Do comics with good political commentary exist in this day and age?

Do comics with good political commentary exist in this day and age?

I'm pretty much what Sup Forums would consider an SJW cuck, which means I'm slightly left of center, but I'm sick of DUDE, ORANGE MAN SUCKS, LMAO.

Flintstones. Although more aimed at society in general.

this, also Prez.

>He posted it again

For what purpose?

Joe Sacco's comics?

>I'm pretty much what Sup Forums would consider an SJW cuck
So in other words you said "thanks" to a black cashier once?


Scary how well it described our most recent election and it's a 20 year old story

I think Donald Trump is an idiot, yet I've never seen anyone, other than fucking SNL, of all, make a half decent parody of him.

Colbert called him a cocksucker. Really? Where's your Bush-era takedown?

The whole fucking purpose of comics/entertainment is escapism. ESCAPISM. Stop shitting up entertainment with your SJW-Leftist-NatSoc-Marxist-Commie agenda.

>The whole fucking purpose of comics is escapism.

Fuck off, Hmmkara


Please kill yourself so you can stop ruining the country. Thanks

Off ya bike, paki-loving-boytoy.

Wow, took no time for someone to get triggered

>Ruining the country

Yes because we defintly need Republicans who think education and colleges are "liberal brainwashing camps" running this country.

Fucking hicks.

Trump type politicians work on a cycle and can be found in history. Judge Dredd had a Trump like scenario with their president and that story came out over 30 years ago.

So, before this thread becomes Hicks vs. Femnazis, tell me about this Flintstones

They are or are you genuinely retarded and ignoring how most college professors are liberal and most campuses outright riot when a conservative speaker visits? Don't get me started on the safe space bullshit after the election oh and allowing illegals to have safe harbor and get scholarships.... Shall I go on?

Yeah, the whole THIS ISN'T NORMAL thing that keeps getting pushed is confusing.

Even if you think Trump is a big orange idiot, he's pretty par for the course.

Here we go with the "Trump is literally Hitler" autism

>Shall I go on?
Yeah, please continue to show how upset you are.

would trump prefer being a modok or swearing loyalty to a japanese superman?

>actual card carrying communists are professors in most universities now

>college isn't a liberal indoctrination camp

How do you people seriously develop your train of logic?

Are you physically morphing into Hmmmkara as we speak?

is this the 3rd or 4th time this week someone has used TRUMPDOK for the OP? I'm sure this thread will be very productive and not a 400+ post offtopic nuthouse.

So you can't refute my points? Good to know and thanks for validating me and don't don't forget that your side lost

I know several people who are traditional conservative/libertarian people
And I go to probably one of the most liberal colleges in the area

This thread doesn't even have 30 posts, & we already have triggered autists.

You're claiming I lost, but you're clearly more upset than I ever could be. Hilarious.

Jeez dude chill lol it's just an imageboard

I think people are just too fucking angry to come up with good insults.

Colbert, to follow your bit, just feels pure fucking hatred for Trump. At that level of hate, it's hard to get out anything more eloquent than "FUCK YOU". Though I did like "You talk like a sign language gorilla that got hit in the head."

You say I'm upset but you're the one who resorted to strawman. Ok

Omega Men was pretty cool

You fucking idiots fucked up this fucking thread.

This was supposed to be about finding comics that don't just call Trump an idiot. Except you mouthbreathing fucks have to come along and turn it into your own left vs. right soap box. How do you fuckfaces function in society? Do you get triggered when someone says they identify as cis male? Do you start screeching when you see a black man? Goddamn, the only way you can communicate to the outside world is through a message board for fucking Ching Chong cartoons.

I mean this seriously, go out and get a fucking life you fucking morons.

>my situational evidence clearly represents the entire truth

Berkeley riots ring a bell?
University of Michigan protests?
Missouri State?

Vote Loki

I mean, you are losing your shit on a comics & cartoons board. Maybe you should take a deep breath & not take things so seriously.

Get a girlfriend or a job or something

At first I was thinking Transmetropolitan mirrored this past election perfectly, but after reading the second half I realized that it's more likely about the next election. Trump is The Beast and the next president will be The Smiler (a fake ass likely-democrat who will plot to fuck everyone behind closed doors more than the usual president already does).

>He actually believes this

Ok Cletus. I guess Fox News and Rick Perry fulfill your education needs.

There are no comics that do such thing because most media is liberal controlled. Honestly, you can probably count conservative leaning or unbiased comics in general on one hand

Which was a damn good run until they had to shoot it in the face because they didn't want people taking it seriously. I mean voting for the outsider candidate. Can't have people thinking that's okay.

user, I love how you keep trying to say "its just a prank bro" in an effort to downplay the fact that what you said was stupid. Its funny. Its OK, leave it alone, no need to embarrass yourself further

By actually going to a college? Have you been to one Bubba?

