Let's talk about some of CN's upcoming shows

Let's talk about some of CN's upcoming shows.

>Apple and Onion
>Craig of the Creek (No clips yet but it's supposedly done by the same crew as Clarence)
>Summer Camp Island

Which are you most looking forward to?

Other urls found in this thread:


ok ko

Summer Camp Island. The rest look shit.

Is this nigga serious?

All of those art styles are hideous so I'll pass.

Looks like I'm sticking with Legend Quest.


What the fuck is that?

OK-KO or whatever looks like it's going to be the AU adventures of Kid Goku, which is great

The show that's only liked because of the redhead ghost named Teodora.

Legend Quest is shit

At least the art style looks improved, since the AT crew is now working on it.

Why am I not surprised?

I'm getting some OtGW vibes from this.
It's probably not going to carry over to the final product though.

Craig of the Creek
I'll keep an eye out for Summer Camp Island.

>Apple and Onion got picked up
I'm glad that Richard Ayoade is getting more acting roles.

WTF is that in the bottom right?

Julia Pott worked on Adventure Time. I think it's her only animation job experience and she's said in interviews it's where she learned to hone her writing skills, so expect it to be way closer to Adventure Time than anything.

The short clips already feel like Adventure Time. The aardvark or whatever he is kind of talks like a soft spoken Finn.

I have a good feeling for OK KO and Summer Camp Island.
I don't know anything about Apple & Onion, but i find the design on this image really unattractive

Let's play a game Sup Forums

>Which one do you think will be dropped over to Boomerang within a month, never to be seen again.

>Which one will CN claim is not cancelled, but they only air episodes for a week or two between 2-3 month long hiatuses?

>Which one will be forgotten but then CN will announce a second season of it at a totally random time,. long after everyone else thought it was cancelled?

Apple and Onion.
I can feel it in my gut.

Wrong, CartoonNetwork doesn't dump their own studio produced shows off to Boomerang, they only do that to Warner Brothers productions (Bunnicula, Scooby Doo, Wabbit, Justice League). I'm pretty sure they only initially air it on their main channel out of some contractual obligation. The fact that TTG even caught on was probably an unforeseen miracle for WB otherwise that show would've been dropped off by now, too.

>>Which one will CN claim is not cancelled, but they only air episodes for a week or two between 2-3 month long hiatuses?
OKKO is definitely going to be the Mighty Magiswords of 2017. Series made to sell app games, probably with more advertising of the app than the show. Episodes are marathoned nonstop for about a week. Then nothing for the next three months. Maybe a another week of episodes along with ads for new stuff on the CN app, then nothing again.

>>Which one do you think will be dropped over to Boomerang within a month, never to be seen again.
>Which one will be forgotten but then CN will announce a second season of it at a totally random time,. long after everyone else thought it was cancelled?

Sumer Camp Island will be one of these.

They dumped nuPPG onto Boomerang, only new episodes air on CN.

Apple and oinion looks really good.

None of these characters stand out as official CN characters. Like, none of them look fun or unique enough to be around the Cartoon Cartoons.

>only new episodes air on CN.
The alone still means they give more of a shit about it than anything WB gives them. Bunnicula is getting ready for its second season, no one would know.

Also the fact that they even re-run it at all on either station means it gets more attention than any of their other non-TTG/Gumball shows. I don't even think CN acknowledges Magiswords, Clarence, or Uncle Grandpa anymore.

Do any characters of the last 5-6years count at all?

hadn't seen this before. Looks a lot better than the pilot

Got any more pics, user? The pilot looked hideous, but this gives me a bit more faith.

I only care for OKKO. The others I could do without with Summer Camp being the ugliest fucking show since Problem Solverz

I'm looking forward to the demise of CN

craig of the creek really just looks like something from steven universe or we bare bears

A lot of these sites would actually be watchable if they weren't drawn by calarts rejects.

some beaner shit


>Summer Camp Island

Is that the one that was made at an Ice Cream convention or somethign?

>My Prom Date is a DRUID?



>Food show
>Ugly humans show 2x
>Animal show

>No Food allowed
>No humans allowed
>No animals allowed
So, what is allowed in your ideal cartoon?

naked aliens

he probably wants a cartoon with no characters

OK KO seems cool, but I'm not a huge fan of the style. Premise is neat though, reminds me a little of, uh, what was that once Mexican Superhero show called? Tiger Libre? Fuck I don't remember.

Giant Robots

El Tigre

Is the art in Bottom-Right SUPPOSED to be shit orrrr...

Thank you

OK KO looks neat from what I've seen.

I like that style for Craig. I dunno what it's about.

