So this was pretty good

So this was pretty good.

Why is it being completely overlooked for awards?

What did Kathryn Bigelow do to piss "them" off?

Other urls found in this thread:

because, just like zero dark thirty, it presents a harshly realistic look at a hot button issue in society in a nuanced way that doesn’t pander to a certain audience and actually requires some thought

Yeah, but Zero Dark Thirty still received a fuckton of awards. So that can't be the only reason.

audiences are truly getting dumber, one of the only consistent complaints of this movie was basically that it didn’t have a blatant good vs evil message where all white people were evil one-dimensional monsters and black people were all innocent and did nothing wrong

Im from Detroit. This movie is 100% fiction nigger loving bullshit.

I don't know why, but Hollywood really hates Bigelow. It's weird how you have all this progressive bullshit going on and the first woman to win a director's oscar is never remembered.

It definitely is, think about how much has changed socially and politically in the past 5 years since ZDT came out. Also, “race” in 2017 was a way bigger deal than “torture and terrorism” was in 2012, which means people are going to be even less receptive of something that doesn’t pander to their personal beliefs

People are starting to wake up to SJW horseshit. The Detroit race riots chased all the white taxpayers out of the city and started Detroit's death spiral into 3rd world status.

No one believes an SJW propaganda film telling us otherwise.

So I'm guessing you didn't watch it.

yep its shit

Why would I watch more anti-white propaganda made by Jews?

Yep, thought so. Back to Sup Forums, please.

Tell me why I should financially support propagandists that are hostile to my race. Can you come up with a single good argument?

Can you go the fuck back to Sup Forums?

It wasn't THAT good. Boyega should stick to starshit/mechshit

Can you come up with a rational argument? Tell people why they should support false propaganda hostile to them.

Go back to Sup Forums.

Boyega was great in this. Dude's on his way to becoming the next Denzel.

So your argument consists of putting your fingers in your ears and screeching like a child?

Go back to Sup Forums.

Detroit isn't anti-white propaganda you autist

It made me not care about any of the characters. Could have used more fleshing out

>Detroit (((Rebellion)))
It's called the Riot

Fucking pathetic.


>Well, well, well, m'non, it seems you lack the highly developed system of logic which has steered me to a position of euphoric intelligencia! I will r'turn to Sup Forums, alas, but not without first claiming this victory, for you couldn't muster a single argument against me, wahaa!

Not giving some clickbait rightard views.

>I don't get why

She probably doesn't want to work for filthy rapist producers

Then wallow in your own ignorance.

My grandpa was a firefighter in detroit during the riots. Bigelow should have stuck to events we know happened (and there was plenty of shit all over the city) but instead she chose to focus on an event where the only people who really know what happened are dead and gone.

"Then wallow in your own ignorance" - the guy who keeps making ignorant claims about a movie he hasn't watched

>46 results

Are you serious? Larry Reed is still alive and literally made a song for this movie.

>Refuses to give some "clickbait rightard" views.
>Insists user is in the wrong for refusing to give some anti-white propaganda views
Typical level of self awareness I've come to expect from leftwing posters.

im never watching anything about detroit unless it’s being nuked. a place where teenage blacks literally set fire to an old white man just because they could. fuck detroit let it burn

>pretending to be a different person in a failed attempt to strengthen your argument

They're cultists following a religion. To consider any view besides the SJW view is haram.

When did Hollywood become 'nigger uprising' the industry? It seems like everything it deals in these days is identity politics bullshit.

Anywhere where blacks massacre whites becomes 3rd world like Africa immediately after.

Go back to Sup Forums.

Hey, your narrative has to be challenged.

Hey, go back to Sup Forums.

>blacks are the ones who antagonize the police in the first place
>blacks literally lie to the cops when they ask who had the gun

Is anything that has a single non white considered "anti white propaganda" by Sup Forums?

They're cultists following a religion. To consider any view besides the Sup Forums view is haram.

>movie with black people in it
>thread full of Sup Forums whining

because a nigger movie won on oscar last year
that's why. that's the real reason.

I felt that the second half really lets the rest of the film down. Boyega has absolutely nothing to do and seems incredibly out of place.

You get to see some tiny tits, so that's something I guess.

I get not winning, but not even being nominated? Something strange is going on here.

And it has nothing to do with "the people." Because it's groups like the Academy and the HFPA that decide what gets nominated, and they are consistently disconnected from the people. So the question is what they are thinking.

Actually, you don't. The movie is rated R for violence and language but no proper nudity is shown.

As for Boyega, they were just being historically accurate to Dismukes' role in all this.

>Something strange is going on here.
because lady bird is going to win
she was nominated in 2008 because of Cameron. Publicity
she was nominated in 2012 because zero dark thirty was a propaganda

she really served her purpose for them. It's not the year of BLM, it's the year of TIME'S UP. Yes, she is a female director. Which is exactly WHY she wasn't nominated for even a golden globe. So that natalie portman could make that "all male nominated" joke.




