Any good German cinema?

Any good German cinema?

The show Dark on Netflix is really good and German

Die Welle is the only german movie i've watch and it was pretty good

sometimes churches get old and not enough people going to pay for upkeep. if you actually cared why not try to get people going to church

alice in the cities

still they are landmarks and legacy of past cultures

>European culture
Will these subhumans every wake up?

Fucking krauts have been official atheists for decades, it's the same with the rest of that rats nest

*tips tinfoil hat*

Rebuilding a mosque over it is symbolic. I'd rather have a crumbling church anyways. There are thousands across Europe.

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul

Denial is the first stage of grief.

Why literal faggots cucks are shilling this show here?

lol retarded white nationalist shit

stay in your mom's basement forever with your tiki torch bud


Fassbinder>Herzog>every other kraut

Generation War is a pretty good miniseries if you like German WW2 kino. It's really good if your a fan of WW2 history. It's about 4 hours so it's not to long either.

*tips carton of soy milk*

Learn from Varg Vikernes and burn all this stupid semitic shit down.

Stop worshiping Semitic deities

t. cuck

not even the best fassbinder

>implying there are any other Krauts
t. Kraut