Newsflash: Professors here dont actually stop the class to rant about Communism.

I met a hick like you once. Some inbred fucktard who actually dropped out of a Gen Ed class because "the teacher was one of them feminists!".

The SJW/FashSmash attack on everything is nothing more than the Nazi rearing its head. Fucking kids are too stupid to realize they are the fascists they hate. I want you to go away and let comics be fun again.

The projection is real.

>fox news meme despite the fact that CNN outright shilled for Clinton

>resorts to redneck strawman despite knowing nothing about where I live


You do realize it doesn't depict the public as right for turning against Loki?

Hillary was the Beast and Trump was the Smiler.
Beast was the devil you know, and Smiler was the one you don't.

>Professors here dont actually stop the class to rant about Communism.

Depends on the Class and Professor actually.

I've been to college sure and I decided it was a waste of money. And I don't need to pay someone money to teach me something I can learn on my own for free

It was a good story and I was looking forward the President Loki. Its a good story to do while Thor isn't allowed to have his hammer or any hammer.

Forgot to mention that despite your claim, there are professors that do stop what they're doing to get on their soapbox in hopes of drawing idiots like you. Oh and yeah, good job with the hick strawman, you faggot libs seriously can't conceive a world where there's not only one group of people that don't like you and your stupidity

I'm not saying that it never happens but it's an outlier just like with everything else. Not once have I had that happen. The Professor would actually get reprimanded for that if a student complained.

>illegal to have safe harbor and get scholarships

No comment on the safe harbor but the scholarships part is absolute bullshit

>And I don't need to pay someone money to teach me something I can learn on my own for free

Yeah you dont need to college to do Spic-tier work like coal mining, Connor.

>Do comics with good political commentary exist in this day and age?

Never existed to be honest. Well it's all subjective, because propaganda has lived in comics forever.

That's because Transmet is a vague political satire. The Beast is Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and George W. Bush while the Smiler is Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Tony Blair. It's not hard to apply Transmet to any election because you can read damn near any politician in the Beast or the Smiler.

They're specifically Thatcher and Blair though. It's pretty obvious that the Smiler is Blair once you look into Labour Party internal politics.

Your points are literally fiction. College professors are not card-carrying communists. They grew up in the same cold war as everyone else did, dumbass. The only 'safe space' I can find either online or in person is at Ol' Miss university where the black students want a safe space so they dont have to worry about being lynched the first time they walk down a dark alley with no witnesses.
You are a cultist who is throwing a fit like a child because the world does not fit the one you were taught.

I'm sure you'll have to beat job offers down with a stick with that gender studies degree.

I'm an electrician by the way. You'll be thousands of dollars in debt and make less money than me probably for the rest of your life but hey, at least you'll have a piece of paper saying how "smart" you are

I guess it makes sense that as toxic right-wing views become more socially unacceptable, a site where you're allowed to be anonymous, which will keep friends and employers from finding out and judging you, would be full of them.

The world is changing. Grow up. You don't want to change the political system for the better, you just want to tear it down.


Reddit refugees trying to expand Sup Forums's borders.

>points are literally fiction

>there are professors right now on social media claiming to be communists or leftists.

And clearly blacks are getting lynched left and right these days...oh wait, turns out most of them are killing each other actually. And that's some pot and kettle shit calling me a cultist when you fags are whining about everything offending you these days and how someone needs to pay higher taxes so you can get free shit

There are five fucking images in this entire fucking image thread.

Fuck you, you faggots. I don't fucking care what side of the spectrum you're on - you're still all definitely fucking on the spectrum.

Keep telling yourself that Cletus. In ten years you'll be voting for the next meme Republican candidate in hopes he'll save your job because it's either becoming outdated or cheap Spics are taking them.

Reddit is down the hall and to the right

Haven't been on Sup Forums in months. Genuinely came to see what everyone was saying of the new CW Black Lightening show and then I seen this thread.

Realized why I left this shit hole.

Just satire of society in general.
>>*Neanderthals just finished working on a job*
>>Fred "What did you think?"
>>Neanderthal "I hated it."
>>*Gets money*
>>Neanderthal "What's this?"
>>Fred "Money"
>>Neanderthal "What do we do with it?"
>>Fred "Buy something someone else hated to make"

>>"Why do you wear a tie?"
>>Fred "They say dress for the job you want"
>>"How long have you had this construction job?"
>>Fred "11 years..."

>all conservatives on Sup Forums are from r/thedonald

Please, don't tell me you're this stupid

And here we go with the projection so it looks like I win, stay salty libshit.

Thread isn't even discussing politics in comics anymore. It's just discussing politics. This is legit what OP wanted to happen, these threads are always ruses to discuss shit like this on Sup Forums.

Take it to fucking Sup Forums you fags. I'll even make this thread on there for you guys.


