Now that the honeymoon period is over, can we all agree GOTG2 was a bit shit?

Now that the honeymoon period is over, can we all agree GOTG2 was a bit shit?



Lots of plotholes

But gets forgotten because muh nostalgia 80s and muh fun

We're not hivemind, faggot.

such as

No one on Sup Forums liked it because the messages about fathers and family don't resonate with people who grew up with just single mothers.

What plotholes?

Also I loved the movie. Like a two hour Farscape episode. Very different from the first which was rather straight forward all things considered.

Quill's mom's death was entirely unnecessary.

It was one of the better Marvel movies, which means it's still entertaining for the time but largely forgettable overall.

>muh fun
Is "Being fun" now considered a meme? Jesus fuck, what isn't a meme to you people?

No, it was pretty solid. Developed characters more, most jokes hit, soundtrack had Glen Campbell, Kurt Russel never failed to impress, and despite trying to be meme-y it didn't waste too much screentime.


Not a plot hole though

I don't think you know what a plot hole means, user

In fact I just think you're kinda stupid

Sup Forums is niggers?

Still shit writing.

Now you're just moving the goalposts

I didn’t think it was funny. Only laughed at two jokes. Only thing I really enjoyed was Yondu’s plot.

People actually defend that stupid pac man shit.

Age of Ultron was the same movie recreated BUT with more of the first movie's flaws.
GOTG 2 was the same movie recreated BUT with more of the first movie's strengths.

>Is "Being fun" now considered a meme?

Fun is a buzzword.

the structure of GOTG2 was not only different from GOTG but most MCU movies, wasn't just about chasing the main bad guy who has stolen the infinity gem, the main bad guy isn't even revealed until the third act

That's not a plot hole at all, nobody ever said her death was necessary. It was clear that Ego killed her purely because he wanted to sever his attachment to her.

I don't think you even understand what can be "Shit Writing"

>when you make a maymay image but haven't actually watched the movie

It's nothing like the first

How is Vol. 2 the same movie as the first one?

Judging by this thread the honeymoon period is still going.

Give it another month and maybe the mouseketeers will get bores defending this shit movie.

It's the most obnoxious movie I ever sat though in a theater. Till now I've just been tolerating MCU but now I'm completely done with capeshit.

nice meme

Butt hurt DC fag

How is it a meme?

Kill yourself company warrior.

How is that a meme? Do you make a habit of using terms you don't understand?

>How is that a meme?
It's called shitposting, Sup Forums is full of it and yet people always fall for it

Sup Forums is the most easily baited board on Sup Forums

Because that isn't explained at all in the movie. You're literally just spouting head canon, dumb cuckolds.

I'm gonna be a contrarian because it's fun to be salty on the internet. was...

I'm gonna blindly defend a movie and tell anyone who criticizes it they're wrong because I'm a manchild that centers my entire life around capeshit

>Because that isn't explained at all in the movie.

Except Ego says it

> I went back to Earth three times to see her, I knew if I went back a fourth I'd never leave

holy fuck do i ever agree, what a terrible fucking time i had, only like 2 jokes made people laugh in the theater and the rest left awkward silences also what a shit story

I know you're being retarded on purpose and I'm equally retarded for responding to you, but you literally see his mom die in the beginning of the first movie.

Why isn't
>making memey pictures
on the list?

There is a lot of shitposting going on today, much more than usual really. Did something happen?

>tfw you will never ever be able to hug Rocket and tell him everything will be fine

Why not just bring her to your planet? Why did she have to stay on Earth?

Oh wait the shit writers didn't explain that.

>Laughed at two jokes

Batman would be disappointed with you.

Samurai Jack ended and the Wonder Woman movie is coming

it did mean he'd give up on Universal Conquest.
That's why he killed her, to keep himself from giving up-

>can we all agree
All variations of this in OP posts should be fucking filtered as spam to stop the post being submitted.

I think we can all agree on that.

