smile, as pure, untainted happiness fills his heart
>And let the Multiverse beware

>Who jobs harder?

Wait! There is a X-men villain son called holocaust?

Requesting on of the "Everything" Guldan edits