In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic

In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic

You are under arrest Chancellor

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Where is your warrant, master jedi?

Citizens arrest.

Man, im glad we got so much more diversity now

>brings B- team
>gets BTFO

Dindu nuffin he was a good boi

are you threatening me master jedi?

dindu + plo koon would have killed him

Why didn't they send an actual police force to arrest Sheev?
Why did they think it was a good idea to arrest the highest politician of the Republic on flimsy evidence?

Mace windu was underused, he got that pimpin purple lightsaber and everything

why did the jedis hate the sith again?

did the sith put a tax on lightsabers or something?

are you threatening me master jedi?

Tell me how would you counter the sheev spin Sup Forums

Hard mode: No force

You just know the aliens would be replaced by chinks and poos now

I would die willingly

>muh vaapad

Spin forward myself so we sort of intertwine.

>in the books sheev kills the first jedi master instantly by stabbing him in the head so fast the others don't even have time to react
what the fuck is this bullshit
was the sith DESTINED to take over?

> I am Thas Enate!

Why do you guys call him Sheev, he says his name right there.

didn't they have the high ground in this scene?

>anime villain
What's wrong with this?

Yoda + Plo Koon + Mace + Obi-Wan

I'd want to keep Kit Fisto in there since he's my favorite, but it's clear from the movie he doesn't stand a chance and I want my boy to live.

On what grounds?

They did

But that's why sheev spun to have the higher ground when he attacked

You don't.

Sheev used an Sith Lord technique that causes lesser force users to freeze for a split second, then slaughtered them. Mace Dindu was the only one dank enough to resist.
>Tfw we'll never have a dank Star Wars fight ever again.

spin counter-clockwise back at him

Probably not stand still like that jobber with the blue lightsaber
What did Windu mean by "Not. Yet."?


we will never see anything like this in the sequels

we've been heading towards this moment since episode 1, it was so perfectly built up, it's basically an attempt to arrest a politician but there's so much more behind it, the stakes feel so high

meanwhile in nuwars even when Holdo destroys a 60km long ship, the scale of the events feel small because the story has no direction or point, it looks cool but in the end it's just a cool looking shot

basically the difference between good and bad storytelling

Mace literally only lost because Anakin cut his arm off when he was about to kill Sheev

meming the high ground thing is just juvenile

obi wan vs maul mirrors anakin vs obi wan

only reason obi wan won both fights is because both of them were cocky sith

anakin tried the same move obi wan did except obi wan knew how maul could have easily won if he were prepared and cut anakin down as he should have been

He defeated Sidious, was clearly more powerful than Anakin and didn't need help at all had he just offed those two instead of dicking around with Anakin...

That scene is pretty misleading. Back when the EU was cannon they made it pretty apparent that Sheev was just "losing" on purpose to make it look like the Jedi were attempting a coup when Anakin arrived.

who wrote the film.

are you that dumb you can't tell Sheev was playing possum?


lol come try me nigga ill cook yo ass with ma lightning deadass purple sword carrying fag shieet.

yep and anakin just happen to stumble in on palpatine being defeated, weak and helpless.

>Plo Koon is one of the all-time greats at fighting
according to who

Did anyone else see that Alt-Right user in here the other day saying the purple saber represents black dick?
lmao, the absolute state of alt-righters, see black dick wherever they look.
Samuel picked requested purple so he would be unique

i want an orange one

that user forgot to say "in water." Plo Koon was an underwater specialist, if i remember correctly

Cover my body in younglings

No, you're thinking of Kit Fisto. Plo Koon is pic related.

>vs Maul
Obi-Wan had the high ground from a certain point of view

It's a Star Wars movie, user. (Un)fortunate circumstances changes the outcome various subplots in every movie of the franchise.

Lazy storytelling 101

PLO Koon is the best pilot after Anakin but he’s only slightly above average fighter

>actual police
What do you think the Jedi are?

oh fuck, you're right, thanks user.
Holy shit, forgot how dank that design was. FeelsBadMan that we don't get cool aliens anymore, just fat asians and random brown people of all shades.