Memes aren't going to fix politics.
Makings, Liberals, Muslims, Conservatives, White people, and Jews into boogeyman isn't going to fix politics.
Making a goofy businessman into a politician and hoping he'll magically warp the views of the GOP isn't going to fix politics.

It would take hard work. Holding your representatives accountable, expecting better behavior from the party that matches your lean, accepting like an adult that there's no way out of the two-party system so it's better to fix the parties, making sure you're read up on the facts and that others around you are too.

You're right.

They're from Stormfront.

its not conservatives or reddit killing Sup Forums.
its dumb phone posters.

You literally were projecting you stupid hick.

>There are five fucking images in this entire fucking image thread.

From Remender's Captain America.

Not saying that at all, just saying that this new wave of awful conservative bait comes from redditors fleeing their demolished safe spaces and settling on Sup Forums. Like what happened during GG and the election, you know?

>fix politics.
You're implying politics haven't always been broken. You might read over some news articles that basically is jerking off the old times, but politics have always been very twisted. There are multiple examples of this throughout history.

There is no fixing this because it is rooted and everything you just said isn't going to fix it. You're deluding yourself if you don't accept that this is how politics is and how it has always been.

Maybe different groups, hell maybe different tactics, but this IS politics.

A thread of whiny bitches who wish they could fight in the civil war with their grandpappies for the rich landowners benefit.
and the twits who took their bait

No, it is reddit and conservatives killing Sup Forums. Don't lie to him.

>You're implying politics haven't always been broken
I did not. That's obviously why we got to this point.
I suppose I'm just a hopeless optimist, but I just want a left party and right party, in which both are sane and decent people, and my frustration comes from those not existing. But a part of me still believes it's possible.

>this is what libcucks think


Remember when Sup Forums was love? Remember Hope Corgi?

What the fuck happened?

we grew up. Co is still love when you arent talking about shitty adult politics
also, seriously nobody has said Sup Forums is love since 2010

Depends on what you mean by political. Omega Men is about terrorism and its excellent.

I hope Marvel keeps publishing political comics, because I like to see Capefags suffer.

>but I just want a left party and right party, in which both are sane and decent people,

Older forms of politics didn't have this either though. In this statement both "sane" and "decent" are subjective terms, that are usually defined by someone else's outlook.

Though you might say someone holding a "God Hates Fags" sign is a lunatic, to the people holding those signs and their supports, they are the sane ones and everyone else opposing them are morally unjust. Humanity will never come as a collective to agree with one thing, because we're mentally structured not to.

All the news people in Miller's Batman books were kind of funny and ridiculous but 90% of that stuff ended up coming true.

Although maybe adults reading it back then felt it was too on the nose, I dunno.

I love the old EC Comics political stories.

>Though you might say someone holding a "God Hates Fags" sign is a lunatic, to the people holding those signs and their supports, they are the sane ones and everyone else opposing them are morally unjust. Humanity will never come as a collective to agree with one thing, because we're mentally structured not to.
boy that was a nonsense answer. Gonna include 'if we just held hands and forgave one another it would alll be better' while you're at it?

The truth is that politicians have been losing their minds, in this country and many others as well. I'm starting to think all those years when lead was in gasoline everywhere gave them early onset dementia.

That and here in the states the problem cropped up when we refused to allow politicians free air time to get their message across. Air time even on the radio costs enormous amounts of money. Its only natural that politicians would be forced to buddy up with rich assholes in order to get elected. Add in how likely it is for both the radio and tv to filter out candidates who might do something that bothers the boss (like raise taxes or mandate discounted air time granted to politicians above certain percentage margins in popularity, blaming their fav or least fav scapegoat, etc).
We had the chance to nip this in the bud decades ago, we never do and now we pay the price.

And then Cap got faked news because of trying to peacefully talk Nuke down

Conservatives were here on Sup Forums before you grew hair on your nuts. This myth that Sup Forums is or was mostly left wing needs to die. It was libertarian at best, anarchist at worst

That's no more true than saying all liberals here are communists. Sorry buy being opposed to socialism doesn't make me a nazi

Better yet, where is the Obama-era takedown? Oh wait there was never one because le first black prez was untouchable despite being Carter-tier.

What I claimed was true for the most part. You will be in debt, I will make more money than you and you'll probably feel an idiotic sense of superiority simply because you got a piece of paper from a school. You on the other hand, simply assumed I was a hick, which I'm not but your projection in a fit of anger pretty much made you cede the argument. Stay salty

Comparing Obongo to Carter is an insult to Carter

The whole 'men are the leisure class, going out and having fun parties hunting them animals while the poor women toiling back home picking berries are the poor oppressed labour class' thing was really quite shitty. Only real complaint I have about it.

>I've been to college sure and I decided it was a waste
That certainly explains a lot.

All that and all you did was prove that anons point.