It's Friday 5:51pm in Milwaukee, WI

It's Friday 5:51pm in Milwaukee, WI.

What is Jay thinking about right now?


and balls

He's probably sleeping and not thinking about autists on TV without their own life

Don't get me wrong. I've been watching them for most of my sentient life (since I was like 17 or whatever), I've been there when they launched the first episode of half in the bag.

And Holy fuck I just don't get your sick fascination about them you fucking brain niggers



>He's probably sleeping
Do your parents put you to bed as soon as the sun goes down?

What he's going to eat for dinner.


Why are you so fascinated with RLM fans?
>redit space
Don't get me wrong, I've been following these threads for most of my sentient life (since I was like 30 or whatever), I've been there when they made the first gay Jat joke.

You suck on cocks. You don't eat them, dummy!

and balls.

Why the fuck would be sleeping at 6 in the evening?

What do you think his favorite foods are?

I saw Jay on Grindr the other day, but he blocked me

he fetches beer for Mike

Shut up, I actually monitor Milwaukee on gay dating apps using rooted phone that has fake GPS, and I've never seen Jay on any of the apps, not even once.


That's because he just goes to that gay bar from that one BOTW.

His handle is wolf⬇

He probably uses some obscure B-movie horror character as a profile pic. Look again.

and balls

Strucci is fat


>Man those countries really are shitholes
What did he mean by this thought?

I thought it was morning, I'm from Europe Your fucking faggot brain has reddit spacing, fuck off

He's literally at the Cavs Bucks game right now


Sup Forums are major creeps

thats bullshit or extremely outdated

in their last videos they talk about movies precisely the same way as threads i saw before the video

Post proof

>implying Jay hasn't been serially posting his dick on /soc/ since then.

Trap butts.

Look at the Buck's game (/r/nbastreams), 3rd row behind the home team's bench, you can see Jay there, it's the first time he's showed up to a Bucks game this season, it usually just Rich and Mike (who i think owns the seats?)

Fucking faggots paying these guys thousands to make videos and they got season tickets to NBA games. Sad!

Nigger cocks



>d-list friend simulator e-celeb
>chinless manlet with a overcompensatory beard
>clearly socially awkward and didnt lose his virginity till his mid-20s
>"lol these guys on Sup Forums obviously have issues with women unlike my chad self"

He needs to stay fit for his boyqts

horsey sauce

The game hasn't even started.

cheese curds