Injustice Year 5 storytime

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First for Mirror Master should be alive but the game writers didn't read the comic all the way through.

Kill them all Superman.


does this garbage improve at all

Su/pol/man go!

Superman may have gone too far in some places.




More like he didn't go far enough. He let Bruce carry Montoya off instead of arresting him.


He's going to get himdself killed by a stupids Bizarro hijink, isn't he ?


Or killing Bruce.


Uh oh--






>Black man


filler content



But it's cute filler, at least, not Hawkgirl's terrible marriage filler

So when did Superman cross the line?
>when he killed Joker
>when he killed Green Arrow
>when he almost killed Black Canary
>when he killed Ganthet
>when he killed Herakles
>when he killed the Joker Underground


Nigga's tanned.




There are Ethiopian Jews in Israel

When he killed Green Arrow and then ignored his ma and both pas telling him he fucked up.



do you think trickster owns a fidget spinner


Joker was bad but understandable. The line cross was Green Arrow.


When he didn't kill Bat man.

Everyone's horrible in this verse.

>killing joker was bad but understandable


>after he nuked a populated city

good point
I rather see selina+batgirls showering together or in a lesbian orgy tho

Good, good. Best Superman!

He could had easily been arrested user. It's not Superman's place to take the law

>its been 6 issues since Bane showed up

Green arrow. That fucker Joker deserved it


The Joker dying wasn't bad. The Joker being killed by an upset vigilante rather than being brought to justice was.


it really is in superdouche's dna to do that

And he would escape within a week and destroy central city to fuck with Flash.



wrong quote

I'm not that user, but it was stated in some of the other threads that joker was likely gonna get the death penalty anyway
chill, this isn't worth arguing over



dude, dont post images


>Bat man rescues the Joker from death row again

what a fucking treasure

>joker was likely gonna get the death penalty
People always say that but villains escape every time.


Wait, if he used both hands then where is...
Oh fuck


It was bad for Superman. Being driven to kill by sorrow, hate and rage is a bad thing, user.

There was also the question of whether Joker wouldn't have been sentenced to death anyway by the courts. But really it was just shitty for Supes.

Oops he broke him.
And nothing of value was lost.






My heart!

A...aww...come on....No....


Now he's definitely mad

Bizarro's so innocent, it's sad and adorable.

>nuking a city
>not sure if death penalty

do we need to bring him to texas ?



Maybe for Injustice 3, when they bring Superman back from the Phantom Zone to help battle the Anti-Monitor.

Bizarro is such a fucking retard.



Pls no bully Bizarro.

You know there would be some unrealistic bullshit of "HES TOO MENTALLY ILL" and Joker would have gotten put back into Arkham again.

>people enjoying this marathon somehow will be on the side of Clark

Superman did nothing wrong.

>killing a mass murderer of millions is bad if you're emotionally connected

What a load of horseshit.

Bizarro will be put down like deformed dog.



Fuck off, Diana.

Probably not. It's longer than it needs to be, I think.

>Batman teams up with (Insert faction here.)
>Superman and Co. fight against them
>people die
>Batman and his side fail
>muh moralfaggotry and muh regime
>le wacky Harley XDDD
>rinse repeat

A lot of this fat could have been trimmed. We already know there's no way Batman can win before Original Universe Superman shows up.

At the very least, it's entertaining seeing how much shit hits the fan.

The point of a superhero is to be stronger than that.

>all totally fine

He did nothing wrong Cyborg.
