Why did she get the Falcon?

Why did she get the Falcon?
Why was she sent to get Luke?
Why did Leia hug her?
Why does she care so much about Han Solo, the guy she met a few hours ago?
Why are people so blindly trusting a girl that has done nothing, but run away?

she needed it to get to luke..also its star wars so you gotta have the falcon also shes the protagonist
Cause she has the force and the saber called to her.
Why not hug her?
Shes a girl who aint got a family, shes clingy.
why does anyone trust anyone? han from anh? or an ex storm trooper in tfa?
its star wars, dont over think it.


>This happen because uuuhh. DON'T THINK
Fucing shill

How much mouse toys are you getting?


im sorry that anyone who isn't under the disillusion that star wars is more than just fantasy in space with laser swords and good guys and bad are just shills.

>Just turn your brain off bro

its how i got past the last 5


Because the sequels are terrible movies that shouldn't be watched by anyone

even fantasy and sci fi need to have some sort of realism and internal consistency to work

>im a retard, please dont ever ask my opinions on movies again

anyone who disagrees with thisis clearly a shill.

p good

>It happens because she IS the protagonist
What has she done to deserve it? What is her motivation? Why does she care?

you got it
yeah but thats mainly for sci fi, and they havent made sense in the past so why start now,

How can you turn off something you clearly don't use?

bullshit force destiny, or birth or related to someone, one of those i reckon.

>flip switch

TLJ literally states she is a nobody

how about I reckon my cock up your ass and mouth

Are you autistic or a child?

with some sorta bullshit force balance destiny, does it matter if shes related? it effectively doesn't make her better written.

Why did Darth soyboy turn down that Jedi pussy?

children cant post here user. So it must be the latter

No it makes her a bullshit charactet

>why does anyone trust anyone? han from anh?
they didn't trust Han, they knew he was going to leave when he got the money. he proved he was trustworthy when he came back and helped Luke blow up the death star. grow a pair you fucking faggot.

you answered your own question.

Haha you're parents are worthless drunks Rey that's how I know their life story

no its for everything
thats one of the things that makes something good or bad
only thing it might not be for is surrealism or something

i meant trust him with a rescue mission on the most deadly station in the galaxy when he was just suppose to transport them, seething faggot

if i was chewy i would just return home to my family at this point

Han was hired for transportation only and got tricked into a rescue mission because Luke had literally no one else to turn tk at the time. Did you even watch the fucking movie faggot?!

>Why did she get the Falcon?
Shit writing
>Why was she sent to get Luke?
Shit writing
>Why did Leia hug her?
Shit writing
>Why does she care so much about Han Solo, the guy she met a few hours ago?
Shit writing
>Why are people so blindly trusting a girl that has done nothing but run away
Uh, sweetie, because she´s a strong, independent woman who doesn´t need a man, the force is female!

Also, anyone else find stupid (besides the whole TLJ movie) that Han´s death is not relevant? Even for Luke, he is told Han is dead and he´s just like "I see, oh well"; fuck the new movies

theyre ded

It looks like she's missing lipstick on her bottom lip and it's bugging me

She's a Gary Stu


>rescue mission
Which happened after they was stuck on the Death Star and had nothing else to do.
Han wasn't hired for a rescue in the first place

More like a Mary Sue, Gary Stu is for guys

Great argument fag. Watch the fucking movie next time


Because Abrams clearly intended her to be SOMEONE but was too much of a hack to figure it out himself and Johnson was too much of a hack to try.

what that aint me? and maybe id remember it more clearly if it wasn't boring me half the time.

what do you call it when the movie is basically a list of things that need to happen (because a board room decided they need to happen to make the most money), then the "writers" just connect the dots so to speak, sometimes with little to no reason from going from 3 to 4

w-who are you?

You post like a teenager

astute observation, but im actually 42.

Now this is podracing

Thats even worse

wait 4*

Her acting is so shit

>Why not hug her?
Shes a girl who aint got a family, shes clingy.


hey she hugged him like twice

>Still using Sup Forums

Why did Han Solo and Leia name their son after a guy that Leia’s never met and Solo’s only spent a few hours with? Bail Solo would work just as fine. Now I gotta delete Ben Skywalker form my head, who actually makes sense, to fit in Ben Solo, who is infinitely worse.

The prequels were space opera, right down to the cheesiness and tragic hero and grand romance and great good vs evil. I don’t even know what the new ones are trying to do. Promote equality?

If only there was a word for this kind of character

Without, I might add, confirming his consent prior to initiating the act. That is tantamount to rape.

Subvert things.
Seriously that's all I feel from this shitty ass movie is that the it wanted to just flip everything about star wars completely upside down just cuz.

theyre all practically the same to me, only some are better than most, all enjoyable but moments in all the films that make me go eugh

obi wan kenobi your my only hope
he's name after a force user who helped her father, brother, adoptive father
ben literally means "son"

shit, youre right. But hes black so..

>why not hug her
they had never met or talked at this point and weren't even introduced
even jj said it was a mistake that he did that

its all a big mistake. but yeah i guess youre right, still didnt really bother me.


What happened to what was the *start* of Rey's personality?
At the beginning it was interesting to see her live by her own and insisting on getting shit done by herself.
She lost it completely halfway through the first fucking movie. They could have written her to be incredibly stubborn and way too proud even though deep inside she's incredibly insecure because she knows her parents abandoned her, and until she overcame her insecurities and let others help her she couldn't use the force. That would have been an interesting female MC.

She's the protagonist

It got in the way of making her look heroic, so it was discarded. Selfish, angry and afraid Jedi become Sith.