
Not television or film. Fuck off!

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>not Sup Forums - Television & Film
>begging thread
Jesus christ, Sup Forums

It's because he wasn't supposed to be successful.

This might confuse or even anger you, but one day you will understand.


what are these styles of voices called?

Rundown? A quick one.

Hila is pregnant my dudes

can't live a meme lifestyle forever ethan

What's this?


youtube is not and never will be Sup Forums related

what's Jewish pussy like my dudes?

divorce or taking a break incoming

jewish hand/mouth play is where the magic truly lies. those bitches LOVE cocks.

Stay jealous faggots, fuck off.

quit being a dick ethan

I'd fuck Hila

They stopped being entertaining ages ago.

I'd fuck her face. Her body is skelly

i'd rather work minimum wage my whole life with my genes than be a fat disgusting unfunny mudeye jew
no amount of money changes the fact that he is only popular from being the human embodiment of reddit
pretending they have the moral high ground and constantly ganging up on low hanging fruit to feel better about themselves
do yall think people like logan paul or jake paul give a shit that you fat virgins talk shit about them they are literal chads and you are literal whos

>with my genes
Pray tell, what genes are those?

>do yall think people like logan paul or jake paul give a shit that you fat virgins talk shit about them they are literal chads and you are literal whos
devastating burn


"I've been depressed....I think"

don't these people go to the fucking doctor and talk about their symptoms. im bipolar as fuck and i hate people who do this shit.

Depression isn't real

what the fuck is it with him and his eyes


it's a sign of heavy cocaine use.

sad he's fallen so far.


what's with soyboys and treating pets like babies, instead of making real babies?

not an h3h3 fan but i hope he can get over it

He looks so unhealthy

Fuck off Ethan you were never funny and stop talking like a 15 year old you're like 40 it's fucking embarrassing.

he should budd dwyer

his kike genes have already started breaking down

They, like all YouTubers eventually, realize that they are producing nothing of value and will be forgotten about when the next thing comes around. All the money fades and they have nothing left. No skills, no personality, nothing.

Reminder that Hila is pulling his strings and Ethan is just her meat puppet.

What the fuck is wrong with them

is this a coke thing? I just assumed seeing pictures of him he was just stoned out his damn mind all the time

hes got tourettes you dumbfuck

he has tourettes. it can be more than just verbal ticks.

100% pure white
my bloodline goes back to my ancient american ancestors





and i mean LITERALLY


>publicly redpilling your jewish wife on BBC
how can one man be so based?

>logan paul
>jake paul

uh oh...

Jesus H Christ.

Am I the only one who thinks that Ethan could actually look good if he lost weight and managed his haircut? Premature greying is kinda qt.

lemon key face gold user pretending im defending logan and jake paul

im just pointing out that all the low hanging fruit you attack could not give a shit about your existence you ugly virgins

>they're kikes

he legitimately has tourette syndrome.

>100% pure white
>my bloodline goes back to my ancient american ancestors
ow, my fucking sides


Never seen it like this though, it always used to be his eyebrows and now suddenly it's his eyes?

>in risposta

I like to imagine she's holding a loaded gun next to his balls here

look how suddenly her mind wanders and she starts smiling

that's why he's really depressed

Did he say anything about trumps shithole comment?

Is he finally coming to terms with being completely unfunny? Jesus it’s sad. He was good at framing a silly video and playing off it back in the day, but on his own he’s completely unfunny. Even in this video, that Lion King shit with their dog completely fell flat on his face. He just needs to realise his strength is marketing and promotion like he did professionally before and keep the podcast going and have interesting guests pull the weight for him while they work on their clothing line.

Ethan and Hila haven't been funny in about 2 years. Still, shame that they're going through shit.

>that's why he's really depressed
they know riley reid so definitely there was some blacked discussion

he's diagnosed for these coughs, and he talked about his depression in the past. before hila he was really depressed