>Actually, you don't
You sure? There's definitely a scene where the main antagonist rips off the GoT chicks dress and you see them. Did I just see an uncut version or what?

steven crowder is an ultra-zionist

blm is anti-zionist

good goy

Get Out, Dunkirk, and Detroit were three of my favorite 2017 movies.

I don't see anything about an uncut version existing so probably not. Just watched it the other day and they frame the shot in such a way that you don't see any nipples and she immediately covers them with her arm.

I'm curious, did they leave out that at least half the black guys with the starter pistol were career criminals and the two white girls with them where prostitutes?

Eh, I'll take your word for it. I watched it at like 3 am so my memory of it is bound to be fuzzy.

They actually did mention that the white girls were prostitutes multiple times.

You included Dunkirk so I can tell you mean this.

>getting mad at a man for just being dumb and not trying to cause anyone harm
I don't get it.

Do either of you have an argument as to why whites should support a false history that is biased against them?

That's two hours you have been crying in a thread about a movie you haven't seen. Go back to Sup Forums.

Would you prefer if he had seen it and was spending the 2 hours whining about a movie he has seen


Niggers are in the shittiest position imaginable to whine about anyone else doing this.

Why did no one mention the gun that they fired? My biggest complaint about the movie is that no one talked, but it is reflective of our society in that no one talks and jumps right to conclusions.

>So this was pretty good.

Wypipo’s Fault: The Movie

This thread is dumb and OP is dumb too, the real reason the movie failed is because a white director (((white))) female made the movie, the cartoon racist cops with no character didn't help either. That's it


nice bait

The introduction about the origin of the Detroit riot was simplistic and the movie itself was centered in a minor incident.
>Tesis of the film is "Let wh*te womyn fuck black kids lol"

Because that's how it happened in reality and the movie was trying to be faithful to reality, probably because when Bigelow took liberties for the sake of a better plot when she made K-19, the critics shat on her.

I do feel that the movie should have had a more specific title because "Detroit" implies it's some epic tale that spans throughout the city when the movie was really just about the Algiers Motel incident. Can't really even use the defense that the title Detroit was used for marketing purposes because the movie flopped financially. "Algiers" would have done it.

OP isn't asking why the movie failed, he's asking why it didn't get any Golden Globes noms. The HFPA doesn't care about whether or not a movie failed, they nom'd Greatest Showman which half the critics hate and is looking to barely break even financially.

True story;

My Polish immigrant mom was seven months pregnant with me in the summer of 1967 when the Riot started on an early Sunday morning and the next day, my mom picked up some coworkers and drove into work in the city like any other day, all four of the ding-bat women completely oblivious to the fires, smoke, rioters, cops and soldiers everywhere.

When they arrived at the meat packing planet where they all worked, they found the parking lot strangely empty and when they got out of the car, they discovered the owner and plant manager on the roof armed with rifles, who told them;

“You gals get your stupidasses back the suburbs, can’t you see the goddamnedniggers are burning down the city!”

Since you seem informed, can you explain to me why so many people in Detroit had sniper rifles? I was surprised at the prevalence of that specific weapon, surely it can't be easy to acquire.

I didn’t see the movie (and never will) but most people back then had guns.

Why is this thread still a thing? ended it.

Sup Forumstards started screeching afterwards.

those were probably just hunting rifles


>im from detroit
>so i inherently know about this event that took place over 65 years ago

stay on your containment board billybob

You think this is an impossibility, but I'm guessing you also think Egyptians were sub-saharan africans.


B-but Sup Forums told me this was going to be a BLM apologist movie

No, Sup Forums told you that.

Is there any difference at this point?

was my movie of the year 2017 for sure.

Genuinely curious, what's your top 5?

No, it's said during the trial that they had priors and it's implied the girls were whores although they deny it. You also see the abuse happening because they're not telling the truth about the gun. The film also shows riots starting because of illegal speakeasies. Although the cops go too far it also shows their prejudice is rooted in experience and the people at the motel are not entirely law abiding. It does not force a message on the viewer. I suspect Mark Boal twisted or ignored a few facts but Bigelow did a great job. Even if you are a racist, they were shit cops.

It doesn't pander

>it's implied the girls were whores although they deny it.
IIRC there was even a part where they see the two black guys and whisper to each other about what they'll charge them, or something.

Also there was a scene at the start where the shit cops were driving through the streets talking about how they failed the city so it even suggests they had good intentions but were misguided. Quite a fair portrayal and I hope its financial failure doesn't keep Bigelow from making more films, not that I expect it will since she's a producer on it anyway.

>sniper rifles

and I thought I was too old to be posting here.

That's the specific term the cops used in the movie.

So that shows that the writers were liberal nogunz types. There's a difference between sporting and military sniping calibers. But since you're a liberal that wants to legislate against guns that he doesn't understand I don't expect you to be knowledgeable.

>There's a difference between sporting and military sniping calibers.
There's no difference between sporting and military "sniping" calibers.

>But since you're a liberal that wants to legislate against guns that he doesn't understand I don't expect you to be knowledgeable.
Whoa, holy projection buddy. If anything I've been considering buying a gun lately so I can defend myself when people like you start rioting.

There is
