"You sure they got the rigth stuff to fix you up?"

So bookfags, why the wink? is this ecchi by any chance? what's the hidden meaning if there's any?

also what's with the key

It unlocks her chastity belt.

The right stuff is a nkotb song. Not a book reference

How the fuck is anyone supposed to understand this shit

new kids on the block. the fat kid was a fan

>He doesn't know NKOTB
Millennial spotted.

latchkey kid

jesus christ

fuck off old bitch

Hey, Donnie Wahlberg still has a career 30 years later, which is more than will be said for Justin Timberlake or any of those other '90s/'00s copycats.

>Donnie Wahlberg still has a career 30 years later
And what a career it is.

Blue Bloods is a Top 10 show in the ratings.

It's amazing what a difference that long hair makes. She looks like shit with short hair.

mmmmmm you can see her entire neck

glad I'm not the only weirdo with a thing for necks

Someone post that webm of her talking to the director

Based neck fetishist

Friendly reminder that Bev literally rapes Eddie in the book.

Bitch is a rapist.

it truly is the best part

Was the hairline guy jealous or something?

I'd let her rape me if you know what I mean.

>when you can't tell which one is the girl

new kids on the block didn't exist in the 50s though?

The new IT is set in the 80s. I wish people would watch a movie before posting in a thread

If a girl raped me I would be a productive citizen right now

Explains why her dad had a copy

He's always the awkward third wheel whenever the boys do gay stuff.

>watching this scene
>when Bev says "see you later ben from soc" you mutter "y-you too" as a joke
>Ben says it right after

Eddie is gay though so he wouldn't like it.