More Marvel: Generations covers

Hey look, it's the real Hawkeye and Kate Bishop.



>Kate gets top billing

So was Jean Grey as much of a bad person as Time displaced Jean Grey?


>Jean Grey's legacy is herself
Is Marvel run by literal retards?

Gee Bendis! How come Marvel let's you write two generations books?

Miles top billing kek.

You mean "hey look, it's the real Hawkeye and Clint Barton"



Just now coming to this conclusion?


> carol gets pushed AGAIN

> both books will be terrible, she will NEVER EVER get a good book





There's something about this I like.

>No triple Steve/Bucky/Sam Captain America team-up

I'm dissapointed

Well Pak is decent. I'm sure it won't be that bad.

>Banner Hulk
>not Incredible Hulk

I meant that I like the cover. I've heard that the comic is good though.
They only seem to add the adjective if the character has an ongoing, like here with Thor.
That said, they could've just said "The Hulk"

>All the replacements get top billing.

I would actually read this if I wasn't absolutely sure that they'll fuck it up.

>Banner Hulk
>Not Incredible Hulk
>Not just plain Hulk
This pisses me off.

>no nova

I fucking hate this.


They probably didn't use just The Hulk because that's Jen's title now.


God I wanna fuck Kate

Trying too hard, intern.

Right, that might explain it.

>Implying Shitlife Pizzadogman is any more the real Hawkeye than Bitchtits McQuirkycunt

What's up with the plasma bow?

>So was Jean Grey as much of a bad person as Time displaced Jean Grey?
Jean dindu nuffin it was alla feenix she been goin to xaveirs school gettin her life together we need mo money fo dem xmen programs

Now there's an odd choice for a Thor villain

Why is DC so much better at minority characters and legacy characters in general?
I mean Chinese Superman, Hispanic Blue Beetle, Lesbian Batwoman, Native American Batman. All these should trigger the shit out of people but instead they are all pretty good. How does DC manage it?

>tumblr pic
>more than one exclamation mark

That's what he gets for getting his book cancelled.

Spins out of Remenders Uncanny Avengers, basically Young Thor ran into Apocalypse and got his ass kicked because he couldn't pierce Apocalype's Celestial armor. So decides to enchant his axe so that it could kill Apocalypse. They don't run into each other again until much later, so he never uses it.
Then the Apocalypse Twins steal it to kill a Celestial.

They all have good stories and don't rely only in publicity to sell

No covers yet for ms marvel or ironman?

It explains why they didn't use the hulk, but it didn't explain why they aren't using the incredible hulk name. I'm not mad but it just strikes me as plain weird.

Because despite being legacy characters, they do their own thing. Marvel was letting Kamala do her own thing, and she was doing great. Then Marvel started pushing her EVERYWHERE and her comic suffered for that, and now she is shit and her current comic is WARCRAFT LMAO.
Also, legacy characters in DC sell low, but they keep going. Look at what happened to Robbie reyes, he gets cancelled every time, just before anything gets interesting in his comic.

Has any of Sam's books gotten great numbers?

Most people I talk to didn't even know sam HAD another fucking going. Books can't do well if no one knows about them.

Not a big enough name, as seen by the sales on their most recent comic. It's irritating, but at least understandable.

The only ones I can see doing that are Bendis and maybe Aaron/Hawkeye writer. Spencer and Pak have already shown they respect the characters' dynamic when interacting, and if anything, Bunn is more likely to crap on Tean. Taylor is Taylor. Stohl I'm not too familiar with, but the current run doesn't give me cause to worry that she'll be unfair. Probably just meh.

>Native American Batman
Is that a Batman Inc thing?

>the real Hawkeye
so, pre-HoM Hawkeye?

Ronin Clint was fun. Well technically he wasn't Hawkeye.

So either cube fucks up reality..displaced classic alts or else.

>Bruce Legacy isn't one of his 4 fucking children, but fucking Hercule's sidekick.

Banner Hulk...

Are they gonna finally fug?

1. They don't replace the original.
2. They don't get the "here's a new hip replacement that's totally cooler and smarter than your old shit fav" treatment

>Legacy top billing
>Calling Thor unworthy
>More Carol wankfest

Choke on semen Marvel.

