So she wastes the entire fuckin season and then does a Nia from GL. Dude what the fuck?

So she wastes the entire fuckin season and then does a Nia from GL. Dude what the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

so did nia

wasn't a waste, we got lots of porn out of it thanks to her

When you fall in love with a wizard's construct, you're going to have a bad time.

She should never have existed, every weakness of the final season can be linked back to her

Nia was better. I actually felt bad when she died.

Bit different. Nia could easily have been saved by using the power they used during the entire show.

>ripped off Ilana's design
>ripped off Nia's ending
Did Ashi do ANYTHING original?

Meh, I liked her character. This is an unpopular opinion, but I liked everything in the new season. I think Jack deserved a happily ever after cliche ending, but I guess Genndy saw it another way. Still satisfied though.

>that ending

I haven't seen this much blatant plagiarism of anime since Sup Forums storytimed Diesel.

I liked her character, her arc and felt she gave meaning to everything Jack did in the season.

But I thought the message of the season was different to what it ended up being.

Early episodes were largely about Jack not dealing with his own failure. By the point where she saved him from suicide and said that he saved her life, I thought the ending was going to be Jack accepting that he hadn't failed, but had many successes.

So she was necessary for his development, to realise that from his effort the terrible future could be turned into something beautiful and worthwhile.

But then...

This. People are always like "but that would have been abusing Spiral Power" and I'm like, "bitch, Simon just saved the motherfucking universe, if anyone has earned being the last one to get to use Spiral Power it's fucking him."

But noooo, he's gotta be all noble and shit. Whatever.

she was a plot-device

Not even subtle

>Yoko wearing a suit

Best girl, even in ending.

Pic related?

Because if so I'm heavily intrigued

too much was put on a character he was going to kill off for a bitter-sweet ending.


I DID MY TIME, TWELVE YEAAARS OF IT, I don't want a fucking bitter-sweet ending, I want that shit to be so fucking sweet it hurts to eat.

waiting TWELVE GOD DAMN YEARS changes the game, they should have gotten married and that's fucking that, love or hate Ashi, that is how it SHOULD have ended because Jack deserved a happy ending.

god i always hated how yoko kept one of her hair braid things.

You futurefags need to realize how horrific this would be for everyone who had suffered during Jack's absence.


life sucks
then you die


Out of nowhere

Gets bored finds the Guardian in his time.

Wacha Back From the Past.

Guardian pops him down like right before he jumps through to the past.

Things change. Jack walks down to the street and runs into a gaggle of girls all chatting and walking along.

Bumps into one knocking her phone out of her hand.

"Excuse me miss."

Jack picks up the phone.

It has a ladybug strap.

Its straight up Jojo

Oh man, I feel like I need to read now

Is it hilariously bad?

Oh yea.

If you wanna keep a bittersweet ending, do it like this.

>Ashi grabs Jack and opens the portal before anyone can think about it, as happened.
>Jack slays Aku in the past, keep this brief - we know Jack can be Aku and Aku is already weakened
>Brief moment of exultation as the pair leave Aku's collapsed citadel
>Ashi stumbles, then falls
>She can feel herself fading, and says as much as Jack rushes to her - we don't need to explain if it's time paradox or Aku being dead, doesn't particularly matter, and tangling with time travel questions is a rabbit hole not worth going down
>Jack cradles her, guilt warring with panic, maybe he pleads with her not to go or to keep living, don't oversell it - tragedy and comedy stand on a razor edge
>Ashi comforts him, thanks him for saving her life, thanks him for loving her, tells him she loves him, and asks him for a farewell kiss
>Jack goes to comply, but
>She's gone as his lips brush hers
>Lingering shot of Jack alone on his knees in Aku's wasteland as the sun comes out

>A brief montage of Jack returning home
>But what is initially joyous becomes confusing and then somber as Jack's family and subjects see that he has gone through some unspeakable ordeal
>Montage continues - show signs of the kingdom being rebuilt, but Jack keeps to himself as the seasons pass, back turned on the world
>Perhaps show he's been occupying himself with wood carvings of his friends from the future. A few lingering shows on more prevalent ones. There's a conspicuous empty space at the center. That one is Ashi's. He still can't give in to her just being a memory.

