You cannot tell me that this ending scene in particular wasn't fucking tear jerking

You cannot tell me that this ending scene in particular wasn't fucking tear jerking.

Yes I can

I can tell you whatever the fuck I want fuccboi

It was shit.
My god, you got played like a fucking fiddle to get worked this hard by shitty writing.

I can with ease. Nothing was tear jerking because the whole "people in the future wouldn't exist if Aku was killed in the past" was something we noticed BACK WHEN THE ORIGINAL SHOW AIRED. So we spent our time wondering how Genndy would manage to pull off a good ending avoiding that, and silently hoping he COULD avoid that.

Turns out he couldn't.

what did he see in that ladybug?

Fuck Ashi and fuck season 5.

I can tell you whatever I want.
Ashi never told Jack what ladybug's meant to her.
All I wanted was some sort of payoff to King Jack.

>All I wanted was some sort of payoff to King Jack.

That ending was dogshit, and that's coming from me.

Man, just dumb. Things were going so well until this episode.

it wasn't ashi is garbage good riddance

This. During Ashi's change of heart scene, Jack's eyes are closed and Ashi is behind him. He has no idea what ladybugs are to her.
Another example of the horrible, rushed writing. Genndyfags will defend this

original ending donutsteel

Someone edit this so that the lady-bug's eyes erupt into GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS

>they copied gurren laganns ending

While I agree the ending was dogshit, it's easy to argue that he's not thinking of Ashi, just appreciating that there's still beauty in the world without her.

Tearjerking? Fuck no.
It did feel like a weight has finally been lifted though. It feels goods and I pity the dead who never got to feel such a relief.

What's with the janitor instantly deleting Ashi death threads? He's probably the same guy who posted the unembeded EVERYBODY video.

fuck I was thinking this the entire time

brofist user XD

HOLD UP GUYS this still happens
>jack has spent more of his natural life in the future then in the past
>he relates to nothing there, has no friends
>he never finds happiness ever
>jacks father passes away a decade or so after the finale and Jack becomes ruler
>for many many years Jack leads his kingdom to health and happiness, it is strong and rightous, but Jack cannot fight his longing to return to the future
>One day after nearly a century of rule Jack takes a horse from the stable and vanishs
>He quests across the earth to where the Guardians Portal resides in his time, pic related
>What took you so long my man?

The ending itself fucking killed me inside.

>a Genndyfag tried to defend this
Well, I called it.

>and leaves his kingdom behind


I love you

Why would he go back to the future? Ashi is gone, as well as his friends. Aku was erased, so the future wouldn't be the same.

Actually, I can. And I will.
This ending in particular wasn't tear jerking.

what the fuck did you expect??

I liked the ending and I think at every fucking ending we would have gotten Sup Forums would just throw one big fuckfest

>everyone pictured here is dead

>tear jerking.

I never gave a shit about Ashi. She came out of nowhere and it became some forced romance. They knew each other for like a week.

I was satisfied when she died.

>Spirits/afterlife are canon in Samurai Jack
>if he had stayed in the future, his family and past friends could look down upon him rebuilding from heaven
>Ashi was wiped from ever existing. literally all she is or ever will be is a fading memory in Jacks mind
>we could have had jacks spirit parents look down at his wedding with happiness
>we got them seeing their son lose the one person he had loved in at least 50 years

Its a bug, that's not tear jerking, just jack getting over his week long crush.

not existing isn't the same as dead, and who's to say that an alternate version of them doesn't exist

They never existed

they all will be born again and will live in a peaceful world without Aku, fuck you

I'm just disappointed. Just solely disappointed.

anyone have a link or anything for the last episode ?

Fucker, at least he acknowledged that it happened, rather than just leaving it up to interpretation causing endless debates forever. Or worse, deciding canon outside of the source material in an interview

A person is the product of the experiences they live through, take that away and that person ceases to exist.

Damn. Those kids have a chance of existing again, but not Ashi. She's gone. No chance of ever existing.

this is the intrinsic problem with time travel, no matter how you do it, everyone gets fucked

seeThe people who died under aku's rule at least had the afterlife to look forward to.

Ah, good ol' Sup Forums, always trying to ruin the shit for everybody
Maybe you did, I didn't. Sounse like your own headcanon butthurt.

catchy jungle rave and sluts with flowers on their booty?

the people who died under aku's rule never existed, and even if they did, they're still dead


I'm saying if jack stayed in the future, his family and others like them would have been in heaven, which is better than never existing.

>she couldn't possibly tell him about a ladybug

It made me feel sad, but I'm not sure if it was because of the scene itself or because it was the end of the series.


dat ass

It should have been on screen development, like him learning her name.

ruin what for everybody? a shitty ending without a proper closure? yeah ok

the ending was sad yes, but the ladybug scene was pointless. it almost felt as if the animators gave up near the ending and just wanted to get on with it.

You're right, she couldn't. Because they either didn't have enough time or forgot to address it.
Stop fucking trying to defend this godawful writing jesus christ.

I was more sad that Samurai Jack ended.

>what the fuck did you expect??

