Tim Seeley is taking over Hellblazer

Tim Seeley is taking over Hellblazer


>The Hellblazer is also welcoming Tim Seeley as the new writer and cover artist as August’s issue 13. Seeley told us “I’ve wanted to work on The Hellblazer for as long as I can remember. John isn’t quite a hero. He’s doing his best to get by, making mistakes along the way, and checking off things he’ll regret later. Y’know, like all of us. The Hellblazer is one of the few, genuine horror series DC regularly puts out, and telling icky, creepy, scary stories with just a touch of sexy is totally my thing. And getting to draw the covers as well is the perfect gig for ol’ Tim.”

>Seeley will be joined by artist Jesus Merino in The Hellblazer # 13, which will begin a new story that will force John Constantine to question if his imagination has been weaponized or if he’s become a murderer.

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This is the most promising writer that they've put on John ever since he started to get DC solo comics post-flashpoint

>joined by artist Jesus Merino
Putting a generic superhero artist on Hellblazer feels wrong.

Finally a great writer for John again.



>Sunday afternoon announcement

Why does DC do these things? And hiding the future quest sequel in this article? This shit should be easy to promote

>He didn't have to suffer the new 52 Constantine era

solicits will be out tomorrow anyway

He can't be as bad as Denise Mina was back in the day, but I'm not sure if his brand of horror would be good for this.
Hellblazer is down to 20K, so this might help sales a bit.


Loving Revival.
Would be happy to see more horror stuff.

You heard me.

If any DC writer was to write Hellblazer, I think it should've been Snyder. He's the better horror writer, and Seeley's brand of horror is not suitable for Hellblazer. He writes more pulpy and action oriented horror. Otherwise DC should've brought in some big name like Joe Hill or Lapham.

>Another American writing Constantine

Stop it.

This is still PG-13 Hellblazer, right?

God no, imagine how he would write John.

Hoping this is just in preparation for Owl Goingback graduating from the writer's workshop.

What about the Azzarello/Corben run?

give hellblazer to young animal and vertigo and do something interesting with it please, seriously why have it as a mainline book when it can boost your imprints?

It's got it's spirit back, but it still has to censor the curse words.

I'm fine with this.

While Hellblazer since Rebirth hasn't been anywhere near bad, it has been just kinda dull.

Seeley hasn't let me down before so I've got faith in this. To those of you complaining be thankful it's not Orlando who DC are clearly trying to push. Him they should just give another Middy solo or a Lobo solo.

His horror stuff is really good.

Again, imagine how he would write Constantine. It would be fucking awful. He can do his decent horror stuff by himself, he doesn't need to shit on yet another character with his bullshit fanfic.

Someone post that pic where John is complaining to Sixpack and dogwelder

t.butthurt batfag.

Are you implying what I said isn't true?

There will also be a Katana miniseries by Mike Barr. Another rehash by Johns. At this rate, we'll get Schuster and Seigel back on Superman.

That's a good rehash though

Geo-Force mini when

>Putting a generic superhero artist on Hellblazer feels wrong.

google search him and look at the image results, he's a solid artist and can do detail work... I might actually start picking it up with this change, I liked Seely on Grayson but his Nightwing run has been meh at best.

>expecting DC to behave like the grand joo trust that is Disney/Marvel

not everything has to be a press conference spammed everywhere.

Look I'm not a Snyder fanboy either but the guys a pretty damn decent writer.. I just think like so many before him, he thought he knew how to write Batman and after some point realised he had no idea wtf to do with it. He's way better at writing horror type stuff, his Swamp Thing combined with Soules run after he left is fantastic.

I'm hoping with Swampy being in the new Injustice game he might get at least another mini or something

Fuck, even Morrison had some mis-steps along his bat epic.. and that guy probably had every goddamn plot point marked out on a graph/spreadsheet/map on his living room wall.

His Swamp Thing was pretty shit too, come on.
And I don't like Morrison's Batman at all either, if anything, Snyder followed up the clusterfuck that Morrison started.

DC is really bad at this promoting things that aren't Justice League or Batman stuff

that isn't even in the Hellblazer book

Either Seeley, King or the team in Superman could actually write a nice Hellblazer run. Those 4 know how to write supernatural in a wonder but awkward and definitely comfy but alien way.

So I'm alright with this. It's not going to be a gritty Hellblazer, but I think it will be interesting.

See i agree with this it hasn't been bad at all its just lost steam especially after Moritat left for me at least. I think they should have banked up issues and made it twice monthly it would have helped with Oliver's storytelling.

Yes. By a long shot too.

Good. Maybe she can have a personality again.

The current one hasn't been that bad in the story but the writer showed early on he didn't know anything about the DC magic setting.

Man why couldn't Seeley started this title instead of a year of garbage that began with the fifty second Swamp Thing team up rehash.

I hope this ends up better than Seeley's cleanup job on Suicide Squad which while good was hindered by needed repair an unrepairable brand at that point.

I thought SS was Williams and Seeley was Nightwing.

Seeley wrote a 5-issue arc before Rebirth, and it was the most enjoyable SS in a long time

Feels sound as a pound, feller.

>Seeleyfag confirmed for having shit taste.

Finally, some good fucking news.

Cancel it already.

Never read anything by Seeley. Fucking Sup Forums and their dumb dichotomies.
My comic junk is much more than either or oh oh oh

why does he look like Armstrong from A&A?

I can't look at fake Constantine the same anymore.