Hypercrisis isn't rea-

>hypercrisis isn't rea-

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>Before Watchmen

Will they be showing Manhattan's penis in Rebirth? (the first nudity in DC comics in decades)

Why u wanna see dicks?

Oh so now they're retconning shit from the original book? It's not like this is badly written but in the name of artistic integrity fuck you DC. I like everything they're doing right now except this. Damn.


I don't wanna see dicks. I wanna see DC show dicks. Slightly different.

Ha! You.Wanna.See.Dicks.

Anyone who doubts it is just being contrarian.

What does that have to do with hypercrisis?

Before Watchmen isn't canon and came out years ago


Calm down lmao

Oh ok i was worried this was that new thing

Still super skeptical though

This really makes you realize that they never should have let anyone else draw characters from Watchmen.

>Ha! Pretending.To.Be.Retarded.

I'll humor you all the same. Putting a penis in print would represent a precedent for what you can actually get away with in a mainstream western comic. I almost guarantee that it won't happen though, and penises are milquetoast in this context. Showing a meaty cunt would be a bolder move.

November 1st was the last date in Rorschach's journal.
Doomsday Clock will start in November.
November 1st is a Wednesday.
Watchmen was 12 issues.
Doomsday Clock if 12 issues and bimonthly will end on April 18th, a Wednesday.
Action Comics #1 was released on April 18th.
Next April 18th will be the 80th anniversary of Action Comics #1.
If Action Comics gets a delay, Action Comics #1000 will also release the same day, the 80th anniversary,
November 1st 1952 was the day of the first Hydrogen Bomb explosion.
It moved the Doomsday Clock to 2 to midnight.
Hydrogen is the symbol of Dr. Manhattan.

>Pure Energy
And shills claim that Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan is somehow any less garbage than the others.

and of course Johns already pointed out Doomsday Clock can be abbreviated with DC


so i'm from the "& Cartoons" side of this board. would anyone mind explaining what hypercrisis is to me?

There's like 3 types of hypercrisis.
People putting together all of DC's continuity and mapping out the timeline and cosmology.
Pattern recognition, numerology and symbolism repeated DC.
/x/-style occultism about reality and magic and fiction's role.

There's also overlap sometimes.

It's basically a paranoid delusion that the comics we read are sentient and out to get us, due in no small part to Grant Morrison's many years spent weaving a hyper-sigil through his various works in an attempt to super-impose fiction into reality.

And to elaborate a bit. Here is posting along the third type and is posting along the second type I mentioned.


more succinctly

>It's basically a paranoid delusion that the comics we read are sentient and out to get us, due in no small part to Grant Morrison's many years spent weaving a hyper-sigil through his various works in an attempt to super-impose fiction into reality.
Not that they're out to get us, just that they influence our world.

Centipedes don't speak English.

They may not be out to get you, but they sure as fuck are out to get me. I should never have ripped up my brother's copy of X-men #1 25 years ago.

DC's Monomyth along with weird rumors of Comics becoming real when weird shit happens in the real world.

Like the Adam West Batvillain escape of El Chapo. Or a river turning orange because of a toxic waste spill.

flipping out about a comic he should know about if he really is this passionate about watchmen. He's both retarded and a poser.

WTF? I'm reading these replies because I've never really looked into Hypercrisis, but it makes DC Comics fans sound like paranoid schizophrenics. You guys know they're just comic books, right?

>they're just comic books

this is why no one likes cartoon Sup Forums

And your cartoon waifu is just a picture.

Right? Like, as opposed to arguing about waifus in childrens' cartoons?

This page about made me shit myself. When was the last time a DC comic explicitly referenced Hypercrisis/Hypertime?

>DC Comics fans
Ah, see, you're not looking at the true scope of this. Yes, much of this is born from DC comics and most of the discussion regarding the hypercrisis centers around it as a result, but you're not taking the Extended Authorial/Methodological Hypercrisis into account. The hypercrisis goes well beyond any one publisher or one fictional (but aren't they all?) multiverse.

