I actually calculated it and today, nickelodeon showed LESS THAN 29% CARTOONS...

I actually calculated it and today, nickelodeon showed LESS THAN 29% CARTOONS. 71% OF WHAT THEY HAVE SHOWN TODAY WAS NOT A CARTOON. Instead, they focus on crappy live action shows and even VLOGS. SHITTY 14 YEAR OLD YOUTUBERS NOW HAVE THEIR OWN SHOWS.

Why can't this piece of crap die already?

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It's not like its 2 main cartoon competitors are much better.

That's kind of what Nick was before it became flooded with cartoons in the mid-90s.

Because they get the higher ratings then CN

Nickelodeon has never in its history claimed to be a cartoon network.

Also I'm not sure why you're so surprised they give Youtubers their own shows. This is the same network that gave Fred (remember Fred?) his own sitcom and film trilogy.

It would've died months ago if not for that Loud House crap, and years ago if not for Korra. Nick really needs to fucking die at this point.

Disney Channel has always focused on live action shit, when I was younger they only aired cartoon blocks at prime afterschool hours or on saturdays. i don't pay for the channel in my cable package so idk if that's changed

Disney XD or Jetix or whatever was where you went for cartoons outside those hours.

I wish Adult Swim would just become its own channel already

Nick has pretty much never been just for cartoons. By time the channel was "serious" it already had live action shit on it.

You realize kids don't like cartoons as much anymore, right? They prefer live action because they're used to youtube and shit where they see "real people". In the past cartoons were often used because they can look good even on shit displays and signals due to the way old cameras were shit and how cartoons were often much cheaper to make.

Cartoons are dying as a kids medium, eventually we'll get to a point where cartoons are mostly an adult thing, like anime (the way Sup Forums sees it) or Family Guy.

Idc about live action shows as long as they are good, and as long as there is at least some balance between them and cartoons. I mean, at least make it 50/50 and give us quality instead of all these shows that look exactly the same and are basically plotless with unfunny toilet humour and bad actors.
Yea that's exactly why I am surprised, I don't remember Fred. Because it was a bad, forgettable show

Unfortunately you are right.

0.01% of this was Harvey Beaks

I liked Jetix (at least the one that was in my country. I dunno what it was like in USA)

But I'm talking about current channels
>Disney XD
Capetrash and lolsorandom comedies
TTGo and tumblr trash, shitty reboots

Podophile, Paedophile, or both? Dan "hold her tighter she's a fighter, a.k.a the sole man" Schneider.

What do you Anons think would happen if they got rid of Dan Schneider? I mean completely scrubbed all mentions of him and his shows from Nick history. A Nick animation renaissance?

>Nick Jr. extends from morning until 2 PM
>Sponge Bob and Loud House take the time slot
>Live action afterwards
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

>lolsorandom comedies

The act of being “random” is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you’re really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being “random” is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed.

Jetix was kinda the Adult Swim of Disney Channel, meaning Jetix would take over Disney from like 8 at night to early in the morning. They never played "adult" shows since it was still Disney, but I mainly remember they showed the 90s Marvel shows (Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Hulk).

>wish Adult Swim would just become its own channel already
No. If they do that, TTG and Ben 10 Marathons.


you're joking, right?

They gave a show to a 14-something year old girl who does make up tutorials.

Pic related.

Adult Swim becoming it's own channel is a horrible idea if CN wants to survive in it's current state. AS is probably the only thing keeping CN afloat.

Not him, but here in my country Jetix was its own channel

The bumpers were fucking amazing



>. They never played "adult" shows since it was still Disney, but I mainly remember they showed the 90s Marvel shows (Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Hulk).
Ah, that started with Fox Kids around here. Not being familiar with those franchises, I actually liked those 90s Marvel shows, but at some point after that, I started really hating everything DC/Marvel.

I remember the train ones, something with the bomb. Pretty sure they also sometimes included characters from shows they aired, like Sonic

I refuse to believe you until you link the show's IMDb page, there's no way Nick's executives are this retarded.

You realize this is what today's kids are actually interested in?
Why do you think PewDiePie is a millionaire?

>Not being familiar with those franchises, I actually liked those 90s Marvel shows.
They're pretty good. They were my first introduction into the Marvel Universe. I think they were also probably the first to do a Marvel Television Universe. If I recall correctly, the 90s Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and Hulk shows all took place in the same continuity.

It is pretty new and only airs in the Netherlands so I doubt it has an Imdb page.

But It is owned by nickelodeon:




>Viacom’s Nickelodeon held steady among viewers 2 through 11 in the first quarter compared with the same period a year ago, but Time Warner’s Cartoon Network fell 15 percent, according to Todd Juenger, a media analyst at Sanford Bernstein. Disney Channel, which does not accept traditional advertising (and focuses on children as old as 14), declined 20 percent, while the ad-supported Disney XD plunged 27 percent.


>Nickelodeon for the year to date is the top-rated kids' network, up 5% over last year and number one with Kids 2-11, Kids 6-11 and Kids 2-5. Nick also owns the top shows in every demo, including: the top 9 among K2-11; the top 4 for Kids 6-11; and the top 3 among preschoolers.


>Why can't this piece of crap die already?
Because what it's doing is working, it's getting viewership to its channel and beating its competition. Plus, as everyone has said, Nick has never been just a cartoon channel. Not even in the 90's was it primarily a channel that just aired cartoons. You do remember All That, Clarissa Explains it, Kenan and Kel and other live action game shows?

Just because you hate it, doesn't mean jack. You're not the primary demographic. Kids like what it airs, and that's all that matters.

If it only airs in the Netherlands, it is fine. I mean, what are you supposed to produce for the Dutch market? It isn't big enought to allow you to make an own cartoon, it's not even big enought for an own sitcom. If original Nickelodoen doesn't produce enought stuff, you need to improvise. And this is propably just a way to fill a gap towards prime time anyway, I doubt it is longer than 10 minutes.

What the fuck is that on her neck?

>That's kind of what Nick was before it became flooded with cartoons in the mid-90s.

This. Until Spongebob it was a mix of content including live action, puppet shows and SOME animation. Guess which is the most expensive to produce?

>What the fuck is that on her neck?

Unfortunately, while they might stop airing his shit, they'll probably keep all mentions of him since he is, as bad as it might be, "influential" with Nick's programing lineup.

Also, it'd simply open the door to more Schneider clones to take up schedule space because 'Animation's hard! We'll do it when we feel like doing it!'.

Probably the same people who put live-action shows on the Nicktoons channel. Does Nick hate its 90s cartoons so much that they only put them on late at night on Teen Nick?