OTP thread


Gross, OP.

Shazzy is a top tier husbando



I like it when both are cute and its a bad girl/good guy dynamic


Will they be okay tomorrow?

I hope so, but my gut is telling me Ashi Isn't making it out alive.




What is this?

I hope not, but my gut is telling me Ashi's gonna be saved by some deus ex machina


I'm with you OP
Superman/Wonder Woman was still a shitty ongoing

I agree

Correct me if I'm wrong. But I believe the kid on the right's good ol' Finn the Human.

And the elf is... Elenwen from TES 5: Skyrim!?

It's definitely a thalmor
I thought it was Ancano though


I thought it was that gay rapist from Oglaf


my man

This is the type of shit that got me to watch the show. I don't know why I was surprised when there wasn't the barest hint of this in the source material.


That's some mighty shit taste you got there, OP.




There's a lot of these this week.

I'm going to kill the OP of this thread.

>captain marvel only stayed on the regime to keep superman in check and basically serve as the voice of reason on the regime

>superman killing captain marvel when he calls supes out was basically the turning point for superman's transition from well intentioned dictator to full on supervillain tyrant

I don't know how to feel about this

Supes was lost long before zapping Billy

in the game it was implied he didn't go full on hitler mode until after he killed billy & lex

Thats cute

Except it had already been revealed that he murdered Ollie before that. And he was also ordering the mind-slaving of former villains.


You fags will support any "ship"

I have standards.

Once again here with the best otp

gays not welcome


you are invited to bite a bullet

Hail, sister ship


this should be posted outside every soldiers funeral as to show what they died for

and you are invited to jump off a building faggot


>spic male white female
Reminds me of my aunts marriage, he later beat her and they are in a divorce process as we speak
i blame them

always and forever

excellent trips


another favorite ship

Superman and a Villainess is perfect

It seems the digits favor you as well, brother

superior ships coming through


The only mind-slaving in the game is Doomsday, who's nearly mindless anyway.


And we will continue fucking your women. HAHAHAHA

Spics are already 50% white. they're just feeding back into their parent population


Gross, OP.

Is there any story with SM and WW as a couple that isn't shitty, though?

No. That's why it's suffering liking this ship

I don't even know why you like it then. It does neither character any good and specially shit on WW the hardest.



Their romance was easily the worst part of KC, specially WW portrayal where she was used as a prop to push SM forward in the plot and then give him a happy ending as his Lois 2.0.

I'm pissed off this didn't happen.

No. There relationship was so shit it was retconned,

I'm back fuckos

>I don't even know why you like it then
because it's his own choice, you don't have to understand it, just don't be an asshole.

Whenever they're not in a relationship their interactions are great. Whenever they are, both characters mutate into different people and it turns to shit. It's like some kind of witch curse
>should these two ever make it to second base, may both of them turn into warmongering lunatics or fawning imbeciles

I suspect the major problem is the expectation that it cannot be, because Clark is soul-fused to Lois, thus it must be written that something is inherently wrong with any other pairing. And with Wondy already plagued with consistent characterization issues, she suffers the brunt of the bad writing.

SM/WW is one of those "good in theory" things, like fast food or communism. Perhaps one day they'll actually be able to be themselves without it being some bad end reality or there being some bizarre alternate agenda to fuck over the universe.
But probably not.


It's not because of Lois, because a lot of writers hate Lois and every chance they get, they try to show her being a cunt and Superman finding support in another woman, or they off her and try their hand at this pairing.

The problem is what writers want out of this paring. Their boner start and end in seeing two important and god-like characters being mighty together. I blame Larry Niven for it.

Why did Batman think having a bunch of horny teenagers as sidekicks was a good idea?

he gets em while they're young orphans easy to train, but then he forgets that they grow up and start banging each other

If I had a picture of Jason and Artemis I'd post it right here.

Their bit of interaction in League Of One.

If that's the case, why is it always set up to fail? You'd think if they enjoyed the idea they wouldn't also write in the idea that them being together is dangerous or wrong

Hmm... that was nice, although he was married at the time which made it creepy, but in a vacuum.

OK so I really enjoyed this episode, but was there really a point? Like most of the non-plot advancing episodes had some semblance of a moral, but in this one Star was completely 100% right and still got the short end of the stick. What the hell?

Likely something about happiness/perceptions being more important than the truth. It would line up with the later revelation of how the mewnian subject can't handle the truth. Or maybe it was just supposed to be funny

>If that's the case, why is it always set up to fail?

Because prom king/queen or celebrity couple superficiality is a tad unappealing, user. Specially power and sexism worship shit. So it always end up looking bad.

That's the problem with these writers.

So if they recognize the idea is unappealing, why would they want to write it that way to begin with?

Is sue good in bed?

No, they don't. That's the issue. They find it awesome.

They find it awesome having two godlike character being attracted to each other's godly power and being together while dealing with the hubris of godhood or them together against the whole wide world. They find the whole concept appealing.
Then there's this prevalent fetish of showing a man taming an wild woman and turning her into his doting wife, which they tend to do a lot with SM/WW.

The problem is that their ideas are unappealing if you just want two characters you like to be happy and cute together.

So we're back to my previous question: If they like the idea, why do they also depict it as flawed?

They don't depicted as flawed? You mean the Nu52 stories? Those were comic couple dramas. Writers don't know how to write couples other than throw shit to test the characters love life. Just look at the current Superman ongoing with Lois losing her leg and shit.


Well there was the Nu52 story, the Injustice story, the DKR story, I vaguely recall it again in Red Son, etc. If they're fucking it's always an ominous doomsday impending thing. It only worked out in KC, and Supes/Wondy were still bad end versions of themselves there

Injustice is all about Superman grief for Lois, but the other examples are writers thinking they're doing a good job of showing them together as a couple. Wonder Woman being a cunt is par for the course in SM/WW stories because writers like the idea of a man taming a crazy and wild warrior chick.


>implying Babs is even in the same universe, let alone league as Greyson

The man is an elemental of pure sex.



Doublepines, could probably google it or use the booru, but she hasn't made new material in a very long time



Best ship and these fuckers ruined it with faggot-shit


Jinko FTW