2000's Setting

if a cartoon or comics. took place in the 2000s what are something you expected to see in it.

.it the pseudo-anime episode.

Flip phones

An awkward puberty/period episode

Harry Potter parody/reference


Everything becoming stale and lame the moment it hits 2005

i would like to see this cartoon reference lots of other cartoons from that time period.

Steven Universe does a lot of 2000s referencing, I'm surprised you are ignoring it

Potshots at Bush

The internet episode, with things like e-mail and chatrooms being prevalent

9/11 episode

That one episode of Bojack Horseman

Which type of anime parody is worse? Making fun of flapping mouths and over-acting, or blatant referencing specific material in a serious way.

whatever look more like those how to draw anime book.

the one where all anime is pokemon or DBZ

I want to open that bottle of water and pour it on the cat's head.


I really can't think of anything except for awkward puberty episode. But since it's a 2000's cartoon there will probably be more than one puberty episode and/or an episode all about teens being filled with hormones and trying to seduce each other.

2000-2006 was awesome
2006-2009 sucked

he looks so smug and the bottle of water is nearby.

an episode where they all try skateboarding/bmx/scooters/rollerblades and are decked out with way too many pads and helmets