Storytime: Marvel Graphic Novels #34: The Shadow, Hitler's Astrologer

Storytime: Marvel Graphic Novels #34: The Shadow, Hitler's Astrologer

Remember that time that Dennis O'Neil and Michael Kaluta worked on The Shadow for DC? Remember that time they did it again, except for Marvel?

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Weirdly enough, Dynamite also published this one.




































How important was the astrology in WW2?




Hitler was a fruitcake who was obsessed with astrology, horoscopes, ancient relics, Norse Magic, the whole deal.


aka Castle Wolfenstein


who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? the SHADOW knows!
ive only seen the movie before today, thanks for the story time


Not very, if at all. Now astronomy on the other hand was very important. This book deals with Nazi fascination and the occult.

>aka Castle Wolfenstein

And Indiana Jones, and anything else that has Nazis plus magic/mad science. He really thought he could find a secret advantage over the allies by finding magic artifacts or breeding super soldiers.


I assume you mean the 1994 movie? I would recommend listening to the original radio broadcasts.

Did not mean to do that second reply.

yeah, i loved the movie growing up, didnt know it was a radio show, thanks for the tip ill look into it

















Thanks for the storytime!

The Shadow deserves more love

Huh. I've never actually sat down and read any of The Shadow. I think I might buy this.

Is there any essential The Shadow reading? Does he have a beginning, 'middle', and end?

He's Sup Forums's old list and make sure you listen to the original radio broadcasts.

Pretty fun read. Can't go wrong with some oldschool Nahtsee shootin'.

>DC, Marvel, Dark Hose, and Dynamite
He's practically omnipresent.

Astrology is the occult one

Thanks, OP.


You should try and find the pulps but if it's not possible then you can go via radio or comics. There isn't really a middle or end for The Shadow. But you should listen to at least a few radio episodes and read the Dark Horse comics.

Howard Chaykin's Shadow was terrible.

Chaykin's Shadow is kino

The bump knows.

Matt Wagner wrote more shadow than that.

Maybe, but it's also pretty bad. I loved American Flagg! but after that Chaykin's work has (probably with some exception I don't recall) been disappointment piled on disappointment.

Twilight is fantastic