Have you ever been into a Heathcliff thread? There's hidden meaning in all things. You just need to know how to look.

It's not unheard of for them to mention hypertime.

It's silly if you over-use it.

He's going to be wearing Supermans trunks or his own black ones.


Hypercrisis and hypertime aren't really the same thing. Related, sure, but not the same. Hypertime as a concept, even if not explicitly stated, is pretty common for Flash comics. That's where it originated afterall, in Waid's Flash run. When was the last time the word "hypertime" was actually spelled out on the page though? Not sure.

>He's going to be wearing Supermans trunks
This would be perfect. Truly perfect.

You know I was wondering if there were any ties between Before Watchmen and Rebirth.

Not enough to actually read BW mind you, but it was a thought I had.

Hypertime was last shown in Vibe iirc. I might have missed it something else though.

My favorite hypercrisis reference is from Jim Lee:


>If you look at “Crisis on Infinite Earths” to even New 52, they’re all attempts to do some bookkeeping, and tighten up everything. But then you saw the mythology itself almost has its own sentience and will to define itself, because it’s stories are kept in all our heads, and expressed through our creativity and the work that we do. In a way, it has spoken and said, “No, there must be multiple versions.”

Hah, I get it.

I think the Superman trunks doesn't really work now that we've seen Superbrodad did wear them in-continuity and just has a costume with a different design now. It only would have been cool to me if they were omitted entirely until the Manhattan confrontation.

So you mean Hypercrisis is everywhere, in all kinds of media? Not just DC? Am I part of the process? What's the endgame?

>What's the endgame?

>What's the endgame?
"Endgame?" Nothing ends, user. Nothing ever ends.

The endgame is you realizing you are fictional.

Man, creating god in his own image. The mind made reality. We are not merely chemicals and signals and patterns, we are stories unto ourselves, and each night when we dream, each second we imagine, we become our own gods.

52 upvotes for you!

Hypertime was last mentioned in the Multiversity, early 2015

As for that Dan interview, I was just talking with a cousin about this. Crisis and reboots just don't work, the company is so old and the stories so vast that at this point every attempt at starting from zero is destined to be a point in the tapestry in a few years.

Rebirth got it right: Go with the flow, acknowledge the vast history and celebrate the diversity, but at the same time start with simple stories so that new readers can jump in and then look back and start digging deeper.

user? Wait! What did you mean by this?



The endgame is when you die and find out what the sequel is.

Is hyper crisis any different from meme magic?

>tfw death is just you getting rebooted to live your life all over again but just slight cosmetic differences

Meme magic is basically just sigiling, with possibly less jerking off

Yeah, people who buy into the Hypercrisis shit don't constantly and annoyingly insist that they're changing the world. They're just seeing it happen.

I'm comics Sup Forums, I'm just relatively new to comics.

Hypercrisis is "All of that stupid, contradictory shit we've been churning out for the last 60 years was all part of some masterful idea that can't be completely explained."

Wally West being black, then it's just Wally West's black "cousin" Wally West? Hypercrisis.

well fuck

One can influence or take part of the hypercrisis through meme magic. All the beings of the multiverse manifest as memes in our world.

No the hypercrisis tie there is actually a reflection in how Hal also has a cousin with his name who is a superhero.

Full context (in case you didn't know): that's from the story that introduced the concept of the multiverse.

My understanding of the D.C. Hypercrisis is that Darkseid used the Anti-Life Equation, then Batman used a gun, Darkseid Omega'd him into history, and now everything's grimdark because D.C. Is infected with Anti-life.

>comic book fans are reminded that there stories are fiction and not a turbo metaphysical conspiracy that influences the fabric of our reality
>"Fuck off waifufags!"

This is why we have a bad wrap.He didn't even fucking mention waifus and you guys lashed out like autists.

Oh, I know all right, I'm just looking at that street address.

I didn't mention waifus either


> November 1 is my birthday
> I was born on a Wednesday

ok then

November is the eleventh month. 11+1=12.

Fuck I forgot air wave was a thing

What could it mean??

