Unpopular opinion: I don't like cheesecake. Now, i'm a heterosexual male, and not an "SJW" or whatever...

Unpopular opinion: I don't like cheesecake. Now, i'm a heterosexual male, and not an "SJW" or whatever, but i dislike cheesecake for a couple reasons. First, it makes me feel creepy reading it.That may sound stupid, but imagine you're reading a comic book and a girl saw you reading pic related. She would be weirded out, no? Also, not to be too politically correct, but it does seem somewhat oversexualized when heroines who don't have sex appeal as one of their character traits with cleavage out and stuff. For example, I was reading Deadpool and the Mercs for Money, and Domino's cleavage was prominent is pretty much EVERY panle she was in. Is that really necessary?

Anyway, what are your opinions? I'm down with hot girls in comic books, but I feel like it needs to be toned down a bit

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Nice blog fagtron.

>She would be weirded out, no?
Only if she is a prude, repressed or looks down upon others beauty or thinks straight human sexual attraction is unnatural on some level.
Most of the women I know & work with like comics & like when they are sexy.

>when heroines who don't have sex appeal as one of their character traits
>For example, I was reading Deadpool and the Mercs for Money, and Domino's cleavage was prominent is pretty much EVERY panle she was in. Is that really necessary?
Except it IS one of Dom's character traits, she was in a mini series with Wolverine literally titled SEX & violence about her & Wolverine on the run fucking & killing.

Sorry man, I just wanted to share some thoughts

It depends on the character for me. Generally if it's a character who is largely defined by their sexuality then go right ahead, but if it's a gag or one-off situation I'm not a big fan.

Do you like good looking men at least?

You may be right actually, that might not be the best example. I think a better example would be Princess Leia (2015). I know for sure that sex is NOT a part of her character, but she is seen in pretty suggestive poses.

>not an "SJW"
>not to be too politically correct

thanks for the clarification

Slutfire best Starfire.

>but I feel like it needs to be toned down a bit
Then your a fucking retard that doesn't keep up to date.
Sex appeal is in the EXTREME minority in today's comics especially for Marvel.
Carol Danvers, Gamora, She Hulk, Starfire, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Natu, Misty Knight, Star Shappire, Mera (at the moment) all have been covered up in recent years.
Power Girl was covered for the new 52, then got the window back then was covered again.

Magik & Emma Frost & Domino are pretty much the only Marvel characters left with any sex appeal.

People talk shit that the new 52 sexualized tons of female characters... no only fucking 2 of them, Catwoman & Starfire.

>but she is seen in pretty suggestive poses.
Fucking when? And variants covers don't fucking count.

All of your reasons for not liking it are just expectations of being judged for liking it.
You like cheesecake. You just don't like what people might think about you liking cheesecake.

I don't mind cheesecake, but your opinions are valid and I don't mind them.

>I don't like cheesecake.
>i'm a heterosexual male
pick one

>what is Voodoo

>Carol Danvers, Gamora, She Hulk, Starfire, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Natu, Misty Knight, Star Shappire, Mera (at the moment) all have been covered up in recent years.
Adding Storm, Psylocke, Angela & Valkyrie.

I also don't like Cheesecake.
However, I also don't dislike Cheesecake.
It's just something that's there. People wear stuff that can be provocative and they also don't. I don't get why everyone cares so much about what clothes fictional people are wearing.

I'm a hetero female and I can find cheesecake nice. But it depend on the tone. But people will always like sexy stuff and I think its stupid to try and stop it. The Victorians lost and anti-sex feminist will too.

Ok so 3 of them.

Where even is Voodoo? Not saying this to fight, either. I legitimately would like to know so I can track down my WildCATS characters.

Mah nigga. Cheesecake is annoying as fuck for plenty of reasons.

1) It's just plain unnecessary. So unless it's needed for a plot point, you're just wasting the reader's time when you could be directing that effort to something that matters worth a damn.

2) I very much appreciate the female form, but all too often I feel ashamed of that because the material I frequent frames that form in such a juvenile manner. Look, I know we humans are sex obsessed monkeys, and that will likely never change, but must we be so 12 about it? A bit of classiness can't hurt.