>WW is coming
That would explain all of the company wars threads
>Jack ended
Oh yeah, I need to watch that when I get home, the majority of Sup Forums must be seething right now. Thanks user

TIL Disney shills work on Sundays too

He flat out said that's why he put the tumor in her.

>critics give you a pass
Citation. Nearly every mainstream critic I've heard cited the "more of the same" aspect as a negative.

Samurai Jack hit the end and they've all lost their minds.

Because he didn't want to be attached to someone as much as he was.

He was truly in love with her but he concluded she was a distraction. Bringing her with him would not have solved that problem.

I'm starting to question if you even watched the movie?

Yippee! More head canon! Can I subscribe to your FUCKING fanfic blogs? :)

Actually, murricans seem to be so obsessed with fathers precisely for the high rate of divorces

>mommy, where's daddy?

Head canon AKA shit that was spelled out for you in the movie you fucking autist.

>same movie

But it wasn't.

>can we all agree
No, fuck off. Go piss off your friends with your "can we all agree" bullshit instead of stinking up a board.

Yeah we get it. Big trolly troll man. So smart.

Do WB shills ever get to sleep? It seems like it's a requirement that there must be a 'support the directors cut extended universe' thread up along with no less than 2 ' lol marlel sukz' threads. I hope they are at least paying you guys with something more than penuts.

>>I went back to Earth three times to see her, I knew if I went back a fourth I'd never leave.

That's straight from the movie. Then he confesses to fucking up her biochemistry to kill her so temptation was gone.

I'm using meme CORRECTLY you autists.

meme means anything you don't like.

I know this to be true, because it's the only way I see meme used on Sup Forums.

Probably Disney shills are illegal immigrants or chinks so they don't have human rights

You know, this little variation came from Sup Forums, so guess who are the faggots who probably make these kind of company war threads in the first place?

It wasn't explained. You're literally just making assumptions

>to fucking up her biochemistry

He says "It broke my heart to put that tumor in her head"

I bet you're one of those assholes who goes on and on about "show, don't tell."

i agree the movie was shit and the story was shit but theres enough evidence to make safe assumptions

It was better than the first.

The real problems with the movie is that groot is now just a mascot to sell toys, Drax is a one dimensional character, and Gamora has no character.

Dude, the whole message is that "family" isn't solely defined by blood.

Though I guess that doesn't resonate either, considering Sup Forums spends their days alone in their bedrooms with just their computers for company.

All these mouseketeers, do you guys get overtime for this?

>groot is now just a mascot to sell toys,

lampshaded in the film with the ravagers calling him mascot. Teen groot will be less marketable and probably more like a proper character.

>Drax is a one dimensional character,

His development with Mantis is set up.

>and Gamora has no character.

She learns to love her sister, which is a character arc.

>all these literally nothing plots

Not even an assumption, litterally stated through dialogue. If you were taking a piss at that moment or were to autistic to pay attention then it's your fault you didn't get that.

im not saying it wasnt stated, im just saying any questions he was left with could be safely assumed

>All this Sup Forums level of stupidity.

Does it make you that upset that people hate your movies, eh underage snyderfaggot?

And before you say anything, no, Snyder is not the representative at all of the best quality of DC, fag.

>so autistic that you think everybody with a positive opinion on a Marvel movie is a Disney shill

That's the state of warner babies user, they don't have much to cheer about so they need to try and bring everyone down to their level of unhappy, just ignore him and he'll wander off to some other thread.

>groot is now just a mascot to sell toys
What can you really do with a tree monster who only says three words? Baby Groot is slightly better than him just being Rocket's Chewbacca

> Drax is a one dimensional character
I disagree, we got a glimpse of the great sadness he still carries form the death of his family and with Mantis he has a character he gets to make fun of instead of being the butt of everyone's jokes.

