Adventure time could've ended gracefully just like samurai jack and gravity falls did

>adventure time could've ended gracefully just like samurai jack and gravity falls did
how long, how long must they suffer

>samurai jack and gravity falls
>ended gracefully

>gravity falls
>ending gracefully
This has to be bait. I refuse to think otherwise.

The show already has an ending planned. This is the last season it's getting.

what's been with adventure time lately, haven't been keeping up but people are saying it's gotten worse over the couple of seasons

The latest season plus the 3 miniseries are great

stop lying
only stakes was decent

>could've ended gracefully
The key word being (could), we still got one season left.

Stakes was the worst one retard

>Gravity Falls ended gracefully

shut up bitches

It got pretty bad for a while, then recovered. It's been good, lately.

If you're gonna ruse us, then you should've said Regular Show and Wander Over Yonder

Make me bitch.

Fuck off Alex your finale sucked

>only stakes was decent
fuck off marcy/bubblinefag

i want to see whats going to happend with jake from now on now that he is half ayylmao.
also, when is the next episide?

>samurai jack and gravity falls
>ending gracefully

hopefully SU will have a good ending

I don't want it to end like Samurai Jack and Gravity Falls, I want it to end well. Besides, I think the show has been consistently good since the beginning.

God knows. Probably sometime in the next couple of months.

Who knows. It's been confirmed that AT won't return this Summer.

>don't catch up with adventure time for 4 years
>finn loses his arm twice and the show is ending this season
>lich king is even more terrifying now

what the hell did i miss?

>Samurai Jack's ending

Too bad a good ending won't save it from being 95% shit
First few episodes were pretty chill, but then it took a steep nosedive into craptacular bullshit

Fucking same.
Man I remember when this was the shit back in 5th grade. I used to follow it all the time but I got off the train when the romance shit got dumb.

>that was ages ago
