You have been given exclusive rights to make movies based on the discography of Death Grips

you have been given exclusive rights to make movies based on the discography of Death Grips.
Pitch me that movie

film a pile of dogshit for 2 hours and go
> well that's "rap" for you

Just film a bunch of white dudes drinking soy milk

>soy milk
i dont understand this forced meme.

A film about the Manson Family murders, with Jane’s Addiction - Up The Beach playing in the opening and Death Grips - Beware playing over the end credits. No Love would make an appearance. Other than that, most of the music wouldn’t be Death Grips at all

The movie is shot with a motorola razor. They play their shitty music for upper-middle class white kids in california

a bunch of strobe lights and random images that makes the elderly puke

All three of these mixed together

A drugged up ex veteran turned criminal is sucked into cyberspace and must destroy a virtual AI that has been secretly created via Google's algorithms which plans to turn the human race into a farm of inputs by controlling their dopamine receptors via programmed stimuli. The film leaves out whether this is a drug trip and the guy is just stabbing random people in the genitals or whether it's all real.

also good crossover Sup Forums thread

you got no business questioning a thaaaaang

Sounds like Neuromancer


It’s a Star Wars movie but focused on a Sith. Instead of John Williams, the music will be Death Grips. The Sith character will be the biggest edgelords ever put to film, think Alex Delarge meets Heath Ledger’s joker. The film will have stylized cgi like a Robert Rodriguez film, and will include a few scenes where characters get sliced up and they spray blood like a Tarantino film. One of the characters will be a black bounty hunter who talks in a deep voice. I guarantee it’ll do better than any of the Disney Wars movies just based on the memes alone

two stoners sit around in a black light room jerking off to polaroids of themselves

Mel Gibson should direct

Forgot to mention that Danny Devito will make a cameo as a Jabba-style mon boss, and the main antagonist Jedi will have a yellow lightsaber

I'd rather film myself fucking your mother.

And if/when Danny DeVito dies, he says "aww ya goddabefuckin kiddin me"

I bet you would, you little scoundrel!

Directed by Lynch
The movie will feature no music by Death Grips, and instead will use an ambient sample of a pile of shit decomposing as its soundtrack
Film is set around the backstreets of LA, and features gangs of black hobos engaging in battle against the trash men
Government is involved as well, the hobos are an elaborate psyops movement from the CIA to control the wealthy elite population. Basically X Files but crossed with Trash Humpers.


Now pitch a movie based on this

this is "based"/"red-pilled" rap according to Sup Forums and a bunch of Sup Forums faggots but it's also the most embarrasing.
it's basically visuals and impact before music and talent. the dick pic album cover was their lowest point

It would basically be a movie about CIA spies in the heat of the cold war given a top secret assignment.
The mission:
>To get all of the above in a limited amount of time
>I can do this and it's done
>Like that we're on our way
>Be it acid on the tongue
>Cocaine in your brain
>Or some weed that hits your lungs like a runaway train
>Hell yeah, from DMT to MDMA
>Got all that shit and more o till dawn we're okay, but anyway
>Fuck a line, every time, get in, get a drink, and lose our minds
>All eyes on the dime
>That makes your dick want to grind
>Know you got a good buzz going
>Cause everything is glowing
>Skirt so short her ass is showing, and she's looking so you’re knowing you could get it tonight. But there’s so much around, best take your time, do it right
>As you keep getting higher, lights look like they're on fire. Soon all that’s left of you is your most primal desires
>Ass clappin', dick suckin', lock the door to the bathroom – quick fuckin' find a whore and it could happen but it's nothin', cause you're drunk and you'll be blackin' out before you even get a chance to think 'bout what you're doing
>I want it I, I need it, need it to make me feel heated
>Shake it, can't take it, must break it
>Break if off, yeah, what'd I say bitch?

This. Fund it

Id watch the shit outta that.

>3D AI stuck in a 4D digital hyperspace
>no dialogue besides auditory 3D binary sequences so rapid that they just sound like glitching audio
>imagine 4D existentialism

slow your fucking roll, Satan.
this is too much.

Sounds like A Scanner Darkly

Ex-Military: Veteran turned mercenary is out of work and becoming dangerously restless. He was once was part of an unnamed, undescribed conflict treated with horror by everyone who speaks of it, seeks out a new contract job in the seediest underground places and finally finds a job taking out a group of revolutionary guerrillas in an African dictarorship. It's never defined if they're trying destabilize the region, take over, or take out the small fictional nation's dictator, but they display random violence regardless. Gnostic undertones explore the main character's inner struggle between becoming master of his domain (rejecting escape of the material world of darkness for the spiritual one of light) or coming to terms with the state of reality and knowing no sin his flesh commits can stain his soul. He comes to no satisfactory answer as the end of his assignment draws near, believing either he'll remain eternally here or his soul's hunger will be sated, so he continues descending into primal violence, vanishing into the jungle in bloody rags, becoming the beast he worships.

OP here, you're a fucking madman and I love you.

Do the other albums would love to hear Bottomless Pit.

Based. Do The Money Store.

dude nice

I would just film reddit

Little bit of Rambo, little bit of Taxi Driver. I love it

Imagine Eraserhead in color on ADHD

a million typewriters, a million monkeys, we were due a shakespeare.

It would basically be a movie about CIA.

Thanks guys, it's been stewing in my head for a while. I want to do others, but I'm not as familiar with other albums as I am Ex-Military, would want to do them justice. 'Beware' was the main inspiration, trying to find another song that does it like that. I'm glad you liked it.