How does he even walk with such stubby legs?

How does he even walk with such stubby legs?

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How do you walk with your legs?

Well my legs aren't just feet.

You know he doesn't. Calvin just carries him around.

You shut your ass. How would a six year old know all these words?

he watches a lot of tv, nobody ever said the words were spelled right

Calvin knows a shitton of words.

If we take the comics at face value, the kid is legitimately a prodigy, he just doesn't apply it and nobody recognizes it.

He shuffles really fast, it's hilarious

Who fired the dart at him? There's no physical way he could have fired it directly into his own forehead while at the same time hitting Hobbes.

calvin has 2 hands dumbass

Or the entire thing took place in his imagination

In any case it's just there for Bill to make a statement about Cold War tensions

>it's a calvin and hobbes adopt a policy of detente and decide to raid the cookie jar instead episode

How is Hobbes eating a sandwich and talking when Calvin is nowhere near him?

It's clearly not real, you can't spell "ucleoplasm" with 8 tiles. You do not know the rules of scrabble and should be sufficiently ashamed of yourself.

*7 tiles. I am ashamed of my words and deeds.

How dare you question a war veteran

I think you cry more than the guy I killed to get this helmet.

>actually being this autistic
FUCK OFF. It's a comic strip. You're not supposed the analysis the logic of Hobbes doing things, you just lightly speculate at most if at all and enjoy the fucking thing

Wrong. This is art, not a commercial comic strip. The author has stated as much, therefore it must be critiqued to its fullest extent.

Oh wait, it's shit. I guess maybe Watterson should have taken the licencing deal instead of being a pretentious twat.

Flanders BTFO!

Calvin is picturing in his head that that is what's going on. He puts Hobbes in the trap himself for the sake of the game

Pure speculation.

I'm just glad Bill Watterson got the part in Stranger Things.

Are you saying that art has to be completely realistic and can't be set in the imagination of someone?

I love how Watterson drew Dad has himself minus the moustache.