Wish it was a bit longer, but good for what it was

Wish it was a bit longer, but good for what it was

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I loved it, though it should have been bloodier.

Rave girl died. I'm sad.

But without Aku, she wouldn't have ever existed so without Aku she was never real.

God damn Rave girl made me crave black meat

>TV-14 V
>no sign of blood or brutal violence
>just TV-PG shit

I wish Jack got with Rave Girl instead of Ashi desu.
>tfw the hottest season 5 girl had less than a minute of screentime

what would you do to her Sup Forums?


I wanted to see Jack fight Aku, not a bunch of shitters and Ashi fight Aku

Give her a proper burial

>ya'll thought Rothschild III and the Wild Man were dead because of the time skip

I think Jack and Aku barely interacted the whole episode or the whole season for that matter.

fuck yeah motherfucking Rothschild III

the finale fight felt completely pales compare to the graveyard fight

So was Aku's Castle in the same spot the entire time?

>when the robot blinks before dying

It was alright, but I wanted to see Aku do more. I was hoping to see a really terrifying side of Aku more akin to the first episode or movie. In a perfect world we could have had a whole episode devoted to this battle.

I wouldn't have minded if Aku had slaughtered the entire rebellion, since killing Aku might wipe them out of existence or they'd still be alive in an alternate good future anyways.

>the frog people just lying dead on the floor impaled as fuck

At that point, Aku didn't give enough of a shit to move the castle around anymore.

We got some glimpses of that. The little "hope is lost" speech at the beginning, turning those Woolies and Archers into mini-Akus, and that needle rain he did when he got pissed off. I think he should have been terrifying for the entire battle though, the goofy moments didn't really fit like they usually do.

Thank god those dogs can live that long.

Maybe there really was still hope for Lulu.

>>no sign of blood or brutal violence
>>just TV-PG shit

I don't understand this. 1-3 had tons of blood and death. Then 4-10 got super tame.


Jack Never defeated Future Aku. Only Past Aku.

Future Aku remains undefeated.

The speech was amazing. Aku soldiers were good. Needle rain was alright, but just a little boring since it didn't have a ton of personality. Would have liked more of his shapeshifting and personal attacks.


Really weak. The Y7 rated Swamp batte was way more intense than anything in this season t b h . (Aside from the daughters battle in the tombs)


future aku doesn't exist, just like everyone else from the future :/

the thumbnail made me thought thats a pretty cool aku desktop wallpaper

Seeing those boys go out hurt

What kind of dance moves or rap lyrics do i have to recite to score a Hoochie Mama like that Sup Forums?

>Aku takes that many hits and doesn't die.
>In the finale he does fewer hits, and even splits him in half, but he doesn't survive

He's weaker in the past.

It was pretty good. I like that they weren't very effective but just barely doing enough to distract him. Aku used his powers pretty dang well.

My only gripe with the ending was that it seemed against what they were setting up to just have Jack go back in time and win. Call it fanfiction, but it felt like they were setting up Jack to have to just live with the consequences of this world but work to make it better with Aku gone or something.

He already fought past Jack and just needed finishing off.

He was pretty weak towards end of the swamp battle when donning the titan armor. He wasn't so pathetic despite being so wittled down, unlike in this battle.

at least scaramouche got to say penis

this makes me crave black meat

Go to a rave in the bush, take X with her, and fuck til we passed out.

I know how you feel, but in all honesty, if it was another fight similar to this it would've been pretty redundant.

>>yellow eyes
Ugly stereotype or too real for primetime?

>that flower tail

Best part of the episode

>We're all off to fight the embodiment of evil for the fate of the universe
>Better grab my full head bunny mask

Here she is with white eyes.
decide for yourself if its an improvement.

that actually looks better

Do you think Akulings raped her when she fell down?


Lets hope some drawfag is feeling creative

man, Aku was so fucking badass in that episode


>In the finale he does fewer hits

He had literally just fought Jack before the final scene, in the first episode.

those ugly teeth make me so hard. anyone else?

I think the teeth are cute not ugly

Reminds me a lot of that battle against Juubi in Naruto.

and in the swamp monster episode, Jack kicks Aku's ass.

This so much.

The one fight scene the series has been building up to was completely wasted for a pointless love subplot and cameos.

Wanna cum on that gap. Hngggggg

>This is what I was wearing when I fought an unspeakable evil
>Tell me I was asking for it, I dare you.

Giant Aku unphased by the tiny barrage of explosions was great. I also loved Aku raining down tiny blades of black akuness.

The whole fight reminded me of why Aku was so great. Sure you could physically push him around if you're big enough (Giant robot samurai) but he is effectively immortal. Any battle with him is for his own pleasure, when he gets bored he can destroy you with ease.