> Gamora has no character.
...yeah. She had the weakest plot of the movie with the sister drama. The only thing going for Gamora is the build up to the romance. It'll probably feel like something when she and Peter do get together unlike every other MCU romance except Tony and Pepper

They're called b-plots. Because Star-Lord is the main character.

Rocket and Yondu's plots got elevated in importance because of their parallel to Star-Lord. Because he's the main character.

I like that every character got something, it's more than the Avengers movies try to do.

Every Marvel movie made after Sam Raimi's Spiderman has been "a bit shit" but they get a pass anyway because their competition is even worse.

Vol 2 tried a little too hard with its comedy. Don't get me wrong, it was funny, but the last two MCU films (Strange and Civil War) were funnier without half the quips. It's to the point that Vol 2 was funny simply because it took so many shots that some of them just had to go in. The action was also pretty lacking, cutting from most of it to again, cater to humor. Baby Groot was annoying and took up far too much screen time. The sci-fi elements felt mediocre in comparison to the most recent Star Trek or Star Wars films, spreading the conflict in a way that made the movie more of a space adventure was something the first film did much much better.

On the flip, the characterization for this film was much better even if it feels like Rocket took two steps back from where he left off in the first film. Gammora is still feeling a little weak, which is insane seeing as though a great deal of the movie was about her. It was still a good movie, with a strong ending.

>Reddit spacing
Didn't read.

>not a hivemind
>Sup Forums

Choose one.

They've been recreating the same movie since 2012. Why fix what isn't broken?

>didn't read
This should be the the motto of Sup Forums

People like you are why MCU movies will forever be medicore. You've given up on wanting good superhero movies because the DCEU is shit and now we're stuck with this cancerous Disney formula.


if Sup Forums allows me to format my replies this way

then it's Sup Forums spacing

Oh wow user, you're so cool, you sure showed me that you're not from Sup Forums, you autistic piece of shit.

Some people don't like watching the same movie over and over. Strange concept, I know.

>Nothing new added to the MCU
>Predictable generic plot
>"Oh look 80's reference"

Still I enjoyed it

There's watchers and shit. Dunno that they'll be a big point going forward but it could point to them going extra nutty after Infinity War, if GotG and Ragnarok aren't already nutty enough.

>Now that the honeymoon period is over, can we all agree GOTG2 was a bit shit?


Admittedly the first half hour was sorta whatever, but It was actually one of Marvels best MCU films to date. It didn't have to rely on using a McGuffin Infinity Stone to be the crux of the movie, and for the most part got to tell it's own story with it's characters. The message of the film was great, and the second half is easily better than the first half. Not to mention this is a rare sequel that is better than the original.

Most of it's strengths I will say come from being written and directed by a single person mostly. No Hollywood board room of 16 motherfuckers all trying to push the film in just as many directions as their are executives. People with actual talent being allowed to craft a film from start to finish with less meddling.

I wouldn't call them plotholes but a couple flaws for me:

Nebula suddenly being "unable" to kill her sister even though in the first movie she blew up that space pod Gamora was in which, for all she knew, killed her

Yondu suddenly "hahaha telling you my men wanted to eat you was a joke" and caring about Peter and shit even though he would have killed him in the first movie if he didn't hand over the Infinity stone in the end. I have to headcanon it that he knew Peter was tricking him with the fake orb and went along with it to look tough in front of his guys

The realization that Ego was evil seemed way too forced, like he goes straight from being super cool and fun to "btw I killed ur mum". Also if he's immortal why would he tell Peter about his whole plan and that he killed his mom on the second day? He could have waited a thousand years for the rest of the Guardians to die and had Peter warm up to the idea gradually. I think it would have made more sense if that was his plan but he gets forced to come clean when Gamora confronts him.

Some of the jokes were terrible

Gamora was mostly just told that Nebula suffered cause of what she did.

Nebula is much more interesting than Gamora, who just stands around 90% of the time, has no drive other than "I guess I'll do super hero things and do will they won't they stuff with starlord."