>Cut to the tree scene
>Jack sits, sombre and alone, until a ladybug lands on his finger
>Tears well in his eyes, and then a small smile
>Jack stands and looks out on the land, letting the ladybug go
>This is a world Ashi would have loved

take your fanfics and wall of text to AO3, this is Sup Forums not /ff/


I would've much preferred this ending.

One thing I hate is how the ending was way more bitter than sweet.

Honestly, I still wanted a happy ending, and I don't understand the perverse aversion to them in modern storytelling. Suffering should end. Life should flourish. 'Winning' shouldn't consist of salvaging what you can out of a home smashed flat by disaster.

endling was rushed, forced and abrupt, throw in its bittersweet nature of killing his love interest after building her up for the whole season and also only ever having them have a single kiss, kills it for me.

the fact that THIS IS IT, FOREVER, should really start sinking into you faggots soon, this is all the closure you'll ever get, after 12 fucking years of waiting, this is the payoff.

to me, I reject this ending, everything from after the Kiss is rejected, Ashi and Jack beat Aku and use AKu powers to go back to the past and its a happy ending. that is my reality.

So she became only memory after all.

ALSO the fact Jack had to suffer so much, sacrifice so much, and his reward is this shit is more suffering.

And Ashi never really got to be free, to say she loved Jack, hell, to even say goodbye.


>I'm glad you guys like Ashi
>But I have some bad news for you...

Or not

Can we get a fucking season 6 where Jack decides to fuck up the time line to get her back?

Wait, when did Ilana get non-existed? Apart from when the CN executives decided to non-exist the whole show.

>make Aku's daughter fall in love with Jack
>somehow people did not expect a Nia
I get that this isn't Sup Forums but come on

Genndy has said that this closes the door for him, so no.

You can't really get an Ashi without an Aku,

]this episode pretty much gives you the knowledge on how Genndy feels about Jack.

He's done, here's your rushed ending, this is all you will ever, ever get.

Not even a decent Nia. Nia went out telling Simon she loved him. Ashi went out talking about Aku


>When you realize Ashi never got a chance to say "I love you" to Jack
>when you realize their first kiss was their last kiss
>when you realize NO ONE will be able to relate to Jack because, as far as they experienced, he was never gone

Genndy should be a good enough writer to not have to rip off an anime.


Only an idiot didn't see a Nia coming. But I personally didn't expect it be so poorly done

Using the wedding just seems downright cruel for cruelty's sake.

Spiral power is based on the cycle of death and new life. "The dreams of those who have fallen and the hopes of those who will follow." Reviving someone using spiral power would be a complete bastardization of the power.

So? Just look at how great Frankenstein was when the laws of nature were abused

>Season 5 was literally just Genndy's Donut Steel Deviant Art OC Waifu Story
>waited over a decade for this

I like this but I would've had the ladybug fly off and then a cricket jump in it's place on his hand. We then see in the background a figure.
It turns out to be a fully grown cricket girl. He smiles then fade to black, roll credits.


Nah, I hate the 'replacement goldfish' thin myself in love-and-lost stories. Leave it open-ended, I say, as to whether or not Jack ever found love again.

*Tips fedora euphorically*

>I don't want a fucking bitter-sweet ending, I want that shit to be so fucking sweet it hurts to eat.
Disney seems more your speed

Jack GOT a happy ending, that was him coming to terms with everything when he saw the lady bug. Dude saves the world from an UNSPEAKABLE EVIL, it hurts but he's man enough t realize the stakes and accepted it.

At least the action scenes, music, and backgrounds were amazing.

The buildup was great, the finale kind of made Jack's journey feel pointless.

Jack did all of that and he get's no reward from it. I guess that's the Way of the Samurai.

You're both right

GL was fun, but then that happened

SJ was getting good, then ashi showed up

Making the best out of a tragedy is not the same thing as a happy ending. We've seen Jack do that enough, even leaving aside that Ashi never got to live a life. She never got to wander for the sake of wandering, indulge her love for animals or fondness for children, fall asleep besides someone she trusted utterly and who would never hurt her.

