Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie (2017)

Now that Jack is finished, can we talk about the next HYPEtrain coming?

>what happened to Arnold's parents
>will Helga win the Arnold-bowl?

What if they ended up screwing the ending like Jack?

Pretty cool looking production art so far

it was great, go whine somewhere else

>they changed the clothes so it doesn't look like a kilt anymore
I'm mad

Forced love story?

You know what... maybe i'm not coming to Sup Forums anymore.

Korra broke you guys.


Craig Bartlett posts shipper fuel constantly on his Instagram, i'm sure we'll get something.

This show was propaganda garbage

still looking forward to see it

>copied gurren lagann

Korra broke itself. I'm just afraid they're going to have a forced love story and villain redemption for Arnold and that will take over having Arnold to return to his parents main story. You fuck.

Of what

>no Lila
It's already bad.

Thankfully Arnold is not stalked by some crazy bitch that worships idols in cave.

Is it really slated for 2017? Also, my first cartoon crush

I hope people make more helga r34 after this movie

This thanksgiving

...you're kidding right?

I just hope Rhonda gets plenty of screentime

I hope she gets some titties

Craig fucking sketched out their adult romances. He's practically a full on shipper.

Bigger than Helga's already, my friend

is Arnold /fa/?


Could turn out great, but I'm keeping my expectations low on this one.

>I'm just afraid they're going to have a forced love story

Forced? Half the show has been about a love-story and the previous movie setup this development as well. Seriously, did you not watch the thing?

If these are her tits at 11 then god knows what they'll be like when she reaches full adulthood.

We all do user. We all do.

I hope Helga gets on that boat as well. I'm surprised all these early stills and animation cells show Helga (and Rhonda) finally growing some chest.

Not a bad choice. Looks like Phoebes growing some hips.

>not having a unibrow

Helga best girl, they better get the voice right.

They're using the same voice actor for her.

>No Lila
Into the trash it goes.

>the original voice actors are dead

Oh man, that's heartbreaking.

Can someone post the snort me arnold image?

Lila was too busy riding Arnie dick to go on the trip

>pigeonman confirmed


Lilafags exist?

>budding helga

I'm hoping we can get the Patakis after so we'll see how her full growth turns out


Phoebe is the best girl and anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

Her foot is flipping you off

someone just drop picures of helga plz :ยด(

>Arnold and Helga finally become a couple
>but out in the jungle they have to deal with a space time anomaly
>the ending is Arnold and Helga about to get married but she falls to the ground and fades away

like if you cry everytime

No guesses on what happened to his parents? Held hostage? Dead?

Jack had a great ending.

Makes me wonder why Sup Forums has such shit taste. They wank the regular show ending which wasnt that good. Just played a fucking david bowe song.

Best girl BY FAR.

I'm hoping she gets a great big set of honkers

I know Helga's dress and bow are iconic, but I wish her outfit was updated.

best ship



You can see the artist naked on her Deviant Art.

Who is the kid with brown hair supposed to be?
Is it stoop kid?


>Is it stoop kid?
Not a fucking chance.

I need a link senpai.

>inb4 one of the characters turns gay

Hey Arnold has some hard core fans.


Already have Eugene.

You're going to bitch and whine and complain when the movie isn't the second coming you envisioned in your mind. Your rose-tinted goggles inevitably will cause contradictions between your fantasy and the reality of whatever they put out.

So for fuck's sake, lower your expectations.

Mr. Simmons was confirmed gay

Mr.Simmons is gay, according to Bartlett. Eugene is proto-gay, whatever that is.

No, i'm not one of these fucks bitching about Jack. I'm hyped but i'm not going to ruin it for myself with headcanon.

All I want to see is how the story ends. And I hope it's as good as the original series.

Wait, this is not a joke? It's seriously happening?

You joking?

Eugene is gay, but he hasn't discovered it himself, I think that's what CB said.
He had no problem kissing Lila in one episode, but he dropped out of the Romeo play because he didn't want to kiss a girl. Lolwat?

>not Arnoldb- owl
Get the fuck out of my Sup Forums

So, are they gonna do it in the same 90s to early 2000's setting or are they magically now gonna be using smartphones and computers liberally?

>that episode when Arnold is gushing over a boombox with FIFTY MEGABYTES of storage
>Bob selling fucking beepers

Uh no.

i dont really want this movie to be made and is because stuff like this.

part of the charm was the times this thing was done. Remove that and it lose a part of itself. Keep it, and it will feel fake.

who gives a shit about arnolds parents really, i hope they are dead.

The jungle thing would have been great if they actually finished it and capped the series gracefully like EEnE, but since they didnt greenlight the final movie now we gotta stick with this, also
>tfw you realize Arnold is Mexican because he was born there

They'll probably keep it in the 90's.

yeah i know, it all depends of the aproach i guess.

if they go with a nostalgic tone and try to mirror the first seasons style it can work pretty good.

San Lorenzian not Mexican.

I thought Hey Arnold did a decent job of being timeless so I don't worry about a computer or phone showing up.

What happened to his parents was already revealed by Craig when the show (and the movie, at the time) was cancelled.

so... what happened to them?

Without Aku, they didnt exist in the first place.

Why do they have tits, they are 10-11 not 12-14 dafuq

that's the age many girls start growing them these days

mine didn't show shape through my shirt until I was well into my 12 years.

How are they now?

You know the rules

it's the age they started coming in for my younger sister





How the hell do Rhonda, Helga and Nadine all develop so much when the movie takes place only 1.5 years after the show (since they're at the end of their 5th grade year in it and he said it would end with them going into the 6th grade)?

I mean, yeah, I know girls with breasts existed in the 5th grade but it's just lewd...they are like 10/11.


That Helga.

not really lewd, just that her room is right next to mine and we share a bathroom, so while thankfully I've never seen her in the nude, I have seen her without a shirt(but with a bra on) more times than I'd care for

times change, these days that's around the age where most girls start developing them

No one cares about your chest fat you piece of shit

Keep the thread on topic

I haven't thought of this show in so long, the idea of a sudden ending is pretty strange.

Nice that she's a top runner this time around. Always liked her dynamic with Helga.

Remember being disappointed that she got benched for the old movie.

I would ask for sum pics but, I would become a pedo user?