Is all the Ashi hate some sort of false flag? Did we even watch the same show...

is all the Ashi hate some sort of false flag? Did we even watch the same show? There is literally ONE episode that is mostly about Ashi. Where is all of this "REEEE ITS SAMURAI ASHI NOW" shit based off of? Jack is obviously still the star, how is this a real complaint? Can someone explain to me what the fuck these people are talking about?

>a character based on cliches and boring tropes takes a lof of time in the season that was meant to conclude Jack and Aku's story
>why are people disappointed?

Is Sup Forums, they have issues with women in general and there are too many underage kids here that give too much of a fuck about the tumblr SJW bogeyman.

Even during before the show aired people predicted that Sup Forums would start hating the show around episode 4 or 5 because people were going to praise it and there you go, it happened

Outside Sup Forums most people think that the new season has been almost perfect.

Because she consumes a lot of screen time and highlights some pacing issues.

50 years of going swordless gets wrapped up in less than 15 minutes of screen time.

No scene cuts to show that scotsman is working his way towards jack.

Not even a flashback to show Aku beating guardian to calm down the autism.

Her purpose and plot point is good but she takes up too much time giving us reasons to care about her.

none of that sounds like bad writting, it sounds like ''not muh personal fanfiction!''

>new character that nobody gives a shit about takes up too much screentime

You are right, this show has no right to be good. It has to be shitty and everything else is just muh headcanon

Cliches and tropes in Samurai Jack? Well I never!

Go back to your Star Vs cuck threads, junior. The grown ups are talking.

then you should probably leave

damnit I've been wrong-quoting all week. I must have just stopped giving a fuck or something.

>>new character that nobody gives a shit about takes up too much screentime

that's every samurai jack episode, Jack meeting new people and them taking too much screentime, a lot of episodes almost had no jack in them

>a series based on cliches and boring tropes takes a lot of time in the season that was meant to conclude Jack and Aku's story
>>why are people disappointed?
its funny that you dont know jack.

but this season its just 1 single character
i wouldn't mind if it was more
but this whole b movie romance plot is stupid

Except old seasons had cool animated sequences, supporting ideas and cliches were made to be more interesting in many ways.

In S5 cliches are literally just cliches and there is nothing to support them. So yeah, I've seen more and I understand more than you.

I know Sup Forums is trash but come the fuck on

Apparently everyone who doesn't like Ashi is either a virgin, a men's rights activist, sexist or something something muh headcanon

Can you guys ever make an argument that isn't buzzwords or strawmen?

>Outside Sup Forums most people think that the new season has been almost perfect.
Except tumblr who thinks Jack is taking advantage of an abuse victim who knows next to nothing about the real world, which isn't entirely false since the pacing makes it hard to perceive how much time has actually passed since Ashi left the cult and joined up with Jack.

Also, they hate her body.

I learned what "Born Sexy Yesterday" was from those tards.

>I don't agree with those opions
>Better scream fan fiction

Its highly unlikely that this season will have a hard and definite piece of bad writing. However ashi brings up issues that annoys some fans who thought they were getting a pure fall and rise arc of the samurai.

I've enjoyed the hell out of the season but can still admit cutting 25% of her screen time to focus elsewhere would have been an improvement. and better flow. Really, for as valuable as the sword was, for how ever many decades ghost jack seem to be building up, do you really think getting squared away in the time frame it did made sense?

I mean, if you like Ashi, suddenly that means you must be a waifufag.

Don't play the victim card and pretend there aren't two sides to the spectrum.

No, last seasons it was just 1 single character.
This season it's a couple.

Babble on, babblers.

>Except old seasons had cool animated sequences
If you're going to try and claim that the new season has no cool animated sequences then we're getting into banging head on a wall territory here. I mean I'm not going to go and collect screenshots, webms, and youtube links for someone who legitimately bubbles themselves in this opinion.

>cliches were made to be more interesting in many ways.

You know cliches are bad right ?

I think people relate her with the things that went wrong.

The pacing? How quick she went from murder Jack to a follower
The bad deliver of plotlines? Jack pls dont sudoku.

Theres also the episode 8 drama.

I think Ashi is kind of boring. My issue is with the story overall as it's rather cliche, but formulaic stories are nice every once in a while. Especially what with all these "progressive" shows trying WAY TOO HARD to be you-neek and speshull XD

I can forgive it further for the great music and production quality.

Aku and Jack look weird, tho. Like they're off-model. Normally something I wouldn't notice, but again, it's trivial.

No. They aren't. And why are people like you pretending to be interested in the new season of Samurai Jack? The original series was pretty much an treatise on how cliches don't need to be a bad thing.

Yes retard they are. Learn the difference between cliches and tropes goddamn.

>The pacing? How quick she went from murder Jack to a follower
To be fair, she was the defiant one out of all the other sisters. She sought out peace and kindness of her own volition. Even her mom called her weak and kept the other sisters from helping her. I think the series will hold water better after tonight's episode when people can marathon the whole thing instead of waiting an entire 7 days for 22 minutes of fast-paced storytelling where details are easily forgotten.

>cliches are bad
No. Bad storytelling is bad.

What really is the difference between tropes and clichés if they both work in the same format.

No they aren't?

A story isn't bad because it has cliches, that's stupid. Everything has its share of tropes and cliches.

That's like saying a story is bad because it has a plot.

Aren't tropes just cliches that are labeled?

>cliches were made to be more interesting in many ways.
I remember watching old seasons last year, and there was that one scene at the very first 3-parter where Aku stands in front of a bunch of small aliens and one tries to rebel and the other people try to apologize for him and Aku banishes him to the pit of hate. It struck me as a cliche played exactly by the book. In what exact way was this made interesting? I feel like you're talking out of your ass.

Scots playing bagpipes is a cliche.
Trees with leaves falling are cliche.
PTSD is cliche.
Antagonist being evil just because he's evil is cliche.
Walking is cliche.
Main characters falling in love and kissing one another is cliche.
Love in general is cliche.
Humans are cliche.
Atoms are cliche.

Everything is cliche.

I'd kill myself but even that would be cliche.

Now you're just being an idiot

This is the problem with underage kids that come to Sup Forums and think they can be cool and shit on things too, without really understanding how things work.
People like you think that a story is some kind of a soup that sometimes gets those pesky cliches swimming in it. When in reality, the cliches are the very molecules that make the soup to begin with.

Which, itself is a cliche.

She's a bland plot device with barely any personality who takes up a considerable amount of screen time, and ends up cheapening Jacks character as a result.

Fans are shitty.

The end.

Everyone take a look at this, the dumbest post of the year.

Marvel at its stupidity.

Wonder at how it breaths and walks at the same time.

If you're butthurt that people don't like your waifu, you seriously need to grow up.

>She's a bland plot device with barely any personality
Do you realize this could be said for any character of S1-4 besides Jack, Scotsman and (arguably because he's evil for the sake of it) Aku?

You realize that all of those characters were just in one episode, right?

Scotsman had 3

Tumblr also thinks that Jack's OTP is Johnny Bravo, so their opinion means nothing.

read post pls

>She's a bland plot device with barely any personality
The growth and expansion of her personality was a major factor in this season.

She's a "plot device" in the same way Jack is a plot device, sure.

So exactly when is next Jack? How many hours?

Epic meme dude xD

Generally Samurai Jack episodes were about the people Jack encountered and how he impacted their lives. Jack himself is stoic and measured and was a lone wanderer vehicle for the subject of each episode.

Ashi is just the typical Samurai Jack character of the week affair stretched out to a full season with a bit of extra detail, due to the serialised nature of this season versus the episodic original.