Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Everyone hates Terra, even the writers hate Terra

no way fag

what, did they fug?




I'm mad this isn't the first post.
Delet this thread OP, start over.

All teen metagirls crave the Slade!

Bahahaha. Epic...simply epic.

Because it's not cartoon Terra, who like all the characters in the show is vastly superior to the original version.



>10 minutes into netflix and chill and she gives you the look

what do?


is there not a single version of Terra that isn't a betrayer and survives to fucking adulthood like most of the other titans?

yeah its true

and also she went from kind of do-able to bleach your dick and your eyes

So which movie is this?

don't even know why they bothered doing this. it's like the animated movies are only willing to tell the same stories over and over again anymore, but DARKER and more MATURE

people make fun of that SERIOUS episode of teen titans go but it's spot fucking on

>I'm a wanted mercenary that's killed thousands thanks to stolen government property
>Better not have sex with a minor!

New 52 Terra but they might be ignoring that and bringing the evil one back. Uncertain right now.

>is there not a single version of Terra that isn't a betrayer

Does Manchurian Candidate-style brainwashing that got deprogrammed count as betrayal? Pic related the 2nd Terra was an alien from the present sent to the future where she got plastic surgery'd into looking like the 1st Terra.

>survives to fucking adulthood
She was in continuity for 16 years but I'm not sure if she really aged.

>Beast Boy kissed Terra

>Beast Boy effectively kissed Slade's dick

This one looks like fucking Wally but with blonde hair and whore make up.

Atlee, but everyone who remembers her thinks she's a lesbian, so oh well.


she always looks like that

Would you though?

Not in the vastly superior cartoon:

if i'm deathstroke tier? yeah

He's a cuck.



>It's a Wally dresses up like a hooker to spy on Deathstroke episode

>I wanted her to be cute but not beautiful. She looked like a young girl. I gave her a substantial overbite, her eyes were wide, her body was slim, she wasn't particularly busty. I wanted her to look almost elven, so that when you see her for the first time wearing full-make up and dressed in a provocative outfit where you know she's just been in bed with Deathstroke that it does jab you a bit. "Whoa, good God! This little girl is a slut!" [1]

>Terra, something seems off about your genitals tonight.
>What do you mean?
>It's. It's going the wrong way. It's hanging out.
>That's just because you have bad depth perception.

> when you kiss a girl after a blowjob you're LITERALLY kissing your own dick

Yeah, I thought this would bother me more but I don't mind. I think girls enjoy it, though.