Apple and Onion looks interesting just from that image. Wonder if it's secretly going to be Crying Breakfast Friends though.

I don't really have positive feelings towards summer camp island with that art style. Hopefully it turns out okay and I'm proved wrong though because I want good shows instead of bad ones.

OK KO > Apple and Onion = Craig of the Creek > Summer Camp Island

If Summer Camp Island looks like it could be cool tho

None of these look good, OK KO might be OKAY

I'd be happy to be proven wrong

Ok isn't too bad from what I think, but the show will be good from its concept. Or it will end up dying because manchildren can't watch show that appeals to them if not diverse or some stupid Shit like that

I think it's kind of cute

Apple and onion will be a slice of life show, and not good at all. That art style looks pitiful

right on cue

What said


Please Villanious save us from these gringos

It doesn't get my as HYPE as OK-K.O. does but that's because I'm a massive sucker for the shonen punchmans

I dunno dude. Watching this episode right now and it's pretty okay.
Reminds me of that Bear show with the polar bear, grizzly, and panda but everything is replaced with food objects.

Holy shit all those pictures look ugly as fuck. The first one however looks like absolute garbage. Something you would expect to see as a shitty Chinese show for toddlers.

It will only be liked and spammed because of the wacky punkish girl

Even the asians love it

Except that series has a few decent things about it, or it used to anyway

Made it about five minutes in. Damn this looks bad.

>Even the
stop this

also asians draw art of anything

>five minutes

I could only stand 2 and a half

>Been working on a show idea for a little over a year now
>Not too much art, but having a hell of a time developing the world and characters
>Feeling really fucking good about it, haven't felt confidence like this in years
>CN reveals their new show lineup
>Craig of The Creek has a nearly identical concept and setting with what I was working with
It wasn't an uncommon idea, but It fucking hurts

Well, you tried, but CN only cares about money

Remember me?

>>Apple and Onion
Not too keen on it but the pilot was okay and I love Richard Aoyade.
>>Craig of the Creek
Artstyle looks nice. Looking forward to seeing what it is.
Hype as fuck
>>Summer Camp Island
No idea. Looks Homestucky.

>trusting a storyboard

top kek

Isn't that a CN Europe production, or will it be coming to the states?

CN EMEA announced the show with no mention with it being in the States, so yeah, it's only airing in Europe.

>Apple and Onion
not interested
>Craig of the Creek (No clips yet but it's supposedly done by the same crew as Clarence)
mildly interested
looks good
>Summer Camp Island
looks like shit
im more interested in pic related

That doesn't necessarily mean it won't be airing at all. They might announce it in the states later.

quit shilling this shit in every thread, it exists, we fucking get it and I'm already tired of it

Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums if you are getting triggered over cartoons, nigga.

It's the only good thing that has come from CN in a while

im also tired of star vs steven universe injustice and samurai jack and you dont see me whining like a fucking baby.
they asked me what i was most excited about.i answered.

you already have enough generals about your show, why not talk about the four shows in OP's pic?
Fucking. shill.


pick one

Does Demencia have a crush on Black Heart?

>you already have enough generals about your show

There is literally no thread about Villainous right now, unless you count

Everything has an hint of SJW in it.
Nothing seems real enjoyable.

>why not talk about the four shows in OP's pic?
i did

A full show could happen! It might! Possibly.

Yes, this needs own tv series. Mini episodes are really, really great!

I'm not yet convinced CN is treating their Mexican studio as anything other than a throwaway building.

>A full show could happen! It might! Possibly.
The way you type comes off very childish

It's called "Landscapes." Just still shots of landscapes for eleven minutes. It's this really avant-garde trend in animation called "non-animation."

Then there's "Black Screen". God, that's kino right there.

If there was a holy father above, we would be getting a full series of Villainous.

And then you would hate it

HOOOLY SHIT. OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes (or just OK K.O.!) is the name of the show!

They really should've just kept Lakewood Plaza Turbo as the title

Is it just me or do the OK KO characters look like SU recolors

You don't need to be autistic and add the periods. There's also no ampersand for Apple & Onion, who cares.

>the OK KO characters look like SU
>Not the Craig of the Creek characters

are you blind?

Not that user, but KO strikes a resemblance to Ruby and KO's mom kind of has Garnet's design.

KO also acts almost identical to season 1 Steven.

why is there 2 shots of steven universe in this picture?

I'm cautiously optomistic about Apple & Onion. I still feel like it'll just end up being a more child-friendly Regular Show with food characters.

What's keeping me interested is that Benton Connor is working as supervising director on the show. Have any other RS crew members revealed where they are now?