Fuck, I love Hypercrisis threads.

>7 days of the week
>7 planets of classical astrology
>7 chakras
>7 archangels
>7 virtues

There's 7 founding JL members. What are your theories and can you match each member?

but Ozy DID do something

>wally gif
>everyone dick sucks barry

so it goes

The Sun is Superman.
Mercury is Flash.
Venus is Wonder Woman.
Earth is us the hidden 8th part.
Mars is Manhunter.
Jupiter is Batman.
Saturn is Green Lantern.
Neptune is Aquaman

Now that I think about it. What was shown during the minute 52 of Suicide Squad? We know that the minute 52 of BvS is Batman seeing the Omega symbol.

Maybe Wally helped break the Source Wall for Barry to return from the Speed Force?

Martian Manhunter
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern

"Check 'em!"

I don't follow your reasoning.

>Jupiter is Batman.

>Wonder Woman

Superman is the sun/Sunday
Batman the moon/Monday
Flash is Mercury/Wednesday
Wonder Woman Venus/Friday
Green Lantern is Mars/Tuesday
Aquaman Jupiter/Thursday
Martian Manhunter is Saturn/Saturday

Isn't Jupiter the biggest planet?
Honestly after matching everyone else those were just the two left over.

Read the Principia Discordia and get back to me.

How is the Martian not Mars and the guy with the ring not the ringed planet?

3d Lenticular blue penis cover $3.99

I personally highly doubt it.

How fucking funny would it have been if instead of his hand being revealed last week, it was his dick drooping down to touch the button instead?

>How is the Martian not Mars
Not that user, but the character is called Martian Manhunter. So that's who user was talking about.

And the guy with the ring is Green Lantern.

Are you drunk? Of course I was referring to Martian Manhunter when I said the Martian and Green Lantern when I said the guy with the ring. Who the fuck did you think I was talking about? You are possibly the stupidest person here.

>Supes: Humility. Focused primarily on helping others. Sunday, the day of the sun.
>Bats: Temperance. Self-control. Wednesday, as in Odin, god of wisdom and knowing many secrets.
>Flash: Patience. Ironic. Thursday, as in Thor, the lightning god.
>Wondy: Chastity. Friday, as in Frigga, who begged for protection and then forgiveness for her fallen son. Also the Goddess of the Earth.
>Hal: Diligence. Willpower. Saturday.
>Aqua: Charity. Tuesday, as in Tyr, willing to sacrifice an arm in order to protect his home, and a great warrior in his own right.
>J'onn: Kindness. Monday, as in the moon, Earth's closest celestial body as J'onn is Earth's closest alien.

No, I just somehow misread as responding to and thought you were someone else who didn't realize that "Mars is Manhunter" and "Saturn is Green Lantern" referred exactly to the Martian and the guy with a ring.

My bad.

Why did you go out of your way to delegitimize it? That image explained every facet of it perfectly and then you just shitposted all over it.

The moon isn't a planet. Also why does Batman as Zeus/Jupiter confuse you?

>weaving a hyper-sigil through his various works in an attempt to super-impose fiction into reality.

Can someone explain to a comic newbie what Morrison did that started all this? How were his stories "connected" differently than other comics? What was it that people saw in those connections that made them go so far as to propose a sentience? I need more info, please. Maybe cite me runs to read to help me understand it. I think hypercrisis is more important than anyone realizes.

Anons, you are all focusing on the surface details. Look a little deeper and you'll realize just because Martian Manhunter is from Mars doesn't make him the best representation of Mars.

Mars is a alpha male charged planet, a passionate lover and a warrior. Mars is associated with fire and will power...Now do any of those qualities sound like J'onzz? No but it does for Hal.

Hal is reckless, always charging headfirst into battle. His power comes from his will, his constructs are willed into existence.

Fire is also not only associated with destruction but creativity as well, fire helped create metal tools much like how Hal channeled the lantern battery of Oa to create countless of tools to help him fight evil. Green Lantern is seen covered in a bright green flame. There's also the fact that Hal is also a ladies men.