3) If you insist on being a perv, be fair about it. Offset your cheesecake with a bit of beefcake, because comics should be inclusive. Give everyone something to drool over.

Characters should never be "defined by sexuality". Sex comedy is the best. Hth

I'm a faggot so it can be kind of weird. Sometimes it just looks like something you'd see at a beach and so it goes right over my head or I don't care and sometimes I get uncomfortable when it's really blatant and sleazy and creepy.

I just wish there were more cheesecake that was like 300 pound bearded strongmen. But I don't know if that even exists. Nobody who makes anything seems to have my taste.

It's like if you were lactose intolerant and all your friends were eating pizza. And then even when they make specialized anti cheese pizza you have fucking celiac's disease and you can't eat it cause you're allergic to gluten too. I need something THICC guys.

As far as I can tell the Wildstorm characters are just gone since they aren't getting used up anymore.

>Unpopular opinion: I don't like cheesecake.
That's not an unpopular opinion, it's a lie.
>Now, i'm a heterosexual male,
No, you're not.
>and not an "SJW" or whatever,
Yes, you are.
>but i dislike cheesecake for a couple reasons.
Because you're a faggot.
>First, it makes me feel creepy reading it.That may sound stupid,
Yes, it does.
>but imagine you're reading a comic book and a girl saw you reading pic related. She would be weirded out, no?
Yes, but she'd also be wierded out if the comic book had NO cheesecake.
>Also, not to be too politically correct,
Then stop.
>but it does seem somewhat oversexualized when heroines who don't have sex appeal as one of their character traits with cleavage out and stuff.
Is that a coherent sentence?
>For example, I was reading Deadpool and the Mercs for Money, and Domino's cleavage was prominent is pretty much EVERY panle she was in.
Which issue. For reasons.
>Is that really necessary?

>Anyway, what are your opinions?
The right ones.
>I'm down with hot girls in comic books,
No, you're not.
>but I feel like it needs to be toned down a bit
No, it doesn't.

I think you underestimate women, most of us are not neurotic, insecure SJW beanbags who get triggered by men who find women attractive sexual beings as nature intended. It's all a fraud anyway, notice how even the most obnoxious SJW still lusts after alpha males like Chris Evans when he's acting in the Cap role? Read whatever the hell you like.

quite the contrarian, aren't you

>If you insist on being a perv
Perv implies perverse which implies unnatural, pedo's are unnatural, necro's are fucking unnatrual.
There is NOTHING on this mother fucking earth unnatural about straight human sexual attraction to the adult female form.

He's not a SJW he was just raised catholic. Calling everybody a SJW makes you just as bad as the SJWs who call everybody a Nazi and go around punching them. You're ruining the word. Pls no bully the innocent catholic boys.

The Princess Leia mini did NOT have any cheesecake.

Turns out OP is a fag, which is par for the course.

>Offset your cheesecake with a bit of beefcake, because comics should be inclusive.

Nah this is bs. Some comics can be inclusive, some comics can be aimed at women some can be aimed at men. Art or stories can't appeal to everyone nor should they.

Comics need to take a page out of manga's book.

They have a series right now...

>There is NOTHING on this mother fucking earth unnatural about straight human sexual attraction to the adult female form

Yes there is. Sexual intercourse without reason for reproduction is extremely unnatural.

Besides that's a shitty argument. It doesn't matter if things are unnatural or not. It's the argument Christianity uses to repel the gays.

Unnatural =/= Wrong

Pedo, necro = Wrong

Cape shit is both though.

Op here, I only read DC

Most guys who go on like this hardly even talk to women in my experience just based on how many wildly assumptive notions they have based off stuff they largely read on the internet.

I'm a traditional Catholic hetero woman and I still think OP is being oversensitive. Girl in a bikini is fine. Its not porno or whatever.

But what you posted is male power fantasy, not beefcake.

I'm joking, though.
There is beefcake. Men are shirtless showing off their toned/beefy/whatever bodies constantly.

That's a reasonable opinion and I respect it.

>quite the contrarian, aren't you
No, I'm not.


