Why did timesquad fail

Why did timesquad fail

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what the hell is timesquad

If I remember, and I might not because fuck it was like 15 years ago, it kept being moved to worse and worse time slots, until its ratings were so bad that the execs could comfortably say "kay bye."

It's a shame, it was a fucking great show with some excellent writing. Wish more people knew of/remembered it.
Because there's not nearly enough R34 of Sheila

It's that anime about a group of characters from the future that travel through time to discover that history was a lot sillier than it was in the books, and they help out famous historical figures with their problems.

The shota wasn't cute and never went nude.

It was dumb

I barely remember this show, but I do remember watching it while it was on. This and the Cramp Twins.

Never heard of it, any popular voice actors on that one?

Idk i liked it

Mark Hamill played a camp gay robot.

Because of samurai jack

Great show, the three characters really complemented each other well.

Shouldn't have mocked Dubya.

cause they didnt stop aku, duh

What's the name of the anime?

Any chance of a reboot?

Flint the Time Detective

I don't know, I liked it but I guess others found it too gay with one bear, one twinkish robot, and a pseudo-adopted son.

Yes, but only after season 2 of Clone High is released.

Because it was shit. It had little to no humour and couldn't even pass as an educational show.

Technically it could come back..unless it was made into a tax write-off then never again. The idea of shows like this have been going on for a long time so they could just change the name and some of the base plot.

Fuck I loved Timesquad when I was a kid! The episode with Edgar Allen Poe was amazing.

It's Mon Colle Knights.

So Larry was basically Mettaton?


Time squad was on adult swim?

I feel it did well

This episode played too often

That one and the pilot, basically the only episodes I remember now.

The real question is, why do you keep making threads about a show nobody watched or cares about or even really remembers?

It's not the same guy

Did it truly fail? I was under the impression that it was just a decent show that faded away with the early 2000s. It was a history edutainment show that got 2 seasons and was solidly funny. I like thinking that it didn't drag on longer than it needed to and ended appropriately.

In eventual re-runs, yes. It aired on the daytime network first.

wow, I don't remember her being this THICC

Wasn't there an episode about the guy who invented the sandwich? I used to fucking love this show

I read somewhere the creator wouldn't play ball with CN execs, who wanted it toned down or something.

>that episode where they helped Belgium find the Congo

It revealed the true extent of american ignorance of history, forcing the execs to cancel the show out of shame.


you mean 'stinkypileofpoo' right?

no one wants a fucking history class.

if it was about interesting like how the moon was made or that time they met the mayans and were considered gods it may have had an appeal.

>that Napoleon episode

Because they were spreading British propaganda.