Why is this film so disliked? Just watched it and I really enjoyed it

Why is this film so disliked? Just watched it and I really enjoyed it.

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its stupid

like "made by a pretty low IQ person who thinks he is an intellectual"

For some reason people think that if a movie has easy to understand allegories it's bad. Or maybe a hate boner for the director.

It's a really good kino. But no way it's horror.

Without the obvious allegory the movie wouldn't have been able to stand on its own. It clearly didn't exist in any real world, (I knew this when mother's reaction was to clean up the abel's blood (covering the murder)instead of calling the cops), and from there I didn't care much for the proceedings as I knew they were going to be following some template.
All the characters exposed themselves as pawns, and there wasn't much of a game to watch, it was just pornagraphic.

Imagine a situation where a ten year old just heard his first real joke, and thinks its the funniest thing ever. But, being ten, he doesn't understand that repeating it endlessly will make people want to slap the shit out of him.

That's basically what mother! is, except instead of a joke its the bible.

It's good it's just that it was somehow produced by Paramount and distributed to normal theaters instead of a limited release

Ah, yes, the "the film wasn't realistic because people didn't act perfectly rationally in response to accidentally murdering someone" criticism.

I also cannot stand movies where people are not 100% rational at all times in every situation. It's so unrealistic.

oh I get it, Javier Bardem is god and Jennifer Lawrence is mother nature
(20 minutes into the film)
great another 2 hours of hamfisted metaphors

they should have played down the biblicisms and let that be wrapped up more with the more subtle gaia metaphor

and also made some attempt to make the story exist logically in the real world.

>man this movie was boring the allegory is totally obvious!
>[incorrect interpretation]

every time.

Bardem was Man, Lawrence was God.

then Him wouldn't be capitalised in the credits

All the character names are capitalized you dense fuck.

It's incredibly far up it's own ass. It's a shame, as most of Aranofsky's movies are good, especially The Wrestler.

Because Jennifer Lawrence is a stupid cunt.

I don't think that that's a good reason to hate everything she's in, but there you go.

>expecting paradise lost

ahahaha, for what reason

Also its pretty easy to see javier as lucifer

>incorrect interpretation
>multiple interpretations aren't possible

It was hilarious watching it in a theater. Fucking cunts were furious at all the men for allowing such a film to exist.

>bu-but muh multiple interpretashuns!!

Trying to interpret bardem as God doesn't work for a large number of reasons, not least of which is the idea nature's love is precious to him. Also Jesus coming from nature, instead of him.

They probably thought casting Lawrence was going to benefit them but they didn't realize the plebs who like Lawrence's usual shit weren't going to be able to deal with Aronofsky's craziness.

Its mostly in how she was shit and not hot.

Yeah I liked it too
Really shows the extent of psychotic tendencies in apparently normal women. Yeah the results of their behavior were sensationalized for the stories sake, I believe the movie captured their essence quite well

It didn't have this

how could you fuck this up



fucking hippie your movie is trash darren

I'm saying that happening informed me that the story taking place wasn't set within the real world, that it's some fantasy concocted for whatever reason. And that reason was hamfisted religious allegory
Wanna try and purposefully misconstrue that?

So it's a metaphor for the Bible, that's fine. Problem is, is that there isn't anything else there. Once you figure it out the movie gets really boring.

That entire ending sequence is all over the place.

Problem with this movie is that it tried TOO hard to be an allegorical film. Most good films or novels with allegory are able to stand on it's own when you look past the nuance and allegory. You can't do this with mother. Once you get past the first 10 minutes or so the film turns into a very obvious re-telling of the Bible. It's so fast and heavy handed that there really isn't a scene that isn't part of the grand scheme. You go from enjoying the film to "oh, it's the Bible, okay". It becomes pretty boring.

Then you have the problem with the overall message Arronofsky is trying to get across. He has publicly stated that the film is meant to address human inflicted climate change, but the viewer doesn't come away from the film thinking that. Probably not the only one since most early reviews had no idea what was going on with the film and the fact that Arronofsky had to publicly state this before anyone started talking about it.

I felt more like Arronofsky was trying to muddle the intentions of God, almost an anti Christianity film. The viewer is meant to view the film through the eyes of Jennifer Lawrence, who is in a constant state of bewilderness and anger about what the heck is going on. The Adam and Eve characters went against the trust of God and broke the crystal (aka, apple), thus starting the downfall of the human race (or house, I guess?). At the end of the film we see what I'm guessing is suppose to be the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, but once that happens there isn't any redemption for any of the characters. Jennifer Lawrence dies thinking her husband (God) was a complete monster who murdered her son (Jesus) and she never really grasps any of the events that occurred.

