This was doomed from the start

This was doomed from the start.

Other urls found in this thread:

What's your problem with this show?

He wants to turn discussion into pure shit posting

Not the OP but man that looks like shit.

It does look pretty bad like all the upcoming CN shows.

I'm excited for it, no amount of shitposting from one guy with a hateboner will deter me from making my own judgement once it airs.

Not even the guy you're talking about.

why is Steven green now? new fusion?

Villainous does the "runs a store" concept better, and with villains to boot.

It and Craig of the Creek look promising

>Steven fully embraces his ayy lmao heritage and homosexuality

Hi Ian.
Are you shilling for your show on Sup Forums now?


I'm pretty sure the only this is a show and not Villainous is because Ian is black.

Go watch Villainous instead of this crap.

Remember when CN used to have good shows?
CN should have died with CN Real.

What did you expect; it was created by a black man.

>Autism Response Team
>Not a spec ops group trained to neutralize autists that went berserk

I'm surprised nobody is making the connection that all if these recent cartoons that rely on referencing other shit so heavily is just new flavors of family guy.

We should petition for Villainous to become a show instead of OK KO.

>horrible art style that gives even the Calarts meme a bad name
>references instead of humor
Doomed you say? Why in the world would you think that?


OK KO will become a show because the creator has ties with some of CN's current directors and you are going to like it as your new favorite show when it premieres.

>horrible art style that gives even the Calarts meme a bad name
I thought Ian went to SVA?

CN: Cronyism, Niggers!

It's only being picked for publicity.
After a season, they'll cancel it.
CN is smart.

>making camps for unaired cartoon shorts
I'd love to see what you gain from this considering you shill either too hard and everyone's going to hate both.

He did but in this case we use calarts as a blanket term for this new homogenized artstyle

Ian is a plagiarist.

I don't care where he went, the art is the ugly, generic garbage that plagues almost every recent cartoon. "Calarts" is a blanket term for that at this point.

That's retarded.
Sup Forums is retarded.

Because people loved OK KO and didn't just call it "more retro game/anime reference crap" right?

I repeat.

What do people gain by making CalArts a scapegoat?
The fact that Gumball uses a similar artstyle shows that goes beyond just CalArts.

you know it's not a competition right? you're allowed to enjoy multiple things at once

Some people did, and some people didn't. I remember a lot of people saying this show looked fun and "like a breath of fresh air" compared to shows trying to be deep and lore heavy, when I wasn't too impressed and didn't give much of a fuck about it.

>references instead of humor
You didn't see all the shorts did you?

>Hollywood: Cronyism, Niggers!

Fixed that for ya.

This is about making sure people pick the right show.

black people and jews can't make anything creative or original, steven universe and ok ko are literally DUDE MEMBER THIS ANIME?!

Star Vs and Rick & Morty made sure thatb as impossible.

The animation is good but those character designs are DA-tier garbage and even worse than "Calarts" style deigns like Star Vs and OK KO

>black people and jews can't make anything creative or original
It's more like people in general can't make anything creative or original.

>we get garbage like this instead of mfw related
It's like they WANT to run their company into the ground.

Geez, it's not our fault you can't enjoy something just because it's done before and have to go full autism with it.

One's tartlet garbage and the other looks like the most boring thing in existence full of "muh 90s" references, there is no "right" here.

Gee, it's almost like not everyone wants to fuck the Butt Witch.

I liked the shorts, so I'm excited that it got a show. I guess that counts as shilling now

We need to fix CN.
We're the only ones who can save it.


Its characters look better than half the shit that is on CN.

I'd take garbage over muh 90s any day.
If you weren't such a fag you'd see there's a right answer.

Name creative or original idea in the past seven years.

Calarts is a major institute in the field with a lot of influence. If they push cancerous bullshit, that bullshit becomes the norm. Kind of how Hollywood pretty much dictates the standard for movies for the whole world.