It sucks for them both, especially considering the magnitude of suffering they did no behalf of others.

Why only Nia? Is Kamina not worthy? Why also not revive Kittan and other fags who died while we at it?
So yeah, it would be abuse of power

That's a load of shit

What the FUCK was their problem?

No, this is.

>noone will ever call them out on their bullshit
>noone to strong arm them into bringing Ashi back

>Thanks for doing our job, kid
>Sucks about all those good people in Aku's future or the woman you loved, doesn't it?

>"But here's a fucking ladybug. Remember how you and Ashi bonded over that? Do you feel better now?"


Hey maybe you should let go of the past and accept them as memories
That was Jack realizing there was beauty in the world, you should try it too

At least Nia was around since the start.

It's not like TTGL just dropped her in the middle of part 2 and made her the light of Simon's life, she had a lot of foundation built for her beforehand and her relationship with Simon was a natural progression.

Samurai Jack was about Jack, then for one season became the Jack and Ashi show and we're supposed to weep for a character we've known for five episodes after we came in for Jack, who has four seasons of beef with Aku and it still seems like only part of the story.

Ashi just seemed like a distraction.

You were right, Shaggyfag. He swooced us like a goddamn secret bitch.

Never ever.

So tired of this meme that preferring happy endings means you like Disney trash. Saccharine endings aren't inherently bad, just as super sad endings aren't inherently deep or profound.

Personally, this ending forced the bittersweet way to too hard for my liking. It wasn't even well executed.

>That was Jack realizing there was beauty in the world, you should try it too
lol calm down, it was a joke about the Gods perspective.

anyone got the family guy version?

Who else rooted for Aku this time?

Where is the "I didn't really care about her" option?

Shaggyfag was the true hero of the season.

I think it has something to do with Genndy meeting Adam Sandler. Everything Adam touches dies a slow painful death or is cursed forever.

I liked her.

My only beef was that she should've survived since by her paradox logic, Jack should've faded away with her too.

I loved her.
Why genndy.

TTGL sucked too you fucking hipsters.

This. Love or hate her, Jack deserved her in the end.

>this much faggotry in one post
I miss the days before reddit was on here.

Hand over your virgin daughters! Its the least you fucks owe me.

Because "muh Gurren Lagann bittersweet ending"

>You don't want almost every single character to be killed off without a goodbye, Jack's love interest to be randomly killed off in a 5-second bit, and Jack's story being finished in the most rushed/anticlimactic way?
>What are you, some kind of disney-fag?

This show ripped off of Gurren Lagann's ending.
-I loved Gurren Laganns ending, even though it caught me off guard more than Samurai Jack
-Samurai Jack's ending left a bad taste in my mouth that makes me regret ever watching it in the first place.
-Why is this?

>Nia could easily have been saved by using the power they used during the entire show.

If you don't ming the small cost of Simon setting on the path to be the new Anti-Spiral King.

>One poster managed to completely annihilate the majority of Sup Forums in a single night

>tfw the Scotsman listing the names of all his daughters get's as much screen-time as Jack fighting Aku and Ashi dying.

Nt really. The guy was convinced Ashi and Jack would never fall in love.

Because I assume gurren laggan addressed the disappearance from time before it happened and treated it as a sacrifice.
In Jack, it happens the same way Ashi is revealed to be aku's daughter.
as well as the fact that they bait you into letting your guard down by having her acknowledge how different she feels from Aku dying.

Or people who just didnt watch some faggy anime

It's called DIESEL

Because in GL it was a sacrifice they chose to make, where in SJ it was a consequence of Ashi trying to do the right thing. Also because the whole season has centered around Ashi and Jack and their suffering and loneliness.

I honestly just hate how it was "Oh Jack Btw can't be here without Aku." Then she's just fucking gone

Fill me in senpai

Also Nia didn't cease to exist she just died, Ashi is gone completely

>that one strawpoll in a thread out of dozens

>that one strawpoll that got shared in every samurai jack thread active at the time of it's inception