>all that muscle
>still has a gut

You said you read Deadpool...

>it's a reboot resetting the universe too
Fuck yeah I'll have to look into this.

Is it bad that I'm a straight girl and this is literally my favorite comic ever and I have gotten off to it multiple times?

Fucking hell the artwork is gorgeous

Straight dude here.

Give me more cheesecake and beefcake. Not a gay, but I like knowing that those who like the male form in any shape it takes can enjoy it. But give me tits and ass and long legs in high heels too.

Cheesecake and beefcake and not hijabs and long johns OK. Praise YHVH

>it makes me feel creepy reading it.
>imagine you're reading a comic book and a girl saw you reading pic related. She would be weirded out, no?
So you're basing your preferences entirely on what others think of you? Seems pretty sad desu. There's a time and a place for everything. You're not gonna bust out a portable bluray player and blast your favorite cuck porn on a bus filled with other passengers are you? Certain things are meant to be done privately. Just because it's sexual, doesn't mean it's bad.

Yeah I worded that a bit poorly. I mean more to say characters for whom sex appeal is a large part of the character.

Holy man, my mind is fried. You're right, I've been reading Deadpool and the Mercs as well as Spider-Man/Deadpool, but everything else DC

So basically you let your life be dictated by shame. That's pretty sad.

what do you mean by "creepy"? that word gets used a lot in really weird contexts.

So after coming to Sup Forums for over ten years I'm beginning to feel like some kind of weirdo because I've never been turned on by or fapped to a comic book.

Because this is what causes my boner.

I meant strong man as in the competitive sport not a literal description of a man who is strong.

So, comic are meant to be read privately? Isn't it kind of strange if you can't read comic books in public due to it's contents?

>Only faggots and liars follow entertainment media for anything other than sexual gratification.

Because bodybuilders don't have bodies built for strength, they're built for appearance. Actual strongmen will typically be a lot more 'gutsy' like in that pic.

Not all comics feature the same content. Just like not all movies feature the same content. Some you can enjoy publicly, some you should not. Personally, I consider all comics in the same tier as portable gaming. That is to say, neither activity should be done publicly because it makes you look immature, regardless of the subject matter.

I read comics, but if I saw you reading comics in public - any sort of comic - I would consider you below my status.

I know some lifters build for a gut specifically, because touching the bar to your gut in a bench press counts as touching it to your chest.

Hey look, the asspained Cho hater is trying to be subtle now.

>tumblr, the post
Fuck off, numale omega dreg.

The only problem with cheesecake is that it's badly done. OP is fucking hideous. Artists either can't into anatomy, or think that some anorexic silicone slag from a porno flick they recently watched is a good model for an attractive character. They also can't into proper poses and timing, so they stick it everywhere they can instead of taking time to frame and set up like the better Jap artists.

>OP is fucking hideous.
Fuck off, thickfag.

No, it's bad that you like this book and this shit artwork at all, you fucking retard.

Really, you don't think it's at all creepy that this Starfire fucks just to fuck, and doesn't get any enjoyment out of it at all? And no, fuck you and your obviously face saving retcons, this is fucked up.

>the artwork is gorgeous
Are you high, or just stupid? I'm genuinely curious.

>never seen strongmen
Holy fuck, the board is full of retards today. Retards of all different races, genders, sexual orientations, nationalities, socioeconomic statuses, it's a veritable rainbow of raw human stupidity!

Wow, you're just as pathetic.

Hiding your power level is the most sensible decision if you want any sort of healthy social activity with other people in real life, son.

Platinum mad.

Don't ever reply to me again.

Nigger, the OP is objectively bad. She's holocaust thin in her arms and rib cage, her boobs look fake and her spine looks uncomfortably bent. There's literally hundreds of better pics of Starfire on paheal. Drawn by amateurs for free.

hi op, we don't have flags on here like Sup Forums but i can tell you're american.

400 years and you guys still can't get over the mental disease of puritanism.

You have some really low charisma. I feel genuine sympathy for you.

So basically you're a Numale

First off what do you care about a girl watching you read comics in public. Does that mean you're trying to attract girls if you're reading comics in public? And secondly, If they are into comics then they'd understand and would just pass it off. Otherwise they'd be more weirded out by a person reading comics in public.