I was going to reply by saying "good writing," but you actually have a point. What DID I expect? I, like many other people, have said the first few episodes were good, but in retrospect I can't say that anymore considering what was revealed. The season's premise was based around Jack doing virtually nothing for 50 years, leaving a magic sword down a hole for no good reason, not giving credence to the allies he made in the future, somehow killing someone for the first time in his entire career as a samurai, and romancing one the monkey-faced sibling of the people he killed.

Halfway through, I really shouldn't have expected better.

yeah I'm so sad those people will live normal lives now and not fucking miserable ones

wait so jack undid the evil that is aku,

so not only ashi gone but EVERYONE jack ever knew and helped is dead or never existed? oh god! morbid reality

>Ah, good ol' Sup Forums, always trying to ruin the shit for everybody
How are anonymous people on the internet expressing negative opinions about a show "ruining shit for everybody?" If you don't like people voicing their feelings about what they saw, just leave or ignore the discussion. Don't act as if people not liking something is an invasion of your preferences.

>ending on a symbol that was played an important role this season
Gee, what were they thinking, right?

>Sup Forums loved ashi before episode 10
>episode 10 arrives
>Sup Forums hates her now

Ashi a shit
At least Nia loved Shimon enough to vanish out of existence AFTER they had been wedded.
Ashi couldn't even exchange vows.

No, it's actually like this in the future. You can't stop me headcanonin' now.

jesus you have no fucking concept of time skips in fiction right? according to you idiot logic they knew each other for 20x9 minutes minus a bit. you think they travelled from that island to that city in a fucking day?

The people he helped had been suffering for years without help though. And before them there are countless centuries of chaotic rule under Aku as he whored earth across the galaxy.

Most people that knew him also knew his goal was an eventual trip back in time and were fine with it.

You know fully well that the amount of people who actually disliked it and the amount of shitposters are disproportional.

I don't want to stop loving her, but knowing what her fate is sours the love that I hold for her.

They never thought about it. Like, we don't understand how time travel works, why would they? Even Aku doesn't really understand, considering how he accidentally made his enemy immortal. Most of them never thought too much about it or thought Jack was going to simply slay Aku in the future.

Yeah, it was tear-jerking in the sense that that was the point when you knew for sure that Genndy was a talentless faggot.

X9 is never built you idiot
Ashi and her fucking 6 sisters coming from semen of ordinary guy? yeah sure you moron

>that robust rear end

damn son, it's time to jack off


Hi, I'm the George Lucas of cartoons.

>doesn't understand symbolism

>posts on Sup Forums

Everything seems to be functioning as normal.

Top right ain't so bad, but goddamn, why did they have to extend her face so fucking long like she was a fucking horse in the bottom right?

I understand it's stylized, but why couldn't they just keep it like at the top right?

Is it a lesson of careful what yo wish for?

Not really. So far, every thing Genndy has done has been good.

Y-yes I c-can...

Fucking this.

They shared a passionate kiss during episode 8.

I odn't see how. I wanted an ending to Jack's story and I got quite a neat one.

This entire episode was laughable, and not in a good way.
>Hey let's get married
>bride disappears

How? Genndy hasn't ruined any cherished franchise.

>Fuck Ashi

He never go to...

pretty much, but maybe i shouldn't blame genndy for the lack of quality and how rushed the last few episodes were

maybe he was given a shit deal by the people that greenlighted the project and this was the best that he could do

If Ashi never existed, shouldn't Jack forget about her?

Why did it take her so long to disappear?

FFX is way sadder.

If they kept Aku sealed inside the sword, it would be a nice sequel hook

No, is it a case of "careful what you wish for" for Jack. He winded up finally getting back to the past, but at what cost, since the good parts of his future ceased to exist.

As others have pointed out, without Ashi existing, Jack should technically have never been able to get back to the past.

Oh, yeah.

Which anime would you have preferred Genndy to rip-off instead of Gurren Lagann?

You are incorrect.

>It's temporal magic, I don't need to explain shit

First rule of time travel:
Don't question Time Travel logic.
Second rule of Time travel:
Fuck causality!

I literally would have been fine with the episode ending 2 minutes earlier and just handwaving alternate timelines.

What did this have to do with Gurren Lagann?

Evangelion. The final episode could have been just like the last episode of Evangelion.

from the dead sticky (also the spartan king didnt age somehow, and its the same VA so plothole, someone responded saying it could be split timeline evidence):

yes, the spartan king is on his deathbed telling a tale of jack but thats irrelevant now cus...

the future was eradicated from existence, and the spartans have no way of knowing of jack or the 300's sacrifice in the past

and on a 'reading inbetween the lines' level, 'theories' at this rate are pointless sense gennedy's flexing of his retcon muscles means it's a waste of effort to connect (even sensible things into a theory) points combined with the fact that it's ended now. gennedy can just correct any plotholes with social media posts now and people will let it pass.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

If you are going to rip-off an anime you might as well rip-off the best. So Gurren it is either ways.

>the last episodes felt just about as rushed and scrambled together as evangelion's original ending, where they literally ran out of budget and required a feature-length film to fix