>brown people arent alien, fuck you Rian

no, Sheev was just that powerful. masterful storytelling by Georgie boy

>he defeated Sidious
Even in death, Sheev's manipulations go unnoticed.

lame ass light saber for an otherwise cool designed character

>tfw watching Plo Koon die in ROTS after seeing TCW

Because they had no hard evidence of Sheev breaking any laws. Hearsay that he follows a different space religion isn't grounds for arrest.

fucking die i guess

should've tried spinning

The Sith were a banned religion, so him being Sith would be breaking galactic law.

i think in clone wars he had a yellow one

If you had watched the movie you would've heard Sheev manipulating and calling Anakin while he was in the temple

>The Sith were a banned religion,
So what you're saying is Sheev is a champion of religious freedom that did nothing wrong?

midichlorian count or arrest him in public but for the love of god dont try to arrest the mad man in pr....

im not talking about the color that is lame.

that's a good trick

yellow was reserved for temple guards iirc


Teleport behind him.
Pshh. Nothing personnel, Sheev.

Are you Asian?

*kills you instantly with a Force Scream*
You're a thousand years too young to challenge me, boy OWAAAAAAAAAUUGHAGUGAHUAUGH


true his hilt should have looked something like this

Move a little to the left


nah too much dude, it screams kylo, but even edgy-er. remove those blade ornaments and its pretty gud.

The Sith are edgy.

I feel like i'm one of the only people who really liked the yellow/gold lightsaber. Also back when the EU was canon Jedi Consulars would have them, along with Jedi Shadows who hunted the Sith.

- What? Bitches i am the elected chancellor of the senate, i doubt senators are even aware of your actions. This looks like a coup.

>tfw lefties bring up the alt-right so they can feel justified in worshiping nig schlong without shame now

Why the fuck did George have him spin first and land and then pull back his lightsaber and stab someone, instead of having him stab someone at the end of the spin?

sheev's ain't

hes an old man, that jumping spin was probably hard enough on him

I mean I genuinely liked Jackson's portrayal of Windu. I really don't see what the lightsaber color has to do with his dick.

Nigga that looks like a dildo

u sure?

In the book his screech is like a combined Unrelenting Force + Whirlwind Sprint dragon shout, so he basically crosses the room instantly and stabs everyone but Windu while they're still paralyzed from the force of the shout, but I guess it didn't come across very well with the technology available.

Why didn't they just stand inside the corridor. That way if sheev attacked he would have to fight them 1 on 1x4. Instead they all rush him like idiots and two die immediately

Maybe you could explain it given you seem to be the only one unironically bringing it up at the moment.

anything long and handle like will look like a dick.

I mean don't all lightsabers inherently look sorta like dicks just design wise?

So I get that Sheev was playing the weakling to goad anakin into attacking Windu, but why did he let himself get melted like plastic in the process? Does he just give that little of a fuck?

I thought that it was more like his face was always melted from Dark Side fuckery, and all the lightning did was disable the force-glamour that he was using to hide it. Is this not canon anymore?

force corruption, your answer, or lucas doesnt know. take your pick

I wasn't aware force glamours were a thing, good enough for me.

It's vigilantism then.

The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities that some would consider to be... unnatural...

I played a videogame of some sort where you played as him and he had a yellow one.

Why didn't Windu just call Yoda to come back from Kashyyk and help him to fight Sheev? Hell, he could also have waited for Obi-Wan (the best defensive swordsman in the order) to come back from killing Grievance and make a four-man task team together with Anakin, Yoda and him. That way, if Anakin tried to do something stupid, Obi-Wan and/or Yoda could keep him in check while they arrested Sheev.

who wrote the movie?

time was their biggest enemy, if windu waited, sheed would´ve unlimited power

Windu knew that they had to act NOW. Palpatine had just outed himself as a Sith Lord. That's a dead giveaway that he's about to make his masterstroke, whatever it is. And you don't ever want to find out what it is. Because he wouldn't reveal himself like that if he wasn't in a position to win instantly whenever he wanted. Windu and co knew that their only chance was to attack him immediately, before he had a chance to do whatever last-minute prep was necessary before btfoing the Jedi Order. Waiting was not an option.