You can see anyone's ribcage when they arch their back like that. I guarantee you that anyone who cries "le spine!" Doesn't understand how anatomy works. And therein lies the irony.

Guess what? ___(You)___

>imagine you're reading a comic book and a girl saw you reading pic related
>imagine reading pic related
I have, and that comic was shit, so it would indeed be embarrassing to be seen reading it.

If I wanted cheesecake like that -- which is the case every now & then -- there's sadpanda, paheal, the collection on my HDD, and whatever else. If I'm reading a comic featuring Starfire, I want Starfire, not the author's best impression of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

Nothing to soapbox about; just self-respect and taste.

>reading Starfire
>self respct and taste

OP has a dirty mind.


No, it really doesn't. And her spine looks crooked or at least really off. Try doing the pose in the mirror, you will be very uncomfortable if you manage it. And you can NOT see individual ribs like that unless the person has a very low bodyfat % that's pretty much only the case with anorexics and body builders during show season.

>imagine you're reading a comic book and a girl saw you reading pic related.
Why would I imagine such a nonsensical situation?
>She would be weirded out, no?
She'd be "weirded out" I'm reading what the consensus believe are silly books for kids. Up until it's popular in cinemas that is, then it's okay to like in public. Your imaginary Judge Judy can fuck off.

My gripe with cheesecake and fanservice is it's literally a shriveled carrot on a stick in this day and age where the internet's the local grocery and drawfags you can speak to directly are the grocers. Now with SFM artists we're achieving new levels of supply and demand. I don't need to buy a console and copy of the latest DOA Beach Volleyball with more polygons than before, I know where to get my polygons.

Plus it's grating hearing the brainwashed hogs who salivate over said carrot try to steer me into agreeing with their binary brain cell thinking. You can buy all the raunchy material you can get your hands on it isn't doing shit for fuck socioeconomically. The people putting it out were already intent, Lobdell has his check and loves his schlock. Rocafort had his marching orders the second he was under him.
The sort castrating themselves publicly for ever touching their privates to an exposed woman like the Sinfest guy? They aren't doing it because there's some unspoken law only your rub material can repeal, they're doing it out of personal deluded guilt. You don't de-mind break anyone like that when you support anything after the fact, they carry on being influenced by whatever already took them over. Watching the fans pump out threads like some sort of intervention session is like seeing someone resuscitate roadkill.

Really, setting aside time to make a stand about t&a? Sort yourselves out.

That reminds me, there was another point I wanted to make.

Cheesecake is fucktarded for another very important reason: Porn. You, right now, have access to gigabytes of free pornography on any given device you own. If you have an internet connection, you have porn, rendering this softcore cancer 100% obsolete.

So if all you hack writers and artists could knock it off with this shit and focus on telling the goddamned story, that'd be great.

Wrong. Adorable > Slutty

user, prior to the proliferation of porn, Cheesecake survived on a world with real sex. Get a hold of yourself.

You may not be gay but you are still a flaming faggot. I've seen pride parades with manlier men than you, faggot.

Since you made that point off of what I said, I think I should've been clearer: I don't think cheesecake is worthless. I like a bit of cheesecake occasionally in comics. Most people do. But it isn't worth ruining a whole character for it.

>Your imaginary Judge Judy can fuck off.
Judge Judy probably would tell OP to fuck off too

How insecure are you?

I think context is key - the artwork in OP is frankly unappealing to me, but pic related was fine and didn't offend anybody.

People weren't mad about "Slutfire" because she showed skin, Kory's always been a exotic near-nudist in comics, people were mad because she was written as disaffected and treating sex as a purely physical act, when she had always been characterized as highly emotional and passionate.

user, just so you understand, and I know it's counter-intuitive, but the ladies do not give pussy out based on good behavior. Ever.

That's why Chad has titty pics all over his dorm room and is still gonna fuck your sweet pure crush, doggy style, with her panties crammed in her mouth.

I don't really like Cheesecake either, Maybe because I'm more feminine of a guy, also I'm bi. So maybe your kind of like me, I prefer strong personalities over sexy outfits really. Not that looks don't matter.

