Rey is the best female character in Star Wars


is it true that her uterus is malfunction?

No that goes to Luke's mother


Best character in the roastie wars isn't saying very much.

she's so cool

All memes aside, is there a worse female character in the movies?
Is there even a worse female character in the EU, canon or otherwise?

I'm genuinely coming up with a blank, since at least Rose ruined a plot that was DOA already, and Holdo only fucked up one major part of the setting.

the fact that she doesn't even have a last name just highlights how much of a mary sue she is

My girl Daisy!


She's a cutie pie :)

She's barely above Jarjar, she ain't touchin fucking Leia, who is the most popular Star Wars character. I'm not joking on that. And while I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fanbase being split between Han and Luke and Vader for other votes, point still stands, Leia is supreme.

Rey! Representing women!

Reminder that this trilogy will end up with her dying and making Kylo the true protagonist (after he pulls a reverse-Anakin, going from bad to good) and he'll be the main character of the next trilogy.

>All memes aside, is there a worse female character in the movies?
>Is there even a worse female character in the EU, canon or otherwise?
Phasma again.

She legit had everything she needed to be a breakout character and despite forcing her to make her the next Boba Fett, she's legit an annoying, useless timesink when she's not being a pointless Dues Ex to solve a problem, and she's now completely wasted Finn's character arc.

She's actively making the story worse by existing in it across multiple films.

Daisy Ridley is such a sweetheart :)

Kreia was better

Phasma's certainly the biggest nonentity, but Rey makes everything worse in every single scene she's in, has been the catalyst to destroy any mysticism the setting had left, and she's got a fuckton more screentime

I find it amazing how she is basically a black hole sucking any excitement out of the franchise and every other character

Now that apparently everyone can use the force and Rey is a nobody it makes the entire decision to send her to Luke even more retarded.

Thanks baby.

>Finn before
man trying to change
>Finn after
>One, Rey needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Rey's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Rey"?

>Han Before
Han Solo
>Han after
Han Soylo

>Kylo before
Kid trying to hard who's a danger due to his raw power
>Kylo after
Creepy stalker who goes down like a bitch

>Luke before
A jedi, like his father before him
>Luke after
Considers infanticide, like his father before him

>Snoke before
Mysterious figure with unknown powers
>Snoke after
Sheev 2.0 who goes down like a bitch

I think you're onto something

People calling her Mary sue are fucking retards. She's been living on a desert on her own so it's obvious that she can fight and flight spaceships and also she is strong in the force. Compare her with Luke, that bitch was living with his uncle living happy life doing nothing and she's Mary sue?

Now that apparently everyone can use the force and Anakin is a nobody it makes the entire decision to send him to the Jedi council even more retarded.


She's actually a man

>All memes aside, is there a worse female character in the movies?
Padme was a terrible character and even more of a mary sue.

>teenage queen of a paradise planet
>but she's actually an elected official so it's totally not oppressive
>and she's so tricky that even Jedi can't tell who she is when she disguises herself as a maid
>and she's a skilled fighter despite living a comfy aristocratic life


Do kids actually give a shit about Leia?
I'm pretty sure Vader would be the most popular, at least in terms of how toys sell.

>She's been living on a desert on her own so it's obvious that she can fight and flight spaceships and also she is strong in the force
Sweetie how did she learn how to swim?

rey is not a character. she is nothing. the movie even says as much.

she learnt in the womb
we all swim for the first few months of our lives.