Yeah, the more I think on it, it is definitely an anti Christian message.


Either way its based in the assertion that people would react totally rationally to killing someone.

Sure? But that somehow overrides the engrained impulse to alert the authorities? All I'm saying is anybody living in the real world would do that, or at least not simply accept what happened and go to cleaning. It supported my notion that we weren't watching actual people in the real world. I don't think I'm nitpicking here, user

>engrained impulse
Ah, a bootlicker.

Her issue was her implied responsibility in the death of not-abel, thus covering it up was her first reaction. There is no reason to interpret this as an unrealistic reaction to being responsible for a person's death. Unless you live in a world where hit and runs never happen.

Imagine being this dumb

because its a shitty movie that acts all intellectual when its really just meaninglessly pretentious gibberish, which is what you expect from that faggot as he admitted himself that he bruteforce wrote it in one weekend with the help of absurd amounts of caffeine and drugs.

Pulling all nighters, taking adderall, and cardiac arrest levels of caffeine all in the time span of 3 days doesn't equal a good script.

>resorts to name-calling
All of what you said feels more nitpicky than my original beef desu. Anyways, regardless of how "realistically" she responded, her choices don't make a great case for mother nature if that is what she indeed represents. Maybe she deserved to be essentially killed by man.

Because the movie is so far up its own ass that it could give itself a tonsil checkup.

It had zero subtlety in its message, was boring, the acting and visuals were fine but its an obvious message I don't care about being rammed down my fucking throat

Pretentious as hell. Aronofsky has made some good movies, this was not one of them.

hilariously awful

I thought it was pretty good. You just can't win when you make an artsy fartsy movie though. The regular crowd doesn't get it and the artsy fart crowd thinks it's too obvious.

Because it’s kino

By the time the house got overrun with soldiers, it was clear that Aronofsky had completely run out of ideas for an allegory, and was just doing things literally.

Mother! is a badly written movie
>Heart crystal gives life to house, but doesn't sustain it so you're just free to break it afterwards
>House starts cracking even though it's clearly shown to us that the heart crystal doesn't work like a battery, the way to move the plot is just that the house starts cracking
>House is a very clear metaphor to a nation. JLAW is the workforce and the country doesn't survive without it. This is shown to us by using the most fucked up pacing of this sort I have ever seen (Suddenly there's military and women are being sacrificed in a cult, out of fucking nowhere)
>If there's any attentive viewer who pays attention to the very first scenes, it becomes painstakingly obvious that the lifeforce of the house goes in cycles
>Bardem suddenly has shown his writing to his agent, but we are lead to believe JLaw was the first to see it for some reason? If he has already gotten approval, why is he acting like he JUST finished it?
>Bardem is happy he's becoming a father, but decides to show the baby to his crazy cult on a whim? Very unbelievable arc
>He immediately regrets his decisions after baby dies, even though it should've been obvious to him that would happen
>The characters in this movie are often more unknowing than the audience is, which often points to poor writing
>The upscale from the brother's death to partylike funeral was unbelievably weird
>Pacing is actually fucked in this movie

I was suspecting the crystal to be part of a sacrificial ritual from the very start
Was hoping it would come from Bardem murdering unsuspecting guests in order to keeo the house alive, which was why he had a dying guest at home
That would've made for a cool character arc for Bardem's seemingly friendly, husband-like character
Instead the crystal only holds superficial value after its one time use

This. The dude clearly overvalued his own intellect by a vast degree, which is sad, because I enjoyed the films he made before he climbed so far up his own ass.

it was a worse version of this high-rise
i only watched it because my nigga bardem was in it

>everyone saying bibble references were in it
i thought this was a horror movie and i got 0 references from it besides the director being FUCKING OUT OF HIS MIND

Aronofsky tried to be Jodorowsky but ended up being as confused as the Wachowskis

Say what you will about this movie but she looked hot as fuck in it, m8

This. Really fuckin on the nose from that point on, the first half wasn't so bad.

Based effort poster, very well stated also nice dubs

>Problem with this movie is that it tried TOO hard to be an allegorical film.

Maybe you're the one trying too hard to find hidden meanings instead of watching it for what it is.
Let it tell you a story so you can follow along like a normal person and not some autistic pain in the ass

Nigga did you even see it? That's literally all there is to it.