His fatal mistake was giving his Akuness to another. It's the only reason he was destroyed. Solid ending.

Sweet thing

if ashi vanished, does that mean aku comes back to life?
Without ashi ever existing jack wouldn't have been able to get back from the future.

>after this episode there's a chance X-9 never existed and took care of Lulu. Feels bad man

i just remember what Lulu was from

Limp dicked fanservice

I felt the same way but I can respect the ending they chose. Jack gave up his love and his own happiness to prevent decades and decades of evil and suffering and save his family. It was the heroic thing to do.

You're thinking about it too hard. It's a closed time loop. It happened but Jack returning and killing Aku means it never happened. Jack lived it but everything from that future is gone. Ashi disappearing confirms this.

What happened to this guy tho ?

People are going to "overthink" an ending so hackneyed it not only does the "fade into nothingness" schtick, but also has the character last long enough to VERY NEARLY get married before fading away. Closed time loops are one thing, but closed time loops that get your hopes up then kick the main character right in the balls?

You're not allowed use "oh but logically she shouldn't exist now" after allowing her to exist for an extended period just for maximum tragedy.

Went to collect warrior essences.
Im sure he wasn't jumping at the chance too defend Aku after being crushed by him.

What happened to Aku's scientists?
Where was the army of bug bots?
Where was his assasins?
Why was there more blood and violence in episodes 2/3 than the finale?


>What they could do
Either make it so its a "different timeline" where whey came from so ashi and everyone is as they were.

Make jack stay in the future or go back to the alternative future after he kills aku in the past so he can live with ashi and all his friends.

>What we got
Paradox bullshit, if ashi never existed because aku was killed then how does jack still remember her and how did all this even happened, after all she never existed.

It feels so forced its sad.

how can people say something like

>How can Jack remember X and X

but don't even blink at

>Jack stayed young for 50 years

She has jaundice

Ashi shouldn't have gone back to the past at all, and just opened the portal. That'd be an easy way to handwave the paradox bullshit altogether.

You're stupid.

Ashi should have sacrificed herself to open a portal

no u
That wouldn't give the foolish samurai a moral dilemma though.

The whole episode was pretty good. I think the final lesson is that Jack need have faith on his future independent of how dark it could be, because everything will turns good in the end.

It's a nice lesson and I'm very satisfied with end.

He was "the chosen one" or some shit or his ageing process was fucked up by the time travel, there can be many explenations.

But if ashi was never born then jack shouldn't even know she existed, and all their travels should never happen.

Am I the only one slightly disappointed that the battles with Aku took place in this one spire in the middle of a barren wasteland?

I always preferred Aku's lair in the heart of Aku-city. The dark red cityscapes are much more visually interesting.

And I'm correct in assuming the red caves that Aku live in connect to all the different Aku spires and Aku can be summoned from any of them?

>Am I the only one slightly disappointed that the battles with Aku took place in this one spire in the middle of a barren wasteland?

I loved it, Aku sequestering himself in the middle of nowhere was a perfect addition to the neuroses he had this season.

>Am I the only one slightly disappointed that the battles with Aku took place in this one spire in the middle of a barren wasteland?
More dissapointed by the lack of Aku minions to defend him, see >And I'm correct in assuming the red caves that Aku live in connect to all the different Aku spires and Aku can be summoned from any of them?

This was the case in season one as there were teleporters that would bring you to Aku (Jack and the gangsters, episode 2 where that 3 eye chick ratted him out).

Jesus Christ.

respect her and be on my way.

Should have been longer, but I liked it.
Ruined by the ending though. The battle not only never happened but everyone in it never existed except for Aku.

Future never happened, user.

Aku is too confident in himself to keep defences near his tower. He can wipe out anything if it disturbs him.

But I still think the ending was shit

So that he can go back to the past as though he never left.

i.e. from time's perspective, Jack never went to the future. He just had some weirdness going on for a bit.

Why didn't some other god just give their champion an abomination-killing weapon, or create one of those triplets of killing machines touched with the barest hint of their abomination-slaying power?

Anyone else waited for him to show up?

So why wasn't he there?

Aku destroyed the portal. Lacking a purpose in life, Guardian an heroed shortly afterward.

That's a sad ending. After all these years, vastness suffering, daily fighting for survive, so many won battles, thousands lost allies because of immortal demon what does he get? Experience of an old man in young flesh and another, most important memory to his collection.

They showed his glasses in the last episode so it looks like he'd dead.

Watching the rematch with this guy was all I wanted from the new season.


He regains his faith and conviction. For me, the ending is basically saying Jack will be happy at last.

There's no future without a past.

But would the dog race even exist without Aku?

He lost his love and paradoxally a final blow was struck by Aku, even if he was destroyed.