I was reading Rucka's WW vol 2 and reading about what WW thinks of "mans world" really indeering story of them going to the mall and her having a chat with some kids made me more attracted to her then if she was just made out as cheesecake.

>it makes me feel creepy reading it
faggot. let your spirit free
>oversexualized when heroines
and? a character can be sexy without it being their "character trait" not every hot girl needs to be a whore spy
>I feel like it needs to be toned down a bit
its fine as is. I used to think it should be toned town when writing "serious" stories but over the years I realized this faggots could not write a tv soap opera. I still think there should be another line of more explicit books

HA! Jokes on you, because i'm actually Canadian

>implying there's a difference between a coastal American and a Canadian
Unless you're Quebecois of course.

But cheesecake isn't porn. It's titillation. It's a tease. There is a difference. Cheesecake is more fun, humorous, and cheeky than porn. Good cheesecake is almost never pornographic.

No, Manitoban

>Cheesecake is more fun, humorous, and cheeky than porn.
Haven't been watching the right porn, lad. Some of the oddball angles hentai and Visual Novels with sex scenes have come up with surpass the stagnation of standard ecchi setups by miles.

You know what I honestly think OPs problem is?

North America was founded by massive puritans, and growing up in our culture makes us a bit ashamed to be sexual like its something we should never talk about, or show on TV at all, and a huge taboo.

People literally just lost touch with the fact that it's normal to get an erection to sexy things. Like you sit down and read a comic for escapism, not to jerk off so it's weird when something seems to make you want to jerk off. We're just out of touch with our sexuality.

It's normal to ge turned on man. It'sj ust fucking normal.There are sexy things everywhere. If we put all the women in hijabs we'd get hijab fetishes.

I mean for those weird uncomfortable people.

>"I enjoy blue balling myself!"
Ecchi is cancer. Ya'll ain't right.

It depends on the comic and the character. Sometimes I consider cheesecake and sexy characters who own their sexiness, like Poison Ivy, empowering. If it suits the setting like Red Sonja and is MEANT for cheesecake I'm fine with it too.
Now if you tried to throw constant cheesecake in something like Judge Dredd? I'd be pretty annoyed because it's so out of place and unfitting in regards to almost all the characters.

Unpopular opinion but there is not enough cheesecake in mainstream. Or even nudity. Your Murican society is so puritanic it is nauseating.

>It's just plain unnecessary

It's been a part of comics since the beginning. Saying it's unnecessary is like saying arches in Gothic Cathedrals are unnecessary. It's part and parcel of the culture and heritage that is comics. One, I might remind you, was fucking hard fought for for ages against the Christian Right.

> I appreciate the female form, but I feel ashamed...

not an argument. The fact you don't have the balls to enjoy stuff because people judge you has no relevance to the supply of cheesecake in comics. Just like a personal dairy allergy has no relevance to the existence of cheese in this world. Your problems are not a reason to deny others something they want.

>offset your cheesecake with beefcake.

faggot go and stay go.
I am not interested in beefcake. Most people interested in cheesecake are not interested in beefcake. You are basically saying "offset your enjoyment of sweets by having chewing on this piece of cardboard."

Cheesecake is good but rarely well done in comics. All female characters share the same body type, and their personalities blend together whenever cheesecake gets involved.

More diverse body types and scenarios more interesting than just "lel beach episode lel latex lel bewbies" would go a long way. Even then it doesn't belong in all comics.

>on a blue board

Oh shit you fucked up homo-user.

Please fucking kill yourself and stop posting here. I hate you a lot.

>It's been a part of comics since the beginning. Saying it's unnecessary is like saying arches in Gothic Cathedrals are unnecessary. It's part and parcel of the culture and heritage that is comics.

This, this is true autism. Dude, you like boobs. You like boobs in comics. Get over yourself fag, you aren't a fucking moral crusader.

Cheesecake doesn't always belong, and it's rarely well done where it does belong. There's better porn onthe internet, the fact that canon fanservice hasn't stepped the fuck up in return proves just how far behind nucomics are.