Why Obi Wan is such an asshole through the whole of the Phantom Menace?

Why Obi Wan is such an asshole through the whole of the Phantom Menace?
He criticizes Qui Gon every move and action, he criticizes Anakin to Qui Gon when Anakin was at hearing distance from both, he makes fun of Jar Jar...

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He's a condescending asshole in everything. It's why he's so damn based.

To make him stand out I guess, and give people a reason to pay attention to him.

Chadi-One-Kenobi doesn't give a fuck.

He is a jedi, he should be just and compassionate, yet he calls others pathetic.
In the scene where Qui Gon and Obi Wan finally reach Coruscant, Obi Wan talks about Anakin not being fit to be a jedi in front of the fucking child. It's like he doesn't care at all.

he's no bullshit, snarky, and right 100% of the time. Literally the only jedi with consistent and enjoyable characterization.

Every Jedi except Obi-wan and Qui-gon is a goody-goody moralfag in the prequels, which is why Obi is so based.

By the time of ANH his snarkiness had mellowed into a sort of self satisfied smugness.

I'd love to see movie about Qui Gon

Nah, Mace Windu actually seem like a lazy and corrupt bureaucrat of the order in Phantom Menace.
At least this is the impression I got rewatching the movie now, the way he doubted Qui Gon understanding of Maul as a sith... I can even say it was Mace Windu who caused Qui Gon to die; because the order seems in the movie to be made of a bunch of corrupted urban homosexuals who didn't believe the threat of the sith.

drunk Qui Gon betting the farm on a dice game with a blue flying jew


Also, holy shit, Maul was a very good antagonist, and that scene with the red energy doors was great.

"I was amazed how strongly the force was with him."

>blocks ur path



How many midi-chlorians are you operating on rn?

He's an uppity padawan like Anakin in II, the difference being he doesn't turn to the dark side like a twat

Still my favorite thing to come out of the prequels, and way better than the shitty CG cartoon everyone on this website shills

I never watched the 3d cartoon because when it was coming out I was repulsed by the artstyle. I plan on watching it due to the high marks people here seem to give it.

>you were right about one thing master
>the negotiations were short

How did Lucas get away with this?

I watched about ten episodes but couldn't take any more, it's clearly aimed at a younger audience and it shows. I've seen clips of decapitations and courtroom drama in later seasons but I can't bring myself to go back to it just to get to the seemingly interesting stuff.

oh lord, I just wanted more obikino.

Only some episodes are good in my opinion.
The first seasons are literal shit, then it gets steam.
Episodes showing the complexity of clones and how the republic was fucked up (terrorist attack on jedi temple for example) were really good.

He's a complaining asshole in AotC and Sith too.

>implying he's a whiner like that faggot Anakin
>implying he isn't the best character in the whole saga and EU

How could Lucas get away with Watto being clearly based on a jewish stereotype, trade federation being made of chinese and japanese greedy criminals and Jar Jar being the worst and most dumb kind of jamaican nigger? If Phantom Menace was made nowdays, Lucas would be executed on a public square.

Just pulled up the show on Netflix Is it lime TNG where I should skip to the third season or so and then come back if I like it, or should I power through?

I know how you feel the first season is really rough but the show actually getts much better with each season, you should give it another chance start with the season one final

I liked Watto


No you don't need to watch every episode but there are some plot threads that show up later from past arcs would recommend using pic related

>Kelly Marie-Tran cast for Episode VIII.jpg

Qui Gon's personality is directly responsible for Obi Wan's attitude. Obi Wan grows up as an apprentice seeing how much conflict Qui Gon has with the council over his lackadaisical, carefree and alternative way of thinking and decides he won't be like that. I think he even mentions to him that Qui Gon would be on the council by now if he just played by the rules a bit more.

Obi Wan is almost Qui Gon's handler in a lot of ways.

Theres is an incredibly noticeable tonal shift between the second and third seasons. The entire series is an anthology so you can watch episodes and arcs out of order and not miss anything.

This is very subjective. I would start by watching Season 5 Episode 15, and if you enjoyed it, then I would proceed to others.
I would never touch anything related to Mortis, Mortis is fucking cancer, the most ridiculous plot ever inserted into the SW universe.

Actually, episode 14. Anyway I find this arc somewhat enjoyable.

This chart's got a few flaws, most noticeably the deception arc which imo, is the most intriguing concept for the series and is total Obi-wan kino

He got a lot of shit for it at the time, you're just too young to remember it.


The show has started. Thank you based Obi-Wan and Clone Wars bros. See you on the other side

Obiwan is a padowan or how ever you spell it. Not yet a full fledged jedi. Anakin skywalker was a little bitch to kenobi throughout attack of the clones and then you see him acting more respectful in revenge of the sith up untill.

I'm guessing it's common for young jedi to go through a rebelious phase once they feel capable.

Hope you enjoy, user

Because he is the real hero of the prequels trilogy. By the Hero's Journey patterns, the hero always starts as an asshole, immature child. Then, he grows up.

I love how smug based Obi is in the Clone Wars.

look at that fake hair

Qui-gon was a piece of shit. Everyone talks about how Watto is le greedy merchant, but
>Hey space Jew take this currency that is worth absolutely nothing on this planet that you never leave
>What you wont get fucked over? Let me just try and strip you of your free will
>Also this entire conflict started when I tried to use violent coercion to force the Neimoidians to pay taxes in free trade space
Fuck Qui-gon, Watto did nothing wrong.

get off the holonet, watto

the Neimoidians need to pay their fair share

Also Qui-Gon was who fucked Anakins mother and then erased his memory. He also invented the prophecy of the chosen one.

Taxation is literally rape though. The Jedi even use evil space magic to get people to consent
>You want to fuck me
>I want to fuck you
>You will to turn your firstborn child over to the (((Jedi Order)))
>I will to turn my firstborn child over to the Jedi Order

The real question is why does Ewan look so weird in this shot, as well as in the pre-briefing conversation with Qui-Gon near the end?

This. It's a heist film with Obi-Wan going deep cover. Love that arc.
Looks like he just saw Riley Stearns.

what are you all talking about? they went to tell the trade federation to stop blockading other peoples shit

He acts that way because Qui-Gon isn’t a traditional Jedi. Qui Gon has different ideas of the living force than his peers and regularly didn’t see eye to eye with them. It’s only natural that Obi-Wan picks up his habits and learns to question his master. Qui Gon probably appreciates it.

They were blockading because taxation, with is theft, was imposed on free trade zones.
It was entirely justified.

>t. watto

It's literally the best thing SW has produced since ROTJ, so if your shit taste prevent you from enjoying it then it's your loss.

>shit taste
I've seen one whole episode so far baka, calm down

Obi is a padawan being trained by a unconventional Jedi who he constantly butts heads with. When Qui Gon is killed, he agrees to honor his final wish (train Anakin) which forces him to grow up fast. It isn't shown very well in TPM as this change happens about 10 minutes before the film finishes, but by Clones (a 10 year gap) we can see he is on the path to becoming a calm and collected (non-asshole) Jedi master