Here comes the CalArts Defense Force

Not in this case, both are terrible and shouldn't exist. The fact that anyone can defend these dumpster fires is proof this board needs to be purged.

>Kind of how Hollywood pretty much dictates the standard for movies for the whole world.
Do Americans honestly believe this?

>If they push cancerous bullshit, that bullshit becomes the norm.
Is there proof that they push this as the norm?

>fantasy world where everything can happen
>psychological implications giving it a second layer of depth
>charismatic characters who you want more of
>interesting approach to conflict: transformation rather than confrontation
>>herp-derp, they just want to fuck the green girl with the man voice

>The fact that anyone can defend these dumpster fires is proof this board needs to be purged.
>Stop liking what I don't like.

Nobody has ever said this you delusional fag nut.
Post a Twelve Forever thread right now and it'll be mostly be people asking about BW.

Exactly. And even then you're wrong. Most of the shows on CN have ugly art, but this show is way up there on the ug-o-meter.

>It's okay when I do it

When did I ever imply that you mong?

Given that this is Sup Forums, yes. Because everyone here think with their dicks.

Looks like the show's entire joke is "LOL 80's & 90's VIDEOGAME AND ANIME REFERENCE!"

Also the premise looks boring too. Why a strip mall? Why not have the setting in a video game or anime world or something?

So this was picked up but not Infinity Train?
Where's the fucking justice?

>Looks like the show's entire joke is "LOL 80's & 90's VIDEOGAME AND ANIME REFERENCE!"
It isn't. The jokes are more varied than one would think.

I'm just pissing in the wind because it's dumb as fuck to start drawing lines between fucking shorts that most people probably don't even know or give a fuck about yet.

>Also the premise looks boring too. Why a strip mall? Why not have the setting in a video game or anime world or something?
Have you seen the shorts?
There was a reason for the name change.

You're missing the point. Jews and blacks can't into culture: just look at Sub-Saharan Africa and Israel. And yet Jews are all over the media because of nepotism and corruption and blacks get breaks because it's "progressive".

Who invited Sup Forums here?

Waifus don't mean shit if the show is bad. Just look at Monster High and Happily Ever After. People didn't like that pilot just because of that ass.

It's not racist if it's the truth, tumblr.

Looks alright


it alright, but honestly i was more excited for ok ko and infinity train

it's not tumblr just because it's calling you retarded, you might actually be retarded and it might not be tumblr monsters hiding in the woodwork.

Infinity Train doesn't have people working on it who also have backroom dealings with CN figureheads

Got further context about the name change? Just curious.

>implying sub-Saharan Africa and Israel are cultural hubs
>calling other people retarded
Whatever you say, tumblr.

No real plot and the kid is annoying

>what is hollywood over the past 100 years

Unless you wanna imply that the entire history of film is a fraud, or imply that rock music is mediocre, I suggest you go back to your /r/The_Donald safe space. Not even Sup Forums wants your autistic false flagging.

that's way too much brainpower for the average board goer.

Same thread again, yawn


Lakewood Plaza Turbo doesn't sound as memetic and easy for kids to pronounce as OK KO

>history of film
Hollywood makes slop for the masses. You can call that culture only in the same way as McDonald's can be called cooking.

>This fucking thread again

Is that Steven on the left?

Yeah he got corrupted
Op's pic is a leak

you keep posting from mobile

it gives you away every time

that's it, the rest is gold.
but i've never heard of this happening with a show, where we get the tons of unrelated guest-animated episodes and the show hasnt even been scheduled yet. we don't even know for sure what it's going to look like

>instead of
that got greenlit, dude.
infinity train is just ugly but otherwise i love it

>Looks like shit
>Turned the original kickass theme song into a shitty one
>KO is a little bitch now
>Lipsyncing is pure garbage
>and did I mention they replaced this kick ass theme song with this

Funny how the new CN short show is basically this premise but from the villains point of view

souuuuurce my man

Its better than OK KO at least

It's Summer

It looks like generic garbage.