Hope would have made more sense, but I doubt anyone at Marvel remembers her.

Enjoying the bigot tears

Shouldn't it be Hope Summers?

Huh. Apocalypse. This might be the ONLY clue we have about this shit.

She's gonna be in one of the X-men titles soon, helping Jean with the phoenix stuff

>>The Americas

Oh God, I didn't realise how much I missed Clint's costume until seeing this cover.

Kate with an actual Hawkeye costume is really nice.
I think should have gone for a more Mockingbird-esque mask, though

Nope. Those were the only covers not released yet.

One hammer of doom. I bet jane thor gets the axe.

Pretty much before Fraction Hawkeye became the definitive Hawkeye.

>Banner Hulk
... why not "Savage Hulk" or "Incredible Hulk"?

I guess site exclusives are for the last 2. Bagley on ironman or ms marvel would be nice.

Why? So he can bang her too?

It's probably the banner in hulks body version. Less the savage or switch form.

>Has any of Sam's books gotten great numbers?
Great numbers? No. But Both of Sam's ongoings sold higher than the Sam + Rich ongoing.

For comparison, Sam's first volume lasted 31 issues, and by its 31st issue, it was selling higher than the new Nova ongoing was selling by issue 2.

more as a callback to Kate's original Hawkingbird nickname and her mixing Clint's and Bobbi's weapons

But then it should be Professor Hulk. Or, hell, his book was still called Incredible Hulk during his Professor Hulk period. Why not Incredible Hulk?

Chulk is so small

Yeah, it's a story about them getting zapped back in time to meet their predecessors, if Generations were about the older ones meeting the kids that come after them the names would be swapped. I'm sure you already know ew that though.

Eh. Marvel really tends not to push the savage one anymore.

There's runs before professor hulk where hulk is smart or banners in control.

I guess they want both hulks talking to each other rather than hulk smashhhh.

Why? Most of them knew each other or still know each other.

Alsonso said no time travel. It's just cube stuff.

Those are two handsome gentlemen.

Honestly Wolverine is the only one worth reading, I'd be hyped for Spider-Man if it wasn't for Bendis.

>would have made more sense, but I doubt anyone at Marvel remembers

I know that feeling.

Time travel / alt reality, apples and oranges, it's all fruit.
It seems like the newer generations are going to get zapped deep into past experiences of the other heroes, so a Peter Parker who is neck deep in dealing with The Rose, Delilah and the emerging Hobgoblin isn't going to know who Miles is.

Except no. Alnzo says theyre sticking around. Nobody knows going on.


Are we talking about Man-of-Bats? Because I loved that guy.

Just like Spencer said that Captain Hydra is the real Cap, no cube fuckery, right? I'm taking everything at face value and trusting nothing that is said about generations beyond speculations. If I'm wrong, cool, but until I know for certain I have to assume this is some kind of time warp/travel fuckery

whoa thats the best looking version of hawkeyes costume ive ever seen

She's about to get a horrible case of HOPELESS in the Jean Grey ongoing.

nostalgy is the true cancer of comics

Think he was talking about Bat2ing but you can basically put all of the members of Batman Inc.on the diversity list for DC.

>recognizing a pic from tumblr
>being so autistic as to sperg out over the way someone writes
You have to go back.

really? even Mar-vell?

oh hey, mar-vell that could be-
it's going to suck so hard.

Yeah the head thing. Even more duplicate characters in the head spread image.

There's gotta be a catch though, cube or different world. Copies?

Hey buddy. One exclamation mark.

Or, you know, they are just lying.


Nah. Only Dan Slott lies.

Ahaha, that's clever. I thought that guy was African, though.

I hope that this shit fails, maybe then they'll finally get rid of Alonso.

Are there any videos or interviews talking to Marvel creators about why they create and then heavily push new characters instead of promoting existing ones?

That'd be career suicide because it's obvious they're doing it for possible royalties in the future when recasts will be needed in the MCU.


Not really.
At first she was simply boring (early Marvel couldn't write women very well I'm afraid), then later she seemed nice but increasingly unstable.
Not an emotionally swingy way but in a "you can see how she keeps all this under control but she's starting to tear at the seams" thanks to her Phoenix shit.